Chapter 37: The Guise of a King
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Chapter 37:

The Guise of a King

I got the notification as I had him cornered.

>From My Night Princess: As promised. Everything about Julien Gale.

>From My Night Princess: [One Attachment: Click to Open]

"Well, it seems I don't need you," I glanced towards the man cowering in fear within the luxury office of Tempest Designs.

"N-No! Osran, please, I-" he begged for his life, but a simple look was all it took to silence him.

Julien Gale was a man who had partook in Lady Sanguine's parties. A very influential figure who had given many donations to New Dawn. Their glamour was currently broken, revealing the terrifying visage of the Sylph Geist. Made of mostly air, what flesh there was upon him held his body together. This consisted of a torso and face, with his limbs being swirling amalgamations created by wind around his skeleton.

His face was half-torn on one side to reveal the skull underneath. His eyes glowed brightly green as they looked upon me terrified. I clicked the attachment and sat upon a chair which appeared as if called silently. Glancing up from the document that appeared on my phones screen, I assessed Julien coldly.

"Sylph Geists feed on fear," I told him calmly, "As you are well aware, because you are one. So, it makes one wonder...why you attend parties which end in a bloodbath."

"I-I have no choice!" Julien defended, pleading, "If I don't show up, they'll-"

"Julien," I said his name with a chilling tone, "Do not take me for a fool. I see it, you know. You've fed on the life of those you terrify."

The silver glint within the amber of my sapphire eyes sparkled as I spoke. I could see things beyond what I was ever used to. I saw the beating of his heart...and the lives which bolster it.

"We all have choices in our lives," I continued, glancing down at the document and scrolling through it, "You chose to side with New Dawn. Even if the initial interaction was based on fear, you've since grown quite large. Large enough to influence them."

I came upon information in the document that showed he had donated a large sum of money to the political party New Dawn had infiltrated and made their own. Shortly after, one of Tempest's competitors had a surprise audit happen upon their facilities. What they found there had ruined them. This allowed Tempest to shoot ahead of its competitors by leaps and bounds.

"It seems to me that this was quite the symbiotic relationship," I glanced by up at him, my face aglow by the light of the screen, "Do you know what I'm looking at?"

"...No," Julien swallowed hard, shrinking before me, "It can't be good..."

"No, it's not," I chuckled, tilting my head as I watched him, "Tell me, is your job...stressful?"

"What?" Julien asked almost instinctively out of surprise at the question, "I-I can be? Why?"

"Well, the mortals need an excuse," I told him simply, a wicked smile cross my lips, "An excuse as to why you suddenly abandoned your company...perhaps you went on a binge of drinking, only to be found floating in the river."

I tapped my finger to my chin, contemplating the narrative as Julien made a desperate, if not foolish, attempt to strike out at me in fear. Sharp winds cut through the air towards me, only to become a helpless breeze that barely ruffled my hair. I sat there, unaffected and giving him a pitiful look.

"Did you really think that would work?" I asked, to which he simply shrugged.

"Had to try..." he sighed, and with that...was his last breath.

I stole from him his very essence. Plucked like a ripe fruit. From within his chest, an aquamarine glow escaped up his throat and out of his mouth. It hung in the air, glowing and swirling with energy. His body slumped over, becoming solid.

Standing from the chair, I walked towards the essence of Julien and grasped it within my hand. I felt the thrum of life. The vibrancy of its power. I heard the call of Gaia, asking for their child's return. It was a reverberation that echoed within my very soul.

"...You're quite demanding," I whispered with a sigh, "Very well. Perhaps this time, educate them properly."

With a wave of my hand, I sent the wisp of Julien's essence out of the large windows of the office and out into the night. It flickered as it flew over the city before dispersing as Gaia called it home. Looking down at the corpse of Julien's once mortal body, I knelt down and touched it gently.

Like liquid, my body rippled and began to change. I took on Julien's appearance within seconds of touching his body. Standing, I looked at my reflection in a nearby mirror. This office was luxurious enough to have one, along with a whole closet of suits in case Julien ever needed to change.

I stepped over his body and addressed myself in the mirror. I had his green eyes, his swept light brown hair, and the demeanor of a proper businessman. Unfortunately, the clothing I wore, while fashionable thanks to Jasmine and Vanessa's help, wasn't quite what Julien liked to wear. So, I perused his suits and chose one especially for the occasion.

Once dressed, and my other clothes sent away with a flick of my hand, I glanced down at Julien's body. I couldn't very well just leave it here while I walked around as him. That would raise too many questions, and so, I opened a fold in reality and sent him to the Citadel. Ever since my second awakening, I could do so much more, but I wasn't omniscient.

