Chapter 1 – Earth bound
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〈 Earth, ??? - January 1999 C.E. 5:08 PM 〉

Somewhere in the rocky plains a platoon of tanks the Type 90’s are advancing at a steady pace. The orange sky gives out an ominous feeling as the sun is setting on the horizon where the tanks are facing away from.

“This is Rhino 1-1 we are moving up north of the rocky plains, be advised we have spotted what appears to be a weird giant ship that seems to be hovering in the forested region beside the valley over.”

“Bzzzzt…”  a screeching static sound of a radio continues to echo…

Mixed echoes of panic, frustration and dread soon followed.

“...All–...un…..s..advise….ab….mission-....retr-eat…AO is lost!” a broken male voice calls in a noisy low radio quality.

“Captain…?” A female voice is heard as if it's echoing in an enclosed space followed by a Japanese news broadcaster's voice. The voices spoke as if it was recalling a distant memory of the past.

“The United Nations Security Council has released a statement claiming that the American, European and Asian regions were subjected to a Martian incursion in the last 72 hours. However these incursions were limited to rural and remote areas which were then successfully contained by the local rapid-response forces in the area…”

Dear sister, forgive me…-” a radio sound cutoff later followed. A different newscaster's voice soon followed that had a western accent.

“The UN coalition forces managed to succeed in repelling the Martian forces which was then followed by the catastrophic destruction of the Moon now known as Heaven’s Fall event…”


“Refugee crisis is at an all time high as European and Asian regions were severely devastated by the meteor impacts from the Moon's rubble…-cause of Heaven’s Fall was the Hyper Ga- ”

“Captain Magbaredge!” the female voice echoed until it became loud and clear.

– – – 

“Ah…sorry Mizusaki-san, I spaced out a bit…” she replied to her XO. As she felt a cold sweat snapping her back to reality with a slight adrenaline rush. She tries to recollect her thoughts for a bit.


〈 Earth, Somewhere off the coast of Japan - January 2020 U.C.E 5:26 PM 〉

“Please maintain focus on an actual combat scenario next time, we don’t want you to have your awareness wandering off with just us relying on arbitrary commands in the field. Good thing this is just the usual practice drill, but I’d like you to take a breather and take this seriously often captain…”

“I-I’ll keep that in mind, Commander Mizusaki. Can you brief me again on today’s agenda and why am I not in my own designated carrier ship?”

Commander Mizusaki, first name Kaoru. We attended and graduated from the same officer candidate school branch in Sasebo Japan. Although she may not be the top of her class she’s still very capable and reliable. She isn’t particularly good at picking good clothes for a date but being adept in 2nd like-command roles on the maritime defense forces she often sometimes acts too much by book when it comes to work.


“Yes ma'am, the fleet is now ready to conduct the drills, for our first scenario we’ll be tasked to conduct defensive maneuvers and counter-attacks against a Martian strike force that will be attempting to engage us in our rear, we’ll be using marked drones to simulate Martian scouts. While you’re not required to issue commands as of the moment but only in emergency cases, I’ll be handling most of the fleet’s tasks today. You’re only here to fill in the spot today of the rear-admiral that was called in for an urgent meeting back in mainland Japan as an observer.”

Due to unexpected rescheduling and emergency meetings, the rear-admiral was unavailable to be present in today’s training session. But regardless the training session needs to go through.

“Right, all participants are cleared to proceed with the training drills. I was also told that I’m just here to sit back and make sure no accidents happen during a training operation. All of the command procedures are already uploaded, automated and linked to each ship and combat units.”

In this day and age though the absence of the rear-admiral to issue commands, all warships and equipment are equipped with an AI and predetermined instructions connected to the satellite and centralized data bank of the UFE’s intelligence system allowing troops to fight like it's a programmed video game on their perspective while the UFE high command can just issue orders like its an RTS game. Unknown enemies are automatically marked as yellow targets, while known hostile units are red and lastly friendlies are marked as blue on their HUD’s. All the operator needs to do is follow the received terminal instructions, move, select appropriate weaponry and execute.

“Mizusaki, do you think we’ll be able to repel the Martians just as what the first coalition forces managed to do, even though it was a one of a lifetime miracle?” 

Captain Magbaredge asked nonchalantly to her XO. Thinking there might be a strong possibility that Earth’s forces may be outclassed by the Martian tactics and technology.

“Hmmm..that’s a risky question captain, if a higher-up hears it you’ll be receiving a disciplinary warning and record for that statement for doubting the capabilities of our forces. But to answer your question, I’ve heard floating rumors that it would be the same scenario as what happened to your brother…” she replied.

