Vivianne Dupri>Vetra Zulu
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Okay! Chapter 3, last Setup chapter. Enjoy.

16 year old Vivianne was Happy. The Boy she liked Was SINGLE. She'd always seen that horrible Alice hanging around him,but it turns out they're just Half-Siblings. 

She made her resolve. She would Ask him, The boy who made her Smile, On a date tomorrow. 

"Oh, my Dear, sweet William... Just you wait... I'll Be the BEST girlfriend you could hope for... Whats that Whine?"

The headline the next day: Fighter Jet crashes into Suburban house During  Routine Practice maneuvers. The pilot ejected just before the collision. One Causualty, Sixteen Year-old Vivianne Dupri.

A white space.

A memory of Pain.

She... "I died. I never got to tell him I loved him."


A Beautiful woman with hair and eyes of fire spoke to her, voice slowly decreasing in volume.

[I AM HEST. GODDESS OF FLAME AND FAMILY, PASSION AND LOVE... And you, dear girl, are mine. You shall be Reborn in my world... And if you Live well, Then in the future... I can Arrange a meeting with your beloved one, if you so wish. Though, He might be quite different, then.]

"PLEASE DO! I mean... please do, Goddess. I love Him."

[Very Well... is there any wish you'd like?]

"Can you make me his perfect Partner, physically?"


"And... can you make me strong? Strong enough to survive something like this?"

[Indeed. Are you ready?]

"WAIT... do I get to keep my memories?"

[AH! Now you are asking the right questions. Yes. And that's three. I'm bound by divine law, I cannot give anything more. Farewell, Vivienne. Or should I say Vetra?]

"Who is Vetra?"


She felt... odd. Fur on her arms... little claws... A tail and pointed, furry Ears... "Oh god, I'm a Furry!" Then she looked down... past the leather Armor, past the C-Cup Breasts... to see a bulge in her pants. "Oh God, no! Does this mean Willam was GAY?"

<NO, IDIOT. SAY STATUS. HI, I'm Atra, BTW. I'm a Torch Spirit, and your Familiar.>

"Okay, Voice in my head. Status."



<Check the Rest>

[-Race: Hyena-Kin.(?) Titles: She who loves. Beloved Child of Hest.

Str 20

Dex 20

Agi 30

Mag 10

Lck 10

Lst 0

Skills: Summon Torch Spirit Atra,  Iron Stomache, instincts.]

"So... Whats the Question mark?"

<imagine hitting it.>

She did. [Hyena-kin. Master Warriors of the plains, Hyena-kin are much like their Beastial cousins in terms of biology. Even the Female Hyena possess  a Vestigial Phallus, but in Hyena-kin Females, that Phallus is anything BUT Vestigial. Because if this quirk, and a quirk of their DNA, Hyena-kin have a 98% Female birthrate, And are drawn to Feminine traits. DO NOT CONFUSE THEM WITH GNOLLS.- hey, Nike, godess of commentary here! What this means is that You, YES YOU, Have a Functional Penis! You can Get Pregnant AND get others Pregnant... and don't worry kiddo, Willo-ahem, William, will be fine when he eventually gets here... Nemmy will make sure of that. Nike out.]

<ugh... I hate that woman. So noisy. Just because she literally cannot lose in a fight... thinks she's better than me...>

So... William will be here eventually... I just have to wait... hooray.

this was YEARS before the first chapter, in case that was unclear... but here we go... the Wheel of Fate Turns... Next Time: How To Use Your Body.