I still had to gather information, which was made easier once I was in the presence of the one I needed the information from. It was how Julien folded so quickly. Before my majesty, he was helpless. He gave up his invitation to the party, which I now swiped from the large oak desk from where he had placed it for me.

Turning it over, I saw the fanciful golden letters of his name upon the envelope. Opening it, I read the contents within, along with seeing Lady Sanguine's personal signature next a kiss stain in red lipstick. The contents were simple. An address with a date and time, along with a personal message from Lady Sanguine.

~I yearn to see you, Mr. Gale. You always take my breath away.

Yours always, Cathrine.~

It seems like Julien here had won the favor of Lady Sanguine. To think, he really tried to lie to me about being forced to work for them. It must have been so difficult being the lover of someone in such a high standing within New Dawn.

I could only scoff, adjust myself in the mirror. Satisfied with how I looked, I turned and took the seat of the large office chair behind the desk. Turning it, I looked over Horizon from on high. Tempest Designs HQ was within Arcadia, and thus had quite the view. It wasn't the throne I had yet to return to, but it would do for now.

For the next few days, I would play as the CEO Businessman Entrepeneur. It was the facade Julien had built for himself, and until his fall from grace...I would keep up that facade. At least until after Lady Sanguine's party.

"Ah, perhaps..." I mused, tracing my finger upon the nice leather of the chair's arm, "I should begin calling her Cathrine. He was fond of spouting her name. Now, what else didn't you tell me..."

I spent the night reading the document Vanessa had sent me, learning all about Julien's life. I was able to absorb everything quickly and keep it within my mind utilizing specific wards to lock the image in my mind. If I were to run his company, I'd have to know every single thing about his ventures.


Julien was a man of many faces. Vanessa had come through with more than I anticipated. Apparently, several of the interns in Tempest Designs were lovers of a few lower ranked Vampires. These interns loved to vent as their woes of the day were washed away by their Vampire lovers.

There was certain information I could have done without. Such as that Julien had quite the active bowel movements to an almost concerning degree. When I asked for everything about Julien, I wasn't expecting her to take it literally. Vanessa was, if anything, extremely thorough. It was something I appreciated, but I made a note to be a little bit more specific...and to remind her she doesn't have to be so overzealous.

I could just imagine how she focused on the task I had requested of her, wanting to do it perfect. It was extremely endearing, and thanks to that, I had learned more than his strange bowel movements. Such as he donated to a children's hospital, when in reality it had actually been a bribe to hide his black-market organ trade. It made me sick to even think about.

Not all of this information was obtained by jaded interns. To the public, Julien was a charismatic, kind, and charitable individual. Behind closed doors, he was a cruel, vindictive, and uncaring businessman. He crushed his competitors with underhanded tactics and covered it up with planted evidence, bribes, blackmail, and intimidation.

Philanthropist. Murderer. International Playboy. Ties to criminal organizations under false names. He was quite the active individual. However, Lady Sanguine apparently kept him on a tight leash.

While he was known as a playboy, this was only in regards to lavish parties and attending high class functions. He enjoyed the high life, but never took any lovers. A loyal man. That was good to know. The rest of the world, however, didn't know.

There were plenty of articles in the news and other tabloids that called him one of the most sought-after bachelors. It made sense. Cathrine was a high-profile member of New Dawn. She knew that I was out there, and if I caught even a whiff of her scent, I would be on it in an instant.

Of course, it didn't matter in the end. I had caught her trail and tonight I would finally confront her. I could only smile as I sipped a drink in Julien's office. I very much looked forward to it.

"Excuse me, Sir?" a timid voice spoke up from my right.

Turning towards the voice, I saw a young man with short dark hair and grey eyes. They wore a freshly pressed suit with the logo of Tempest upon their lapel. Their name was Samuel. An intern here at Tempest, and one of the unwitting informants for the document I've been reading.

"Relax, Samuel," I spoke confidently, smoothly, "I've called you hear to confirm my schedule. You've been in charge of that lately, have you not?"

"Y-Yes, Sir," the young man stammered, clearing their throat as he swiped upon the tablet in his arm, "Just as you've instructed, you have no appointments scheduled for this evening. I've made sure that the lower-level parking is cleared, and all employees are leaving early. "

"Good," I took another sip of the liquid which has long since never had an effect on me, "Even still doesn't taste quite right."

I mused to myself about the drink. For the longest time, I tried to drink myself to death. Callisto ensured that I couldn't. At the time, I had been quite pissed at her for that, but now I was grateful. She was looking out for me in her own way.

