A bit of Both
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Inside the library of Beacon we see a wild Asher trying to study.

Asher is looking between a textbook and a notebook, which he's writing in. "How big is a rapier wasp?" He looks at the textbook in confusion, and he moves some of his hair to the side. "Were the hell is it?"

Weiss suddenly pops up behind Asher, holding some books. She flips Asher's text book one page over and points to it.

"Oh..." Asher looks up at Weiss, and smiles. "Thanks, Weiss."

Weiss sits across from Asher. "Think nothing of it, Flyboy." She sets her books down and opens one up, only to notice Asher has stars in his eyes. "What?"

"You giving me a nickname, means you don't hate me!" Asher yells as he throws a fist up, and everyone in the library looks to him.

Weiss hides her face behind a book. "Shut up, you dunce!" She whisper yells. "Your to loud!"

Asher looks around and notices everyone looking at him. He then lets out a nervous chuckle and lowers his hand. He then picks up his pencil and goes back to writing in his notebook.

Asher starts to hum a tune as he reads his text book. Weiss glances up at him, then back down at her book.

"Hey, Asher." Weiss calls out.

"Hmmm?" Asher looks up to her. "Yes, Weiss?"

"Why do you want to become a Pilot?"

Asher looks back down at his notebook. "Well, I just love flying. My semblance kinda lets me do it. But being up in the air is such a free feeling. Let's me escape from reality." He smiles as he writes in his notebook. "Me and Ruby have races all the time to the edge of the forest we live in... I think she likes to escape from reality too."

"That... sounds nice." Weiss smiles

"But, I originally didn't want to become a Huntsmen. I wasn't going to go to a combat school. I was just going to go to flight school right after highschool."

"But you came here instead. What made you do it?"

"Well, I didn't want to split the Rosedragon gang up."

Weiss grows confused. "Rosedragon gang?"

Asher nods as he glances at Weiss. "It's a name that me, Ruby and Yang came up with. It's to represent all of us." He smiles. "But I'm starting to think it's a little child-ish, I'm in Beacon. I can't be acting like a child."

Weiss stops writing and looks at Asher. "Hey, don't let school stop you from enjoying your childhood. If you want to have some child-sh moments, have them. But don't do it in class please."

Asher chuckles. "That's kinda funny coming from you."

"What does that mean?" Weiss gets offended.

Asher waves her off. "Nothing, nothing." He looks out a nearby window. "But I think, once I get my Huntsmen license, I'll become a pilot. Then I can fly around and save everyone! Everyone and anyone that needs my help."

"That's pretty noble of you."

Asher rubs the back of his head. "Oh stop, you're making me blush."

The hours tick by and evening soon arrives. Asher and Weiss start packing up their things.

"That was nice." Weiss looks over at Asher. "Maybe we should study together again sometime."

Asher shrugs. "Sure why not." He then grows a smug smile. "I guess you can't get enough of me, Snowflake." He winks to her.

Weiss rolls her eyes. "Don't call me that."

Asher laughs as he leaves. "Have a goodnight, Weiss." 


As Asher exits the library Weiss stares at the door. A few seconds go by and her small hint of red appears on her cheeks as she finishes packing up and leaves.

Weiss walks through the halls of the dorms, and she reaches her room. Simmons can be heard yelling in team RDDD's dorm. Weiss opens the door to her room and enters, closing it behind her.

Ruby and Yang are fiercely playing a fighting game on their TV. Blake is laying on her bed reading a book called 'Ninja's of Love'. All three hear the door and they glance over and spots Weiss.

Ruby swiftly pauses her game and uses her semblance to get over to Weiss. "Where were you the whole day, Weiss? You missed lunch!"

Weiss sets her books down on a desk, then walks over to her bed and sits down. "Just doing some studying with someone."

Yang raises an eyebrow. "Who were you studying with." She smirks. "I bet it was a boy~"

Weiss snaps over to Yang. "I'll have you know, it was your brother!"

Yang grows a bigger smirk. "Oh, does the Ice Queen have a crush on my younger brother, hmmm?"

"NO!" Weiss quickly deflects.

Ruby squeals. "OHHHH, you two would be soooo cute together!"

Weiss falls down face first into her pillow, and groans.

"She's not lying." Blake speaks up.

"Not you too, Blake!" Weiss whines.

Blake blushes and digs her face into her book. "I can't help it."

Earlier in RDDD dorm.

Asher enters his dorm to spot Simmons and Grif in the middle, with Simmons having an angry look and Grif with an annoyed look. Donut is just sitting at the end of his bed, watching. 

"Grif, you can't just leave your dirty socks lying around on the floor!" Simmons yells.

"I don't see what the problem is here." Grif says in an annoyed tone.

Simmons' face turns red. "You need to pick them up! It's gross to see your socks just lying around, and they smell too!"

