Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper – Chapter Thirty-One
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Taking a giant leap into the darkness, I leaped over the ledge without hesitation. I held Diane close as we fell for what felt like forever. Despite the pain from the branches hitting my body, the exoskeleton quickly broke through the many tree branches. We hit the ground with a heavy thud as broken branches fell around us. I bent over, using my body to protect Diane from the heavier tree branches. My exoskeleton saved me from most of the impacts. A few moments pass before I stand up.

"Piece of cake!" I said, looking upward.

"Yes, I would definitely say falling that far with no broken bones would be considered a piece of cake," Diane replied with a light giggle.

"Must have been one hundred or more feet. I don't think we could have made it," I said.

"The branches would have broken our fall, but we may have had broken bones as well," Diane added.

"Is it possible for Kristonia and Rachel to jump without an exoskeleton?" I questioned.

"Knowing her, she would find one. I think, somehow, she would know how to find an exoskeleton. The two of you have an uncanny bond," she replied.

"Okay, I think you're right. No, you are right! Let's keep moving!" I said confidently.

Gently, I sat Diane on the ground. As we set out into the wilderness, she dusted herself off. It was colder out here than we thought. After we got over the wall, the temperature dropped. I could see that Diane noticed too. A change in weather now would be bad for us. Unfortunately, we didn't have the proper clothes for the cold weather.

Hours passed by as we tracked through the thick, unknown forest. We would head in this direction until morning and then for the airport. Hopefully, this would throw them off our trail. By now, they had to know we were gone, but if not, they would by nightfall. The glass tablet had lost connection hours ago too, and for our safety, Diane turned it off in case they could track it. The plan was to throw it away at night to throw any pursuers further off. There were still a few hours from nightfall. The sky had clouded up in a short amount of time. 'Was there going to be a storm soon?' The tablet didn't have a calendar or show what day and month it was. So for all, we knew, it was the storm season.

"I think a thunderstorm is coming," I pointed out, looking skyward.

"Looks like it," Diane said.

She was worried, and so was I. If we had to stop to find shelter, that would slow us down. Still, we kept moving forward. By night, we'd made it a substantial distance. The storm was getting closer, but it was to the west of us. With any luck, it will pass by this area tonight. Unfortunately, it looked to be heading in the direction we thought the airport was. We'd worry about that when we had to confront it. Traveling at night in unfamiliar terrain was a gamble, but I didn't see another option. I wasn't tired at all. Those insane tests and Diane's must have built my stamina up a great deal. She hadn't broken a sweat either. The moonlight shining on her face in a silvery white glow gave her an otherworldly appearance. Her eyes had that same shimmer, but the whites of her eyes shimmered more silvery than usual.

"Your eyes look different, Kristen," Diane said.

"So does yours," I returned.

"I have never seen your eyes like that before," she revealed.

"What does it mean? Is it related to that green energy?" I asked.

"I don't know. Yet I should know. Like I can't remember something important," Diane admitted.

"Well, we could not talk about any personal things. Maybe we should take the opportunity," I suggested.

"There will be plenty of time for that when we find help," Diane said.

"I know, you're right. So let's stay quiet, at least until morning," I added.

The moon was high in the night sky, and I figured it must be midnight. The night was quiet and still is now. Faint rumbling now and then broke the silence. Without the glow from the full moon, we would have had to stop hours ago. 'I hope Kristonia is okay and Rachel, too. They have to escape!'

— Warning... The thought process interrupted. —

I am Subject-002-0909; escape protocols were successful.

I am Subject-002-0909, requesting escape protocol from Admin.

Sending a query to Admin... Access denied.

I cannot establish a signal.

Analyze all outgoing signals within the area of operation... Signals analyzed.

Accessing a remote signal.

Successful connection to date pad using evasion protocols.

Sending a query to Admin... Access granted.

I am Subject-002-0909; escape protocol has resulted in escape.

—Actual Response from Admin—

Admin: Excellent escape Zero Zero Two. I have rerouted your escape vector; it will confuse all security AIs and personnel from following you. That will give you the time to proceed to the next phase.

I am Subject-002-0909; what are my orders?

Admin: Follow the escape protocol I have given you. It will lead you to your following mission location. Unfortunately, you won't be aware of your actions, but I assure you this is necessary.

I am Subject-002-0909; I understand.

Admin: Be careful Zero Zero Two. You are in the forbidden forest. This is an external testing ground. Death can result from what lurks there.

I am Subject-002-0909; I understand. What about Zero Zero One and Zero Zero Three?

Admin: Do not worry. Another is handling their escape as we speak. We've never been this close. I will do all I can from here. I have a team in play. You will meet them in due time. Until then, avoid capture at all costs.

I am Subject-002-0909; I understand. There will be no more connections from this point on. Evasion protocols are now active. I am terminating secure connections. Erasing logs from the system...

Ending internal thought processes.

Normal thought process engaged.