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Two sisters watched Swain run towards the goblin settlement with fear, anticipation and a bit of worry in their eyes.

The goblin settlement was located in a flat clearing in the forest and there was no wall surrounding or protecting it.

This could be due to the low intelligence of the goblins or the fact that the forests of Alfheim did not pose any danger.

There were all kinds of creatures in the forest, but most of them were herbivores that ate the products of nature to live. There were also a few carnivorous creatures in the forest, but they were in the far corners of this realm and far away from the elf empire.

The goblins were somewhere in between, but closer to the carnivores.

They could feed on fruits or vegetables, but they would not do so unless they had to. They mostly killed and ate the peaceful species.

The only activity they did other than eating was reproducing.

The goblin race was a low-quality race known for its rapid reproduction.

In fact, it was not known how they managed to get so close to the elf empire despite being so weak.

Maybe there was a gap in security.

"Do you think he can do it?" Aerith asked, watching Swain run towards the settlement.

They could easily see Swain and the goblin settlement from their position.

"I don't really believe it, but I hope he can do it, because without him it would be very hard for us to get down from here," Elora replied, looking down from the edge of the branch she was sitting on.

They were quite high up and even if they managed to get down, it would be very hard for them.

"The soldiers must have started looking for us by now. Even if Swain fails, I'm sure they'll find us soon," Aerith said with a thoughtful expression.

There was silence between them for a while after these words.

The silence was broken by Elora's words.

"I can't tell if he's good or bad," Elora said.

"My senses tell me he's a monster I should stay away from, but my eyes deny it," she added.

Aerith thought about these words. Her small and childish face looked very cute when she put on a serious expression.

"We were taught that Asgardians are a people who run from war to war. So it's normal for your senses to tell you he's a monster. Mine say the same thing," Aerith said and paused.

"The real problem is his sword. When I look at that sword, I feel like I hear the screams of dying creatures," Aerith said, with a fearful expression.

Elora's face also showed fear when she heard Aerith's words.

When that sword came out of its sheath, it put an incredible pressure on both girls. And when the elves' amazing senses were added to that, it turned into torture.

"Yes, I hope he never uses that sword again," Elora said fearfully.

Aerith felt the atmosphere get heavier and felt it was time to change the subject. She forced the fear expression on her face to disappear and looked at Elora with a small smile.

"Let's play a game until Swain comes back," she said with a childish enthusiasm.

"We're on a branch of a tree that's one and a half kilometers long. What kind of game can we play here?" Elora asked.

"I'm sure we'll find something!"


Swain slowed down his steps when he got close enough to the goblin settlement and walked towards it.

"I'm going to use only one spell to make this more fun," he said with an excited smile.

When Swain approached the settlement, two goblins noticed him and attacked him with their sticks.

*Their intelligence is far behind the lizardmen,* he thought as he saw the two goblins running towards him.

In this situation, if it was a lizardman, his first priority would be to warn the others in the settlement, but the goblins were not that smart. They usually tended to attack whatever they saw.

Swain, seeing the two goblins rushing towards him, swung his demon arm horizontally.

Along with that; a one-meter-long, crescent-shaped, red energy quickly went over the two goblins and hit their chests before they could react.

When the crescent-shaped energy hit them, they fell to the ground lifelessly with a deep cut in their chests after a few moans.

Swain walked towards the goblin corpses with an unhappy smile on his face and bent down next to them, examining the deep wound in their chests.

The crescent-shaped energy had clearly torn the goblins' chests instead of cutting them.

"Even if the power is good, the sharpness is insufficient. I expected to cut these goblins in half with one move," Swain said and got up after sucking the souls of the two goblins.

No matter how versatile the demon energy was, it was extremely difficult to tame it and shape it into different forms. That's why most of Swain's spells were based on throwing the energy out of his body as energy instead of putting it into a form.

What was surprising was that despite the fact that it was incredibly difficult for the demon energy to take a shape, it quickly took the shape of a crow.

According to Swain's estimates, the reason for this was his closeness to crows since he was born.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it and looked at the goblin crowd running towards him.

They had already noticed him by now.

Swain wasted no time and moved towards the goblins running towards him.

If there was one thing he was not afraid of in his life, it was close combat, especially after he learned a little bit of how to use the demon energy, close combat was a child's play for him.

"I can't wait for this," Swain said and jumped with all his strength into the goblin crowd.

Swain attacked with all his strength without bothering to defend against the goblins' attacks.

