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A young man, who appeared to be around 18 years old, was driving his car in the rain to his university. He glanced at his car's clock and saw it was 5:30 in the morning.

The young man's name was Julius Owen. He was unusually young to be at a university, but he was smarter than most kids in his school and had skipped several grades. He excelled in most subjects, but his true passion was biology.

He aspired to create things that would help people with undiagnosed illnesses, conditions that no one else could suffer from. The reason he was heading to his university so early was that recently, he had developed a bacteria capable of evolving after consuming various substances, thereby acquiring their proteins. He discovered it when he was only 15 years old, just before receiving a scholarship to attend university.

Previously, he hadn't had enough experience or money to buy all the necessary tools. But once he got his scholarship, he asked if he could use the university labs. The professors knew he was there on scholarship and recognized his bright mind, so they allowed him access, and he had been studying it for the past two years.

As he was contemplating his work, driving through the rain, he could hear thunder. Just as he was pulling into the parking lot, another loud thunderclap sounded, followed by a flash of light. His car was struck; the electric wires began to melt, and the vehicle's body also started to disintegrate. However, he was fortunate because he passed away just as the lightning struck.

An hour after the incident, loud sirens could be heard. When the paramedics arrived, they began to pry the car open and discovered a young man who had passed away.

They called his emergency contacts.

Julius had only one living relative, his uncle. Upon hearing of the incident, his uncle dropped to his knees, overcome with grief, drawing sympathetic looks from those around him.
Three days later, a funeral was held. His uncle, some friends, and teachers from his school came to pay their respects.

Two weeks after the funeral, his uncle, still mourning, went to his nephew's room, sat on his bed, and began talking to himself.

"I'm all alone in this world. I lost the will to live, I think, on the day my parents passed away when your mother was still young, and I had to take care of her. She was my light."

"But the day my sister and her husband passed away in a shooting near their car, I almost broke. But then there was you, my last living relative. Sigh. You were the most brilliant mind I've ever seen."

"I tested your IQ when you were a child, and oh man, you were smart. You had an IQ of 270, and I'm sure it only grew as you grew up. You could have gone to university when you were 10 years old or even younger, but I didn't allow it and stopped the teachers from pushing your upgrades. I have nothing to live for now, JlCaesar."

JlCaesar was a nickname he had given Julius when he was a young child because his first name was Julius.

As he uttered 'JlCaesar,' there was a beep from his computer. When his uncle looked at the computer, there was a video. He went to the computer to see his nephew on it.

"If you're seeing this video, then I am dead. I'm sorry," said Julius. "I don't know if I passed away from an accident or if I've been killed because of my research, but I made this video when you say 'JlCaesar' because only you call me that."

"You might be wondering why I said that I might get killed. It's because there was a bacteria that I made when I was at the age of 15. I was studying all about bacteria, so I made it in a way where I put in a lot of bacteria that love to eat anything, all different kinds of them."

He started telling his uncle about the bacteria he had created, explaining in great detail how to artificially produce the specific strains he needed.

"Uncle, I know how you're feeling. I've known since I was young. You've always been depressed, and I could tell how you would feel after I'm gone. But please, don't do anything too drastic. I created this bacteria for all humanity. The bacteria are as small as a cell, airborne, so once they come into contact with humans, they will enter their bodies and integrate with their DNA, making changes. Humans won't need any more medication because it will repair, fix, and heal all injuries and ailments. It will prevent humans from becoming sick, and over time, it will become stronger, making humanity stronger as a whole. So please, I've given you a step-by-step guide on how to create it. I've also developed an AI that will assist you in this process."

"Love you, uncle."

His uncle could only sigh as he began to pore over the data and information. Eager to fulfill his nephew's dream, he embarked on the project, aided by the advanced AI that Julius had created before his passing. He dedicated himself to learning about DNA manipulation with the AI's guidance.

Ten years later, he finally succeeded. It had been a long and complex process; had Julius been around, he might have completed it in four years or less, but his uncle was no genius.

"After ten years of hard work, I finally got it done with the help of the AI," he mused. "I've made some tweaks so that once it enters a human body, they won't be able to understand how the bacteria works."

Turning on his PC, he prepared for a live stream. The AI, already the best creation of his late nephew, was programmed to ensure he was the sole broadcaster the moment he went live, effectively hacking into the internet for a singular, uninterrupted transmission.

Across the globe, on every device imaginable - phones, TVs, billboards - the same image flashed: a man, gaunt and weary, yet with a resolve in his eyes, broadcasting live.

"Hello, world! Today marks a new dawn for humanity, a leap into evolution, all thanks to my brilliant nephew," he began, his voice tinged with both pride and sadness. "He crafted a miraculous bacteria that's set to revolutionize our existence, to cleanse the pollution suffocating our planet. This bacteria devours pollution, breaks it down, and then perishes, leaving behind nothing but fresh air.

But that's not all. This bacteria will revolutionize human health. It'll enter our bodies, repairing and rejuvenating from within. No more will alcohol or drugs impair us; we're talking about a transformation into the peak of human health. This means an end to deformities, to imperfections. It's a new era for humankind."

With a dramatic gesture, he lifted a glass container, swirling with a liquid that shimmered in hues of gold and green.

"This," he said, holding it up to the camera, "is my nephew's gift to the world. Tragically, he couldn't see his dream realized. Struck down by lightning, almost as if the heavens themselves were against this discovery. I laugh, but there's pain in that irony. He foresaw the danger, though. If something were to happen to him, he left instructions to complete his work. He was a mind like no other."

The world watched, holding its collective breath, as he shattered the glass container. As the liquid met the air, a transformation began. The man on the screen, once haggard, began to change - his skin regained color, his posture straightened, and vitality returned to his once tired eyes.

Gasps and murmurs echoed worldwide as viewers witnessed the transformation. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, governments scrambled, desperate to find the source of this broadcast.

MC looks once he is Julius Stark




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