Now, I could simply enjoy a drink without losing myself to the darkness. It's just that alcohol didn't taste right without the typical kick. Truth be told, however, I preferred it this way. I had been worried that my second awakening would free me from whatever Callisto did. I'm glad it did not.

"Forgive me, Sir," Samuel spoke up in a hurry, almost in a panic, "I'll make sure someone replaces-"

I held up my hand, silencing him.

"No need," I told him, glancing at him coolly, "I was simply musing to myself. I had a nasty hangover the other day. Ever since, my taste has a been a bit...odd."

"Ah, I understand, Sir," the man visibly relaxed with a bow of his head, "Is there anything else you need this afternoon?"

"No, you're dismissed," I motioned with the crystal glass I held in my hand, only to call to him before he turned to leave, "Ah, actually. There is one thing. You'll hear about it soon, but since you're here, I thought I'd tell you myself."

Samuel waited nervously with bated breath to hear what I had to say.

"From today on, you and all the interns will be paid," I informed him, casually taking another sip as I watched his eyes widen.

"Paid?" he asked skeptically, "Me?"

"Did I stutter?" I asked with a menacing calm, "The board has decided. I suggest you accept it and shut up. Now, leave."

Samuel's eyes widened, bowing vigorously before making his way quickly out of the office. I smiled as he left, pleased with myself. I hated giving Julien even a fraction of a good reputation, but I wanted to reward those that had provided me information, and after hearing how the employees here are treated...well, they deserved a bonus. I had the power as Julien to distribute his wealth how I saw fit.

If he wanted to portray himself as a philanthropist, then that's exactly what I would do. That was until his corruption and his ties to the political party New Dawn had infiltrated was exposed. Then, the entire world would know just what kind of person Julien was. At the very least, his employees, my people, would be taken care of.

Even if most of them were mortals, as King of the Fae, they were still under my protection. The Faelands were not just limited to the hidden places of the world. The Mortals simply believed they rule themselves, and honestly, I was more than willing to let them. I would step in as needed.

For now, I turned my attention back to the gorgeous view outside of the office windows. I took in Horizon for all of its glory, and for the first time in a while, I began to appreciate the world before me. The magical territories of the Faelands overlapped with the concrete and steel of the mortal world in a strange, yet beautiful fusion of modern whimsy.

This was my Kingdom, and as I took it in, I wondered if Calli would be opposed to moving the Palace somewhere with a view like this...


Putting on one of the finely pressed three-piece suits in Julien's closet, I adjusted the golden cufflinks and made sure everything was in place. It was made of a high-quality dark blue fabric and felt good against the skin. It was breathable, as well as flexible.

As I stood in the mirror preparing myself for the evening, memories flooded my mind. A beautiful woman with midnight hair and eyes like the sun stood behind me, helping me with the formal attire of a King that I used to wear. This suit was far from such clothing, but I was reminded of it for the luxury I once used to enjoy.

How far had I fallen to have forgotten such tender moments. Even the most mundane things were made special when Calli was by my side. I watched, as in one particular moment, Callista's beautiful midnight hair turned to silver, her fair moonlight skin became like dusk, and eyes like the sun shifted to become twilight. Callisto had taken over to spend time with me.

I remembered her shyness as she helped button up the tunic upon my chest and fit me with the royal coat I wore over it. She smiled a small, tender smile. I recalled it vividly, those memories overlapping with my current reflection in the mirror. It left a cold, bittersweet feeling in my heart when the memory faded and I was left looking at myself alone in Julien's office.

"...One day," I muttered, hoping to have more moments like those again, "For now, I'm Julien Gale."

Taking a deep breath, I resolved myself to the role of Julien. A car was waiting down in the lower level of the building to take me to Cathrine's party. I walked with confidence through the offices, leaving behind a little surprise for people to find later. Printed, and curated to only include the relevant information, was the documents Vanessa had sent me about all Julien's shady dealings.

After tonight, they'll find Julien's corpse in the river and investigate into it. They'll come to this office and find the information all nice and neat in a not so safe, safe. I set everything up perfectly so the mortals would have their story. I could have simply raided the address on the invitation without all of this flourish, but...who said I couldn't have fun?

I wanted to see their world fall, just as mine had. I was rebuilding everything from the ground up, and they had no place in it. I wanted to thoroughly destroy them. Even if I had to masquerade as someone else. I was King. I could do whatever the fuck I wanted to remind them of their place.

As the elevator doors opened, and I stepped out, a black car was awaiting me. A man in a dark suit with greyish skin and beady gemlike eyes awaited me. I saw through their glamour easily, making them out to be a Golem. They were beings of stone and flesh.

