Uninterested 04
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A training match in football was essentially a real football match, employed to assess the players' ability to adapt to opponents, tactics, and minor changes in positioning.

Hinami's numbers, however, were far from sufficient to assemble a full team of 11 players on each side. Therefore, a 7 against 7 setup appeared to be the most practical. It was even considered a stroke of luck that they had two goalkeepers, sparing Sekine from having to don gloves for the session.

Why Sekine you ask? Nobody knows.

Reo’s acquisition in this mockup was of course partially because of their lack in numbers. A subject that the coach was of course well aware of.

“So, Reo-kun, was it…?” The man silently scrubbed his hairy chin. “What position do you want to play in?”

“Eh?” Reo was taken aback by this question, even as he was pulled to the side, and away from everyone else for this purpose alone.

“Anything will do, I guess.”

"Hah, come on, be honest with me!" Gonda placed a hand on the teenager’s shoulder, a subtle grin playing on his face. Despite his stern exterior, Hinami's coach was surprisingly amiable. This was evident in the way his players regarded him during his speeches, and the fact that none dared to defy him.

Position, huh?

A player's position in football was the second most crucial factor in determining their success, right after their individual skills. Some players naturally stood out more, with certain positions thrusting them into the spotlight. Strikers, tasked with scoring goals, often captured the limelight, while attacking midfielders could dazzle the crowd with skilled dribbles, powerful long-range shots, and moments of individual brilliance. Reo used to be one such player, an attacking midfielder, or, as the football enthusiasts would say, the acclaimed number 10.

Of course, since Reo, didn’t want to shine this time around, he couldn’t care less in which position he was dumped in.

“Hm… you’re too short to play in the center of defense, and we’ve already got more than a few wing backs on both sides…”

While Gonda deduced Reo wasn’t suited for a defensive position, his eyes shone as he looked up.

“Hm, this might be somewhat of a leap but let’s put you in the attacking midfield.”


Reo was on the verge of bursting out laughing at this unexpected twist of events. It seemed like destiny itself was enjoying a hearty laugh at his expense. He found himself assigned to the very position he knew inside out – the attacking midfielder. Playing precise passes through enemy defenses, dismantling entire teams with his dribbling, and scoring breathtaking goals were all part of the repertoire he used to showcase in that very position on the field. 

“Hell, why not?” 

“Attaboy. Let’s see some effort out there!”

Reo shrugged, while Gonda patted him on the back and moved to the bench. Reo himself slowly walked towards the center of the field, where all his teammates were gathered.

On the way there however, his wandering eyes caught a set of familiar faces. Shuna, who was giving out colored tank tops to separate one team from the other, was talking animatedly to a tall player wearing one such lime green vest.


Reo couldn’t help but narrow his eyes. Unable to hide his curiosity, Reo nudged Totori.

“Hey, what’s the deal with those two?”

“Housen and… Shuna?” Totori smiled a little. “They’re childhood friends. They go way back.”

“I… see.”

“Feeling jealous there, chump?”

“As if.” Reo shook his head, and looked at the team positioning themselves on the other side.



“Who’s the best player in the team?” 

“Hoh, finally getting interested?” Totori couldn’t hold back an amused snicker. 

“Not really, just wondering.”

Despite his words lacking any conviction, it really were true that Reo wasn’t particularly into learning. It was just that old habits die hard, and he couldn’t help but compare his own prime abilities to that of this team. Did they have another talent like him? Surely that couldn’t be the case.

“Well right now, it would probably be…” Totori looked around the field, and pointed at a young man with dark red hair and similarly coloured eyes doing kick ups on the other side of the pitch.

“Akihiko Hatate. He may spend every waking moment of his hitting on girls but he’s definitely our most talented midfielder. Although he doesn’t score goals, every promising attack of ours goes through his feet before anyone else’s. You could call him a maestro of sorts.”

"Maestro" was a term often employed to characterize a midfielder in football who orchestrated the team's movements. Despite its seemingly challenging nature, the reality was even more demanding. A maestro midfielder needed to be aware of his teammates' movements, their positioning, the shape of the opponents, and the positions of all players and the ball. This intricate responsibility rested on the shoulders, or rather, the feet, of the most intelligent player on the field. 

“What’s with the hair though?” Reo pointed out the part of Hatate’s bangs, which was tied up with a scrunchy at the front of his head like the makeshift horn of a unicorn.

“Ah, that’s his trademark… pay it no mind.” Totori seemed almost appalled, “That little tuft of hair is so popular some people in the crowd even imitate it and create their own fan club…”

While Totori shuddered, Reo’s eyes remained glued to Akihiko. He was neither tall nor short, but had quite the sporty silhouette. In his shorts was the number 8. 