“Ahh, figures ... .I was also thinking of the same conclusion…but by the way Mizusaki, do you want to know why you can’t get a date for the 13th time?” the captain asked with a straight face masking her small smirk trying to get back at her XO.

“I was told that a lady should dress up intricately and arrive in a tardy manner or some sort.” her XO replied monotonously

“But sorry to bring up your brother, he was a brave soldier who managed to do the impossible…until Heaven’s Fall” 

Her XO apologized, knowing the captain's usual bad memory of the first Earth-Mars conflict which marked the first interplanetary war of mankind. This was later discovered that the enemies of Earth were biologically identical to humans. Except their notably common features are green colored eyes and pale skinned people who follow a monarchic feudal system that can be traced back to the late-medieval ages. The memory of her brother’s death alongside the coalition forces who perished fighting the technologically advanced Martians gave birth to the UFE government and military system. She remembers a famous line from a movie about humans struggling against a strong alien adversary, “If it bleeds we can kill it”.

“Martians…” she mumbled.

Captain Magbaredge, first name Darzana. She is temporarily assigned to take command of the 4th extended carrier strike group of the UFE Asia branch in South East Asia to conduct training drills for student trainees. Though a rear admiral is required to command such a fleet, today’s agenda is only for training drills that involve the newly developed tactical heavy mobile units that makes modern tanks obsolete at being a heavy attacker or support force.

– – –

A giant orange metal humanoid peaks out in the carrier’s elevator as it arrives on the carrier's airstrip surface. It then walked like weighted giant’s feet slams on the ground that felt like it would leave foot cracks off the runway's surface. But these carrier ships were already retrofitted to handle the weight of these metal giants. These humanoid giants were the size of almost half the same size as the carrier’s island if it were to stand beside it for comparison.

It then takes position on the stern of the carrier switching to a ready stance with a bullpup rifle on hand. Beside the orange giant another one of its kind also takes position. A visible of two conspicuous orange giants taking a defensive position on the stern of the carrier ship.

If a normal person were to see this metal giant up close he/she would think its a robot straight out of a tv series called Gundam while some argue its the age of TitanFall, Transformers or Pacific Rim from what the common people believe these things used to be just pure fiction now already a reality. A cold and grim reality they are currently living in that pushed mankind towards the edge to finally set aside their differences, collaborate and develop weapons beyond all of humanity’s history of war has ever witnessed so far. They are called ⌈ Kataphrakts ⌋, Earth’s main workforce capable of deploying at land, sea, air and in orbit.

Loud rounds of aggressive burst cannon shot started to resonate at the stern of the carrier as the two Kataphrakts shot their 75 mm cannon rifles at incoming drones as part of the training drills.

“Adjust current elevation, increase 12 degrees north by 5 meters East to intercept…” A robotic voice said.

“Eh? B-But I was manually tracking it at its steady flight already! H-How do I elevate my sights to look at the sky again? Is my optics broken or what? Was this-...uhh..yank it backwards?” a panicking young girl's voice said.

Suddenly the nearby aerial scout drones were destroyed consecutively by the other Kataphrakt unit beside her. Making her panicked more the fact she might miss her chance to shoot at least one drone for today’s training session.

“Inko, just gently pull the controls back and aim over the horizon where the sun is setting.” a calm boy’s voice is transmitted through Inko’s radio earpiece.

Inko Amifumi, a highschool student trainee. Due to conflict with the Martian Empire the UFE central government mandated a military curriculum requirement as early as ages to 12 or 14. If the second war breaks out all eligible citizens are automatically enlisted as UFE soldiers.

“I’m already looking at the sunset and it's flashing my optics with bright lights!” she cried frustratingly.

Inko may not be suited for fast-paced combat nor actual fighting that involves moving the Kataphrakt at such maneuverability or close quarters combat. But she might shine in picking stationary targets at long distances.

“Don’t focus on the background, just trust your HUD and shoot at the red outline once it crosses near your crosshairs, unless you have accidentally toggled your FLIR”. He replied

Inko having trouble focusing her sights on the flying drone with all the white luminance covering her field of vision on the camera feedback, she tries to take advantage of her colleagues' suggestion. She pushed closer herself towards the front monitor of her cockpit to get a better view of the red outline of the flying drone in the video feedback of what her optics are currently showing real-time only to realize she actually had FLIR mode enabled.

“Ah-eeeh, I think my FLIR is enabled…” she then turns it off and focuses back on her main task. With the image turning back to a colorful sight she tries to aim her weapon system to her desired trajectory to what the AI is trying to advise her.

“...just a bit more to the right…a-and THERE!” she got excited and proceeded to squeeze the trigger of her weapon at full force at her fingertips.