"Good Evening, Mr. Gale," the man greeted in a deep, earthy voice, "Lady Sanguine sends her regards. I'm to escort you to the venue. Please, after you."

The man opened the back door of the vehicle, and with only a passing gaze in acknowledgement of the man, I entered the back seat.

"I look forward to it," I gave him a charming smile before the door closed on me.

The Golem then entered the front seat, and the vehicle began to move. There was a privacy wall between us, blocking out view of each other. It would feel like a prisoner transport, if not for how lush and comfortable the seats were, along with the bucket of champagne sitting in its own special compartment.

I didn't partake of any, for I wished to focus. Not that the alcohol would have any effect on me. I just wasn't thirsty. I watched out of the windows as the streets of Arcadia passed by. Traffic was typical of the city, being quite busy. I took this time to enjoy the passing sights.

When was the last time I truly ever just looked at the city? Whether it was up in the luxury office with the overview of everything, or down here on the streets where you could see things a little closer. I found myself appreciating the secret pathways into the Faelands. How the city merged with the other side flawlessly.

Vines and trees, flowers and streams. Waterfalls and tunnels. They were interspersed with the byways and pathways of the city itself. Alleyways came to life where mortals would only see something desolate. Within, Fae thrived upon the edge of a mortals vision. It was...breathtaking.

"Damn..." I mused to myself, "When was the last time I looked at them like this?"

I sighed to myself, remembering how jaded I used to be. I still didn't completely forgive them all for turning their backs on me and celebrating Calli's death, but...I now looked beyond that. They were simply unaware of the machinations of New Dawn, and those who did know, would be reminded of where their loyalties should lie.

I was their King, and they would do well to remember that. I cherished them, even as I held such high disdain in my heart, or at least...I used to. The disdain had turned to pity. Such foolish creatures could only survive on their nature. Beyond that, they knew very little else.

Someone had to lead them or it would be pure chaos. My Mother had been right. The land was dying. My realization of my title and donning the Mantle of King had delayed it, but one day soon...I'd have to take the throne again. When that day came, it would be the same day that I would finally free Calli from her prison and reunite my family.

The world would be made whole again, and New Dawn would be nothing but an unpleasant memory. Finally, after about an hour of driving, the car pulled out of Arcadia and into the district of Serenity. I had been here once to kill a man named Mr. B. who had fooled and poisoned Jasmine. A truly unpleasant memory, but one that I looked upon with a strange fondness, for it was when I realized just how important Jasmine was to me.

The large homes passed by with their grand lawns until they arrived at one in particular. A mansion that held quite the fusion of gothic, victorian architecture with modern aesthetics. It was about three-stories tall, not including the towers which dotted its structure that went beyond that. It seemed like Cathrine was really quite on point with her obsession and insistence that she was a "Vampire".

There were already vehicles pulling up through the gate of the estate which was made of wrought iron and made to look quite intricate with two Gargoyles on either side. They may look like statues, but I saw them for what they were. Guards. They watched with stone-like gazes. Imperceptible to even most Fae.

A barrier was erected over the grounds of the large estate, and as we approached, my eyes flickered, and the barrier shimmered within my vision. I changed its affinity, and its ownership, in my favor. This change happened completely unnoticed. Their security measures were quite quaint.

The vehicle rolled along through the gates with no issue and soon came to a stop before another gate which was the entrance to a courtyard before the main door. Others were exiting their own vehicles and making their way inside. Some were milling about within the courtyard conversing. The Golem who drove me exited the car and made his way to my door.

Making last minute adjustments, I put on the air of Julien Gale.

"We have arrived, Sir," the Golem stated as they opened the door and I stepped out.

Nodding to him coolly, I strode forward towards the gate. The air was abuzz with energy as people walked about. They all wore fanciful dress. Some in suits, others in sleek dresses. A few wore masquerade masks and others had their faces bare.

A perpetual half-smile curled my lips, oozing confidence, my face relaxed. With steady steps, I made my way forward as the car pulled away. A greeter waited by the courtyard gate, taking everyone's invitations. With a smooth motion, I produced my invitation as I looked around.

Inside, I could see many Fae socializing, with a few Mortals among them. The Greeter, who was a Goblin, smiled widely as they read the name upon the invitation I handed them.

"Ah! Mr. Gale," they exclaimed joyously, "Ms. Sanguine has been expecting you! Fashionably late as always."

They gave me a knowing wink with an all too familiar glint in their eye. They were being incredibly cordial with me as they motioned towards the gate.

"Please, enjoy the party," they said, "Ms. Sanguine is in the parlor. Make your way there at your convenience."