He certainly seemed comfortable with the ball, but was he as good as him?

Reo doubted it.

“Ah, we kind of lack a true number 10 , though…” Totori spoke as he tied his shoelaces.


“Yeah, our last star player, moved to a rival club almost a month ago so…”

“Moved to another club? Like a transfer?” Reo couldn’t help but ask.

“Well, the team that asked for him is the strongest one around, and there’s a rule in the league that if the player consents, his school and team has no say in the matter whatsoever…”

So it really was like a transfer. Apparently then, the position of the star player was vacant. For some reason, Yuusaki Reo felt strangely happy about that.

❖ ⚽ ❖

After the preparations were done and over with, the mock match was about to commence. Seven players faced off against another set of seven, each assuming their respective positions on the field. Given that the match would be contested by 14 players instead of the usual 22, the dimensions of the pitch were reduced, and smaller goals were introduced accordingly.

Each team comprised a goalkeeper, a trio of defenders, a set of midfielders, and a lone attacker positioned up front. Reo found himself as one of the two midfielders on his team, serving a more attacking role. Totori, taking up his natural position as a striker, spearheaded the offense, while at the back, a group of yet-to-be-introduced teammates and Magowski held their defensive positions. One of them appeared rather shy, seemingly avoiding Reo at all costs with some of his bangs covering his eyes. On the other hand, the second teammate sported strikingly white-blonde, bleached hair cut in an uneven undercut, exuding an air of overconfidence despite his average height and build.

Souta Inoue, and Junya Asagiri, as Totori informed Reo. The latter was also known to be a womanizer, much like their star player, something Reo didn’t need much convincing to believe.

The one beneath their goalposts was Kyogo Haneda, a tall burly goalkeeper, just like a player in his position should. He was also rather friendly when he introduced himself to Reo.

The one playing besides him was…

“Ayase, Ayase Ishiguro,” declared a tall, tanned teammate of Reo’s, standing firm and offering a soldier-like salute as he introduced himself.. He was muscular and looked very…


As Totori had said. 

His buzzed hair of course only added to the image. He proved to be a robust and dependable central midfielder, the kind of player focused on defending in the middle line, regaining possession, and passing the ball to a more capable teammate to drive it forward. His well-defined muscles spoke of the hard work he had put in while assisting his father in their small field. 

“Isn’t Ayase a female name?” Reo of course, had to ask.

Almost like he was shot, Ayase hunched over, “Indeed it is. Pay it no mind, please.”

While he did seem big and scary, Ishiguro was rather easy to get along with.

Shuna who stood just a few steps outside the designated play area, blew the whistle, and the mock match commenced.

On the opposing side, Toraichi, another striker akin to Totori, took the initiative on the ball. Although they played in the same position, their similarities ended there; how they scored goals was their own business. Totori utilized speed and reflexes, while Toraichi depended on his sturdy body and height. Clearly, Toraichi wasn't a proficient ball carrier, evident as he passed it back to the charismatic Akihiko Hatate.

When Hatate got the ball, he quickly weaved past Totori’s press like a dancer, and looked around for options. Next to him, he found Chishiki Kiryuu, a small but fast midfielder with lighting reflexes. Yet he was more of a defensive outlet than a ball carrier too. Thus, the ball was passed back to Housen, the pillar of the team.

Housen was actually a strong defender, and arguably the best in the team. However, he was also the captain.

Thus the attitude, Reo deduced.

Reo’s opposing team passed the ball around in their own half, inviting the minimal pressure Reo’s slow team provided. Reo himself, wasn’t too keen on running around too much for a cause he wasn’t even remotely interested in. 

Like clockwork, as soon as Hatate got the ball for the third time, he managed to weave past Ishiguro and Reo, and played a great pass to the otherwise slow Toraichi. Haneda, the goalkeeper, was unable to stop him, as the strong striker put the ball past him and straight into his top corner.

Just like that, Reo’s team had conceded. Ishiguro was slow, Reo was sluggish, and as much as Totori pressed Hatate was just too good. Their defense was caught lacking in a moment where they should have kept their eyes on Toraichi alone.

“Hm…” Gonda hummed almost disapprovingly, as he looked around the pitch.

“Dad?” Shuna mused, prying her eyes away from the match.

“Never mind the sleeping trio in the back… That kid is not even trying.”

“You mean… Yuusaki Reo?”

Gonda softly nodded. 

“It’s really seems like he doesn’t even want to be here…” The tall man fixed his glasses up his nose, and for some reason a smile found its way to his face. “Just like she had told me…”