Asher is confused. "What in sam hell, is going on here?"

Simmons, Grif and Donut turn to Asher.

"Sarge!" They hell.

Simmons points to Griff. "Grif keeps leaving his socks lying around, and he won't pick them up!"

"There just socks." Girf shrugs.

"They're a hazard to my health!"

Asher just deadpans and turns to Donut. "Donut, pick up Grif's socks."

Donut salutes. "Yes, sir!" He grows a smile. "Cleaning time~" he walks off to the bathroom.

Asher turns back to Simmons. "There problem solved."

Simmons blinks a few times. "But, sir-"

Asher holds up a hand. "Be careful Simmons, or I might have to strawberry shortcake there my new number one."

"It's not pink, it's light-ish red!" Donut shouts from the bathroom.

Grif sits on his bed and takes off his socks, and tosses them onto the floor. "Where were you, sir?"

Simmons grunts in frustration and walks over to his bed and lays down.

"I was studying with Weiss." Asher informs as he goes over to his bed and sits down.

"Studying?" Grif raises an eyebrow. "You actually do that."

"Unlike you, I want to get a good grade."

"Who studies, and with a girl?"

Asher frowns. "Careful Grif, or I will have Simmons here slit your throat while you sleep."

Grif looks to the angry Simmons, then back to Asher. "Yes, sir."

Asher checks his scroll, then grabs a bag from under his bed. "Well, I'm heading out again." He stands up.

Simmons sits up on his bed. "At this hour, sir?"

"Yup, going to do some training with Pyrrha."

"Training with a gi-" Grif starts, but sees Asher's glare and he quiets down.

"I'll be back in a few hours." Asher leaves the room.

Donut walks out of the bathroom with a pink apron on and large yellow gloves. "Let's do this!"



Asher, wearing a white T-shirt and red sweat pants, throws a punch forward. Sweat drips off his brow.

Pyrrha, wearing some training clothes, blocks Asher's punch with her arm.

Asher brings up his leg to kick, but Pyrrha grabs his leg and throws him up into the air

Asher brings up his leg to kick, but Pyrrha grabs his leg and throws him up into the air. Then spin kicks him in the ribs and he roughly lands on a training mat.

"Ohhhh..." Asher groans as his red aura covers him.

"Oh, sorry!" Pyrrha walks forward and helps Asher up. "You okay."

"Peachy..." Asher breathes out, he then steps away from Pyrrha and catches his breath. 

"Well, I must say, strength is not your strong suit."


"But, you're very agile and fast, so using momentum to fight is a must."

Asher walks over to a nearby bench and grabs a towel. He starts to drying his face and hair. "I already do that, though."

"You need to put more of your body into it. It'll give your attacks more force."


Pyrrha stretches and her back cracks a couple times. "Well, I think this is it for today. I'm gonna get changed, and head back to my dorm."

Asher nods. "I'm gonna get a drink, then head out of here."

Pyrrha smiles. "Alright, goodnight then."

Asher walks off and waves. "Goodnight, Pyrrha."

Asher leaves the gym and walks over to a nearby fountain and takes a large drink. "Oh, sweet water."

After a long minute of drinking, Asher steps back and wipes his mouth. He then lets out a large yawn and rubs his eyes.

"Man, I'm tired."

Asher starts to walk off and he rounds a corner, only to be thrown up against a wall. He gets lifted up and an arm is placed at his throat.

"Well, well, well." Cardin smirks as he glares at Asher. "If it isn't the leader of team Misfit."

Asher grunts and struggles to breath. "And if it isn't the leader of team bitches."

Cardin puts more pressure on Asher's throat. "Listen here you little shit, stay out of my way, or I'll beat you so black and blue. You're momma won't even recognize you."

Asher glares at Cardin. "What's wrong... Cardin? ...Scared of a much smaller and younger teenager, to the point you have to threaten them? This is a real big low, like you've broken the bottom of the barrel."

Cardin bashes Asher against the wall. "This is your only warning."

Cardin lets go of Asher, and he falls to the ground. Asher grabs his throat and coughs a few times. He glares up at Cardin as he catches his breath, and rubs his red throat.

Cardin just walks away with a large frown. Asher coughs a couple more times and slowly stands up.

"Asher?" Pyrrha walks around the corner and notices his condition. "Hey, what happened?!"

"Cardin..." Asher growls.

"Oh, I'll break his legs!"

Asher just shakes his head. "He'll get what's coming to him, one way or another. I'll make sure of it."

"Do you want to go to the nurses office?" 

Asher shakes his head. "No, I'll be fine." He runs his throat. "Just kinda sore." He then starts to walk off. "Have a goodnight now."

"Oh... you too." 

Pyrrha watches Asher walk off with a worried look.



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