A single round ejected at her rifle’s muzzle only to miss the incoming drone by a few meters. 

“Huh!? Wha-what why!? Did I forget to switch the selector to full auto?” she complained. Then her front monitor immediately pops an alert message for her to see.

“Out of ammunition! RELOAD! RELOAD!” A robotic voice followed and alerted her.

She immediately panicked as she scrambles in trying to hit the reload button of her right control stick only to forget mid-way she has to first make adjustments for her Kataphrakt’s left arm and hands that are needed to catch the unlatched magazine of her 75mm bullpup rifle. But the button was already activated and the magazine that looks like a huge horizontally shaped metal container immediately detached from her weapon. This caused it to be dropped at the ship’s runway surface and bounced off onto the edge creating a moderate splashing noise ending it up overboard in the clear blue seas forever.

Suddenly a man’s lazy voice is heard on the ship’s intercom and loud speakers.

“What the heck are you doing? You just dropped an expensive piece of equipment there...”

“Wasn’t it a basic procedure for you to always catch the empty magazine during naval operations? If this was a land based operation it would have been fine to drop the empty mag anywhere since it would just rest on any solid surface.

The man continues to sermon the student trainee in a slight disappointment mixed with a lazy tone.

“S-SORRY instructor Marito!” Inko apologized

– – –

In the carrier's bridge, the commotion can be easily monitored below.

“Well there goes our first report to file in today’s session.” Mizusaki comments as she stands still beside her captain listening and watching the training from the carrier’s bridge.

“That man..? Wasn’t his name Koichiro Marito?” Captain Magbaredge asked her XO.

From the carrier’s bridge she could discern a middle-age looking man sitting on a portable plastic chair holding a handheld radio in his hand.

Mizusaki opens her handheld tablet checking on a manifest list to verify the man's name the captain is inquiring about.

Back at the stern of the ship.

– – –

“Instructor Marito, can I ask why we are using manual controls instead of automated functions?” Inaho Kaizuka asks.

The Kataphrakt’s systems have pre-programmed animations which the most used function is the single reload button. The reload animation will take place while the pilot is free to do anything else. However a major drawback using these functions is that they’re not cancellable nor dynamically practical in actual combat scenarios. As anything can happen on a battlefield, pilots don’t want to get caught with their pants down fighting the Martians.

“These Kataphrakts are capable of imitating a humanoid soldier holding a rifle, they’re literally tanks with legs. Back in our days we had to use those obsolete tanks to fight the enemy which not only was costly to operate but hilariously outclassed.” he continues to mildly rant as if he had in depth experience in the field.

“You’ll thank me later than those pre-programmed instructions that make you look like those lousy automated robot hand-waiters in those cheap sushi restaurants. The enemy won’t wait for you to finish reloading a gun. Most of the time you really need to improvise to get ahead of the situation instead of letting it fall under you.”

“Kids these days and their fancy toys…wish we had those that ti-gck!” He immediately stops mumbling as he briefly remembers the horrors he witnessed fighting the Martians. He proceeded to open his metal canteen and drank away trying to calm his nerves.

“Alright, bring in the next pair!” he announced over the radio.

– – –

Back on the bridge…

“Koichiro Marito, trained in Fukuoka, has several deployments from the East China Sea to Okinawa, 37 years of age and he is still single. He’s been assigned as an instructor for the last 4 years and he has actual combat experience though for some reason there’s a censored portion on this list and I can’t access further info of him on the UFE’s central database…” Mizusaki thought the censored portion would probably be just his past disciplinary records since he’s known to be a drunkard and his unkempt appearance. The UFE recently has been scrambling their resources to allocate at least passable trainers and instructors on the field since the Heaven’s Fall event.

Magbaredge wanted to ask a follow-up question when suddenly her eyes caught a glimpse of a formation of dark clouds on the far horizon when the sun was about to finish setting. Weather reports hours ago should indicate all-clear weather conditions until tomorrow. Knowing a slight anomaly of the situation could cost her entrusted fleet based on lingering rumors on how technologically superior Martian tech could be capable of. Such weather controlling capabilities shouldn’t be no stranger to her as she also gets to experience such possible tech developed by Middle Eastern countries to counter drought and extreme desert conditions. Accidentally spacing out again to lament on her brother's death is no further affordable excuse and luxury in an actual life and death situation. The lives of the 4th carrier strike group are under her responsibility. She firms her grip on the command chair and begins to issue emergency orders.

“Commander, relay orders to the fleet to cancel the training session today and raise alert level to 4. We are heading back to the nearby port.” she said in a commanding tone.

“Yes ma’am! Contacting the frigates and destroyers through the emergency network line.”

