Chapter One: The Quest Begins
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An inherent law in the universe and cosmos. An inherent law in natural selection. An inherent law in human nature. My name is not important, but I’m here to change the rules. I just need the help of the four others and their symbols, but they've been separated. Torn apart. Cast away on separate planes. I can bring them back though. I just need the power.  The power of… BELIEF!

What do I mean by belief? Well, each of us have symbols in this world outside of reality. Each of us live in outside of the reality we were born into in a plane of existence known as The Nexus. There is something I know as the source, the origin of reality, and the origin of everything. Maybe it’s an impossible dream, but hell, I want to understand it.

Perhaps it could be Ainsley, the fifth human to enter the nexus. I believe her main characteristic was immunity — immunity to social pressure in particular. This does make sense when I think about it, I guess someone who's uninvolved in the elaborate social world at large would be more likely to focus on the mystery of reality.   

I don’t know though, that’s why I need to find someone else who knows. The nexus had three others besides me and Ainsley. There was Logan, who was the first to enter the nexus. He seems to fancy himself as the unofficial leader of the group. And another boy, who didn't give me his name, only a nickname – Second – was the second to enter.  He seems to be troubled.   

The other girl besides Ainsley is Penelope. She has a lot of energy. However, the thing about Ainsley is that she seems to be guarded, constantly. Why does she act like that? Maybe she's a phony. Phony, like a pentacolored phoenix. And why do I say that? It's stupid, like this puzzle we find ourselves in.    

Sometimes at night, the group find themselves in a separate shared nexus. We always thought there was nobody there besides us until one day, we got attacked by something strange. It was like a monster but with the bizarre feeling we've seen it before – somewhere. It had an instinctive terrifying presence so we all ran away, except for Ainsley. I guess she didn't feel that fear.    

Logan took the initiative of asking Ainsley why she wasn't afraid and she shrugged it off. He also asked her for more information about the monster and she said there were other groups of nexuses that the monster terrorized. Oh and, nobody defeated it, and to this day, it still has its reign of terror on unsuspecting innocents.   

Perhaps we'll defeat it with our symbols. Something I tend to see a lot in dreams is prison bars. I decided it likely meant something about a lack of freedom. I tend to end up frequently tied up or caged in my dreams and then escaping. I always feel so sad when I wake up after those kinds of dreams. Does this mean I see life as a cage? I’m not sure actually. I guess I did talk about reaching an origin, but is that not still life? Do I actually want something beyond that?   

That would be strange. The source is supposed to be what's beyond. What could be beyond the source? Would that just be where I am now? My head hurts from just thinking about it. Speaking of stuff that's hard to understand, none of us knew why we were in the nexus or what purpose it served. It was a puzzle nobody could solve.   

To explain the puzzle, you'll need to understand that we're all each from a different universe. After someone reaches the nexus or otherwise the universe ends somehow, it's recreated with different people. When someone reaches the nexus, they'll sometimes find a device known as a UniTablet that has access to a chat with the others in the same group.   

There was also a transuniversal internet, but no world wide web. Let’s call it UniNet for now as that’s simpler. We can have private messages and smaller group chats with each other, but it seems that the main group chat was automatically generated. In the group chat, our symbol was displayed next to our name.  
Despite what I had said about Ainsley having an immunity to social pressure, that was not her symbol. Symbols seemed to be something achieved at the time of ascension. Ascension… Is that what this is? Apparently, her symbol was rebirth.   

Penelope's symbol was courage. Logan and Second’s symbols were set to private. I should mention now that I was the third to enter this group. Logan was first, Second was second, Penelope was fourth, and Ainsley was fifth. Each of us were from a universe after another, and mine was very chaotic, but I wasn't very much so.   

I mentioned that I did not try many new things. Something my parents gave me when I was very little was a necklace in pristine condition. Nobody had ever worn it before, and my parents told me it had a unique power, yet I was to never wear it. I was not afraid of what would happen, I just didn’t care. My life was routine, and though I would have never admitted it at the time, I craved something else.   

Something new and original. I actually didn’t know what the outside world was like because I lived a very sheltered life. There was no public school in the world I lived in because of the rampant anti-intellectualism. Nobody thought schools were important, just being tough. I very much did not like this world, but I'm conflicted about being in the nexus for various reasons.

Thankfully, my parents educated me through books that were passed down through generations and oral traditions.  
One day we were found by a gang of criminals. They told us some things about how life sucked and how it was meaningless, but I was mostly focused on how to get out of the situation. One thing I thought of was to put on the necklace. Now this part may sound impossible, and I guess I’d agree if it didn’t happen to me. While my parents screamed at me to not do it, I briefly considered just letting us get killed. However, I was not going to go down without a fight.   

I put on the necklace and with an incredible conviction hoping that something would help, I suddenly had grown long angelic wings. My parents were shocked, and time seemed to have slowed down as if I was in a movie and something was about to go down. I pretty much treated the situation as if I was actually in a movie and beckoned our rivals toward me.  