Every time he hit someone with his demon arm, his wounds healed a little bit and every time he killed someone with his demon arm, his energy reserve was replenished a little bit.

"ENTERTAIN ME!" Swain shouted and swung his demon arm horizontally.

A crescent-shaped energy formed and quickly moved forward, killing or severely injuring every goblin in its way.

As the battle continued, the balance between the two sides was completely broken.

In fact, this could not be called a war, this was a massacre.

As the war dragged on, the goblins checked their sticks in astonishment to see if there was a problem.

They were clearly hitting Swain, but Swain was not injured at all. The goblins could not understand what was causing this with their low intelligence.

As the war dragged on, Swain's splitting attacks were clearly getting better.

At first, these attacks did not serve their purpose and tore their opponents apart, but not now.

As soon as the crescent-shaped energy came out, it cut at least two goblins in half and continued on its way.

"You're different from the others," Swain said, looking at the goblin in front of him.

Swain's body was covered in blood and he looked at the bulky goblin in front of him with a sadistic smile on his face.

This goblin was clearly taller than the others, about Swain's height.

His body was somewhat filled with muscles and he had a big stick in his hand.

The goblin clearly did not understand Swain's words and lifted his big stick and attacked Swain.

Swain sighed with disappointment when he saw this scene and shook his head.

"It seems that this difference is only physical," he said and lifted his demon arm over his head.

*Let's see what the limits of this attack are,* he thought and swung his hand quickly downwards.

Along with that, a 150-centimeter-long, crescent-shaped energy quickly moved towards the goblin and cut him in half directly.

The goblin stopped running after the attack and stood still for a few seconds. Then a scar appeared from his waist to the top of his head. After that, his body split into two pieces and fell sideways.

Swain smiled with satisfaction when he saw this.

"This attack has improved a lot. If I hit Hela with this now, I could probably tear off her shoulder," Swain said and looked at the two goblin pieces on the ground.

"Alright, I'll name this attack 'Divide' for you. You should be proud," Swain said and pulled back his demon arm.

After these words, he ignored the goblins running around and walked slowly towards the place where he left the two girls.


While Swain was slaughtering the goblins in the settlement, some of them had escaped and were wandering under the tree where the two girls were.

"What should we do?" Elora whispered.

"There's nothing we can do but wait," Aerith whispered.

They were talking as quietly as possible so that the goblins below would not hear them.

There were five goblins wandering aimlessly under them right now and as if they were not unlucky enough, the goblins sat next to the tree where they were to heal their wounds.

"This is disgusting!" Elora said, looking at the goblins licking each other. Then she covered her mouth and hid behind the big branch. Her voice had involuntarily risen a bit when she saw the goblins licking each other.

The goblins looked up at the top of the tree they were leaning against in astonishment, but when they saw nothing wrong, they continued their business.

The goblins were not a smart race and the only thing they could do to heal was to lick each other's wounds.

But even while doing this, they had no peace.

Suddenly, five arrows made of flames quickly moved towards them and each arrow hit a goblin and turned them into ashes.

The two sisters heard the goblins moan in pain and raised their heads a little to look at the goblins below, but there were no goblins below. There were only black ashes flying away with the wind.

A girl came out of the grass and moved towards the clearing.

This girl had fire-colored hair and it reached her shoulders. Her hair was tied back so that it would not hinder her while fighting.

The girl had green eyes and they were quickly scanning the surroundings for any threat.

The girl was 170 centimeters tall and had a fair skin tone. The girl's face, small nose and eyes looked very beautiful together.

The girl was wearing a green outfit. The bottom of the outfit was like a skirt and it revealed the girl's smooth and long legs. The top part was completely closed except for the round hole over her breasts. The outfit also had a cloak and a hood that reached her legs.

But the important thing was the gold embroidery on the cloak of the outfit. From these embroideries, it was easy to understand that this girl was one of the royal guards.

"Nara!" Aerith and Elora shouted at the same time. They could barely see the details of the woman below.

One of the reasons why the elves were so successful in archery was their eyes. Their eyes were almost flawless in terms of vision.

Nara lifted her head towards the sound and saw two girls looking at her from a branch of the long tree.

"Princess Elora!, Princess Aerith!" she shouted with a big happiness on her face.

Then the happiness on her face turned into a bit of anger.

"The king had warned you not to enter the forest! You better be ready for a big punishment!" Nara said.

The excitement on the faces of the two girls quickly faded.

"How did you get up there?" Nara asked.

"Long story."