I gave him my best smile and strode through into the courtyard. The buzz of conversation filled the air, and the soft babbling of water came from a nearby fountain. It depicted a demonic hand coming out of the water to grab the foot of an angel who was in flight. They were doubted over, hands covering their face and wings spread wide.

Water poured from their face as if like tears. It was quite the striking set piece. I took my time milling through the crowds. Several Elves, including the Faerie variety. There were a couple of Giants and a few Naga. Snake-like Fae with a humanoid body and the lower half of a snake.

What drew my attention, however, was the entertainment near the fountain. Several Sirens lounged within, singing to the gathered crowds. They were not weaving any enchantment, but even so, their voices were alluring and beautiful. It gave the entire atmosphere this tranquil energy.

The din of their song rose over the conversation to give everyone something pleasant to listen to in the background. Even I found myself appreciating it. I was concerned, however, for among the entertainment was also appeared to be hosts. Mortals who attended to the needs of the attendants. They practically draped themselves over the one they were serving in an almost sensual trance.

Indeed, I saw in their eyes the enchantment. I kept my cool, not wanting to ruin the party just yet. For now, I made my way further in. A few people greeted me, which I returned in kind. I was drawn towards the open doors of the manor where people moved in and out.

Stepping over the threshold of the home, I saw a striking foyer made of dark marble and onyx pillars rising to the ceiling. A grand, curved staircase flanked either side of the room leading up to the second floor. Servants passed by with drinks on trays and hors d'oeuvres for guests to partake in. Plucking a few treats for myself as they passed by, I continued inside.

There was an incredible golden chandelier hanging overheard, basking everything in a warm glow. Just as I stepped in, I felt it. The appearance of someone who drew the attention of everyone in the room. Stepping out from the open double doors under the staircase was a stunning woman with dark hair that shimmered blue in the light.

Dark aquamarine eyes with red flecks locked onto me. Her skin was flawless and incredibly fair. With soft facial features, her lips painted black, she wore a dark dress that hugged every curve of her body and glittered in the light. A shawl hung from her shoulders and wrapped around her arms. Sauntering over to me, it felt like the entire room grew silent.

"Julien~," her voice was like honey, intoxicatingly sweet, "You made it."

She held out her hand towards me, a delicate thing with perfectly manicured nails painted black. I gave her a charming smile, taking her hand in mind and placing a tender kiss upon the back of it. As I did, I never broke eye contact.

"Of course, Cathrine," I replied smoothly, stepping closer to her as I continued to hold her hand, "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

We were close now. Close enough for me to stare into her eyes and see myself reflected within them. Close enough that I could smell the cloves upon her scent. Tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, a light blush colored her cheeks.

"Is that so?" she mused, lips curling into a coy smile.

Despite her flirtatious demeanor, I saw a glimmer of anxiousness beneath the surface. She was nervous, her eyes darting to the gathered crowd. Not out of shame, but as if she was trying to pretend everything was okay. I would make sure she believed it was.

"It is, mi amor," I whispered just for her to hear, luring her closer, "If you think I was going to miss a chance to see you, then you're quite mistaken."

The blush deepened in her face, a heat entering her eyes. She placed a hand upon my chest and leaned in against me. A quiver ran through her as she visibly relaxed.

"Aren't you the charmer tonight, my dear," she replied quietly, looking up at me with desire, "You look...different tonight as well. There's something about you..."

"Wanted to look my best for you," I told her, glancing around the room at the eyes which had inevitably fallen upon us before returning my attention to her, "Is that a problem?"

I placed my hand upon her lower back, pulling her closer to me. She gasped, eyes becoming doe-like. I had to resist the urge of killing her right then and there. Everything in time. Patience.

"Julien..." she mewled, glancing at the onlookers, "There are people around."

"Let them look," I said seductively, leaning down to whisper in her ear, "I'll simply feed on their jealousy before the main course."

Her cheeks were fully red now as her breathing increased. She attempted to compose herself, but as my hand became firmer upon her lower back, she gave in and simply wrapped her arms around me.

"Aren't you bold," she muttered, leaning up to my ear and nibbling it, "I like it."

Smirking, I found it a little pitiful how easily she became putty in my hands. Whatever dynamic her and Julien had didn't matter to me. The moment I saw her look upon me as Julien, I knew she was completely enamored. I almost felt guilty for what I was going to do tonight.



Hey! Sorry for the slightly slow update. I have three chapters for you. I am doing my best, but life is kicking my ass. Anxiety is a bitch. Anyways, I hope you enjoy these chapters as we near the end of this story! Yes, it won't be long before this story is finished as well.

I apologize for all the delays and thank you as always for your patience.