“This is Captain Magbaredge, all comms officers send messages to nearby civilian vessels in the area of the developing situation and inform Yokosuka base of our arrival.”

Without wasting time, the captain immediately orders a complete withdrawal of the fleet in the area of operations since their current fleet was only equipped for training sessions. A direct confrontation of a Martian attack would cause a certain amount of casualties under her command. Not to mention they mostly only have student trainees manning the old KG-6 Sleipnir Kataphrakt trainer models onboard.

– – –

〈 Earth, Aerological Observatory Tsukuba Japan - January 2020 U.C.E 5:45 PM 〉

A weather observation site located in Japan continuously monitors the current weather for any sudden change. They have supercomputers installed and linked to polar orbiting satellites to perform numerical forecasting to predict the weather up to 7 days in advance. However, to the current observers surprise this developing weather may be recorded in history as Earth’s hour event.

“T-This can’t be!” a man said in a shocking tone. Looking at his computer monitor the data received for the last hour was nothing to note except it unexpectedly spiked to the point it became a possible tropical depression in a matter of minutes. They may fear the worst if the data that keeps coming in may develop into typhoon category level.

“Get me a direct line through the Okinawa station and share these results publicly immediately!” the man ordered.

“Already on it sir! We’ve already issued a storm warning to the coastal cities.” a female voice replied.

– – –

〈 Nova Terra, Runepolis - January 1639 Central Calendar Year 6:45 AM 〉

“Hmmm?” an old long white haired bearded man staring out his windows admiring the beautiful luminance city surrounding him, he had pointy ears that hints of a non-human race.

“It's about time those Emorians deliver the next divination.” He said to himself as he went back to his desk chair, immediately flicking his fingers and using his index finger to point at a stack of papers. A slight luminance engulfed his fingers and a specific paper was glowing. A sheet of paper was removed from the stack on his table and levitated it near his field of vision.

“This uneasiness displeases me…” he complained as he grabbed and he sipped his tea with an elfen label inscribed on a tea-bag. Mmm… “This imported brewed tea really takes the spot, maybe I should decrease the taxes for plant based imported goods from that farmland country.”

– – –

〈 Yggdra, Ragna - January 939 Stellar Year 6:45 PM 〉

Sitting on top of the throne a bored middle aged-man about to slouch on his sitting position was immediately awoken by the arrival of two of his subordinates dressed in what appears to be decorated military outfits that shows high gallant of praise and authority. 

They put their right hands on their chest, bowed and greeted the man on the throne with utmost respect. The man on the throne then raised his right arm vertically straight with his hand open signifying some sort of auto-reply to their respectful greetings. As he was not feeling the moment to accept their greetings verbally today.

Afterwards the man on the left proceeded to give dialogue with a confident and assurance tone.

“Your majesty, the last auxiliary fleet has successfully docked and replenished. We are ready to move into the 3rd phase as planned. Although we have temporarily grounded all air and naval operations as of the moment due to bad weather. We will still have the upper ha-...!”

Suddenly a terrifying loud thunder echoed through the throne room cutting off the man’s words as the echoing sound instilled dread and fear to the entire room. The 3 slightly shocked men focused their attention to the drizzling rain flowing in the window panes.

– – –

〈 Nova Terra, Qua-Toyne Principality, Lotus Garden -  January 1639 Central Calendar Year 10:45 AM 〉

It was a quiet late-morning, sitting alone in the long chiseled marble table he continued to read the scroll’s contents.

“Another movement in the Louria Kingdom huh? When will the gods heed my prayers?” he ponders with a tired tone in his voice. Wondering if the heavens are no longer shining upon their blessed lands. He took a sip from his small cup as he continued to wander his mind off.

As the clear green liquid calmed, one of the tea stalk bits suddenly floated vertically on his small cup…



Item Definitions
【 C.E 】 Common Era
【 U.C.E 】 United Common Era
【 AO 】

area of operations
【 XO 】

executive officer / second-in-command
【 RTS 】

real time strategy
【 HUD 】

heads up display
【 FLIR 】

Forward Looking InfraRed, when using this mode of optics it changes the colorful digital optics into black and white where the level of whiteness determines the level of thermal energy it generates
【 Alert level 4 】

Heightened awareness, be alert, strengthen security measures
【 Kataphrakt 】

Given name to mecha units in the world of ALDNOAH.ZERO anime. This will be the commonly used term to refer to mecha/giant robot units regardless of affiliation or origins.

– – –

Author's message: 

  • There will be no main protagonist, only recurring characters.
  • Instead of “New World” like the original I’ll be calling this world “Nova Terra”.
  • I'm a complete beginner, but I hope you enjoy this 1st chapter!