I grabbed them, flew up into the air and threw them away, having them tumble down, one even fell into the cursed chasm. Before he died, the last thing he ever told me was that the end is never the end. An odd choice of words for sure. The rest said nothing. After that, some of the remaining foes ended up calling for support. I needed to escape. I grabbed my parents, and flew off to the sunset. Escaping the forest seemed to have satisfied the universe and thus my vision filled to white. It was a good feeling.

Unfortunately, my parents did not reach The Nexus with me. Now to describe the place, it was a white floor that stretched infinitely in all directions. I saw my UniTablet on the floor and it told me that I was the third to have reached The Nexus and that now I needed to find out how to understand it with the help of all the other people who had or will reach it. It also said that my symbol was belief.   

It went on about how the universe would be reincarnated and how we could see everything that would happen in it, and how we could speed up our perception of time to skip the boring parts of the new universes. Finally, it told me I was from the 6th incarnation of the universe. I remember talking to Logan and he told me that he was from the 2nd incarnation of the universe.   

I asked him a lot of questions about it, and he told me that neither he nor Second could figure out what the source universe was like or how it was created. I suggested that we should definitely try and figure that out because it may lead us to a clue on how to understand The Nexus. To this day, none of us had ever solved it and thus we dubbed it a puzzle that nobody could solve.    

Something I noticed was that the universes seemed to have been getting stranger as they went on. Perhaps it’s like cell division where minor changes happen every time they’re copied. To give an example, Logan had described his world as being one continent, one government, where deviance from social norms was unheard of.    

Not because of a totalitarian system or anything, but because there was no need for it. The social norms of that world were simple. There was little conflict, people were born, grew up, got a job, had kids, and then died. However, Logan had told me that the little conflict did not necessarily mean that everyone was happy.  

He noticed that people would often disappear and nobody would know why. But besides that, people’s writings seemed to have alluded to something they wanted but could not reach. Logan had studied some of them, and he had a few theories. The first theory was that there was an inherent law in human nature where people wanted something else no matter what. The second theory was that there genuinely was something else.   

I guess there was something else though with all this stuff about The Nexus. Maybe they wanted to reach the source universe too? When I had reached The Nexus and talked with Logan and Second, I had noticed that their universes also had a similar theme of something that people wanted to reach but couldn’t. This is what got me into the idea of there being an inherent law that connected the universe, natural selection, and human nature.  

I had mentioned the monster that we couldn't defeat earlier, but there were others. There was one that was known as the confusion monster. I think Second named it that way. He said he picked that name because it caused a strong sense of confusion and disorientation in whoever viewed it.   

Apparently some people did not feel it though. There were two teenagers looking at us behind bushes. One a boy, one a girl. And now that I think about it, I didn’t see them run away or anything.    

They just seemed to have disappeared. I should mention that we are also all teenagers for some reason. I was actually only 13 when I flew away from my universe. It’s been a few months now, and my birthday is actually in a few days. You may be wondering how I know the passing of time here. It’s actually because this place works like a lucid dream, I can control it.   

It’s not quite a parallel because I can’t escape or wake up. I basically have almost every power. Some notable exceptions are, the ability to escape, the ability to create sentience, the ability to bring sentience, the ability to instantly acquire knowledge, and the ability to hack my emotions.    

I remember I asked the rest of the group what they did in their nexus. Logan had shapeshifted into many forms, while Penelope and Ainsley were busy talking to us to find out the clues to the puzzle.   

I wonder if the nexus has intelligent designers, or if it was generated somehow. I also wonder if we’ll get to be like the people that created this system thing and create some for new people.   

It’s like how something could have come from nothing because there was nothing stopping something from coming into existence. You may have noticed the imbalance. How nothing is stopping something from coming from nothing but something is stopping nothing from coming from something. That’s one hell of a tongue-twister.   

It basically means that something is stopping the universe from collapsing in on
itself. But, what could it be? Could it be the mere fact that we don’t want it to collapse in on itself? Don’t some people want that though? So, is the inherent law in the universe that it’s a democracy that people vote through with their subconscious mind?    

So to recap, the inherent law I’m trying to change is that the universe is a democracy that is voted on through the subconscious which might have The Nexus in it that nobody understands. Now that I think about it, I wonder if there are other things we need to understand first before we understand The Nexus. However, like I have mentioned, I want to change the inherent laws. This is because I know something about it that is troublesome.   

It prevents us from reaching the source, and to get everything anyone has ever wanted, you need to be able to understand how to get it. The source will let us understand how to get what we want because we will see how it was all created. Seeing how everything was created will help us understand how to get what we want because we will see the creation mechanism. With this creation mechanism, we can do anything. You may be wondering some things. First, why do these inherent laws prevent us from reaching the source?   

Secondly, why should we get everything we want? To the first one, they prevent us from reaching the source because they essentially create a system that creates people that vote against reaching the source. I don’t need to recap the timeline of the universe, but you should know that human nature was created through natural selection, and natural selection was created through abiogenesis, and abiogenesis was created through the universe, uh somehow. Basically these inherent laws work together to create the system I’ll dub antioriginism.  
Antioriginism is a system of ignorance. It creates every ill, malice, and evil in the world by distorting pure bliss into suffering and pain. It creates everything that it is trying to avoid just by existing. Antioriginism is another word for what is more commonly known as… existence.