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 In the vast cosmic expanse, a mysterious darkness stretched endlessly, with only distant starlight resembling precious gems to break the obscurity. 

Amidst this cosmic canvas, something truly spectacular unfolded, a scene beyond mortal comprehension.

In this breathtaking cosmic display, viewers marveled at a gathering of majestic beings. They sat on thrones emitting an ethereal glow, surpassing the splendor of the distant stars. 

Each one was a celestial ruler in their own right, and their presence in this astral amphitheater felt divine. A total of twelve beings graced their respective thrones, arranged hierarchically in this enigmatic cosmic realm.

[It's the Last Day. Mortals are really stubborn, trying to change the inevitable]

[That's why they are still Mortals, as they can just try]

[Hahaha, your words always amuses me, Mordessa]

The cosmic beings sat upon their respective thrones, forming a solemn circle as they observed the world. They watched, knowing that this was the end of an era, the final moments where mortals sought a way to grow and entertain themselves in the face of impending oblivion.


In the grand mansion, one could witness a flurry of activity with doctors and equipment being shuttled in and out. A blonde-haired woman with dim emerald eyes lay on a bed, a man holding her hands, urging her to hold on.

"Hold on, Lisia. Don't lose hope after coming this far," he implored.

Lisia, drained of energy, could only muster a faint acknowledgment. Her health had deteriorated throughout the afternoon. The doctors, visibly distressed, had diagnosed her condition. Another doctor lay unconscious on a nearby sofa, unable to bear the weight of the words he had uttered: 'We can't save her.' 

Fearful of suffering the same fate, they struggled to grapple with the unwritten law of the High Society - 'Always remember the big one preys on the small one.'

"Leave, everyone," the man ordered, observing the doctors' deteriorating condition. Glancing at the clock displaying 4 PM, he knew there were still 8 hours left. Each passing second was excruciating. As he looked at Lisia's deteriorating condition, his thoughts brought unforgettable memories. 

"Don't come inside the room until tomorrow," 

He directed the remaining servants. Among them, a particular maid wept, her hand covering her mouth in horror at her lady's condition. The other maids led her away, leaving Avendial and Lisia alone.

Avendial gazed at Lisia, her eyes reflecting the world around her, unable to utter a single word, waiting for the inevitable.

He removed his shirt, revealing his muscular physique, wrapping himself around the woman who could barely move. She felt the warmth of his body as a solitary tear rolled down her cheek. 

Gently, he positioned himself using his elbows to let her see his complete face, without exerting any pressure on her frail body.

The woman, her eyes desperately seeking solace in the embrace of sleep, widened as she gazed upon a handsome face adorned with raven-black hair and eyes as deep and dark as obsidian, looking towards her. 

He looked towards her with a slight smile.

She despised the word 'love' in that moment—it made her feel pathetic. She couldn't bear to see but neither could she bring herself to harbor resentment towards him.

Caught in this emotional maelstrom, all she yearned for was a peaceful slumber, free from the heart-wrenching cries that echoed her impending farewell.

Time crawled on, its pace steady and deliberate. The man's continuously looked towards her; it had been five hours since he began staring, and his care had basked not only her face but also her very soul. She wished she could stay, this care he displayed to her. Helplessness gnawed at her. The slumber continued its steady advance, slowly enveloping her.

She gazed at the man through heavy eyelids, her vision blurred by the veil of weariness. She had grown somewhat numb to his Eyes, her own strength ebbing away. With a deep breath, she closed her eyes, surrendering to the beckoning embrace of an unending slumber.


Her eyes shot open in surprise, her heart defying the odds, beating once again. Her lips tingled from an unexpected touch. The man, seeing his method had worked, began to kiss her face tenderly—her chin, cheeks, nose, and eyes. 

Each peck sent her heart racing, a sensation she hadn't felt in a while. She didn't want to leave him.

He was relentless, refusing to let her slip into a peaceful sleep. His gentle pecks continued, and two and a half hours later, a heart-wrenching sound filled the room.





The concrete wall, seemingly unyielding, bore a colossal crack, resembling delicate glass now shattered. The man's eyes blazed with a storm of fury, an overflow of emotions meant for another yet finding their unintended recipient in the woman he had met not long ago.

Time crawled on, each second an eternity of despair. The man grappled with a sense of hopelessness; he never wanted this. He had done everything within his power, yet he had lost once again. The clock struck midnight, a cruel reminder of time slipping away.

His mind replayed memories of another woman who had broken her promise, leaving him alone. Now, history repeated itself with this woman. All the calm and collected demeanor he had clung to crumbled, leaving behind only his eyes filled with anger.  

Blood seeped from his knuckles, the physical manifestation of his internal torment. He was shattered, a man who had held on every time in his life, yet felt the crushing weight of despair whenever a woman walked away, leaving him to bear the pain alone. Wrath consumed him, and he let out a primal scream, as if tearing his vocal cords in the process.

"You promised forever... and now I'm left alone, crushed by this pain!"

" I hate you for making me believe, for believing in us. I wish I never met you!"

Within the room drenched in man's anger, a peculiar sound reverberated, permeating every corner.

[That's precisely why I sided with humanity rather than those arrogant gods. You guys truly have a knack for sparking my curiosity]

Startled, his eyes darted towards the woman lying in the bed. A single teardrop had escaped her eye, defying the flatline displayed on the heart monitor.

 It was a fleeting, ethereal moment that left him breathless.

"Now, do it, damn it!"

He implored urgently, turning his attention to a cat standing beside him.

[Human, you're quite slow. I've already taken care of it] 

His focus snapped back to the woman, her form now shrouded in an unsettling black mist that began to emit ethereal crackling sounds, filling the air with an eerie sense of foreboding.

The man, witnessing this enigmatic transformation, was engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions. 'I didn't loose,' he whispered to himself, as a glint passed through his eyes.

Shifting to a seated position, his eyes, once red from relentless suffering, gradually returned to their usual state. As if mirroring the intensity of his pain, a familiar rage began to bubble within him. 

This time, however, he couldn't direct it at anyone to relieve his torment. It would accumulate, fueling his determination.

He vowed that when the day arrived for him to confront the forces that had caused this torment, they would learn the resilience of a mortal. 

Sitting in that determined stance, he arched backward, both hands supporting his posture. He gazed at the cat, seemingly content. 

Unbeknownst to the man, the cat had also experienced a momentary cessation of its heart when it witnessed the woman taking her last breath. The reason was simple—the cat had bet its entire life savings on this pivotal moment. Had something happened to the woman, this creature would have been reduced from a devil to a mere demon, losing its entire rank. Now, with the surge of divine energy condensing within its body, its strength began to rise, a transformation that signaled a shift in the balance of power.

"Heal her and erase her child's memories," the man commanded, his gaze locked on the cat, conveying his determination. 

He had never intended to love another woman, and he wouldn't. However, witnessing the scene that echoed his painful past, he knew what he had to do. He needed power and loyal allies, and love was the key to loyalty.He will make them fall for him, care for them until they of any use to him. 

He would pursue his ambitions relentlessly, live each of his upcoming twelve lives to the fullest, and exact vengeance upon those who had caused his suffering.

[What about the emotions attached to her child?]

"I can just give her another one," 

The man stated matter-of-factly, leaving the cat bewildered. 

The only thought swirling in its mind was,

 'Now this is what expect from you human?'

"Also, Increase her Brains Capacity,I need someone to handle the Business work when I will accumulate strength"

Man's Eyes filled with determination to achieve what he wants even at the cost of anything.