Chapter 10- Meeting an old friend
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The restaurant which Xiao Mei's best friend started just after graduation from management university was situated near a residential area. 

The apartments around the area are mostly rental and also there were several parks around down the street as well. The restaurant itself wasn't too sophisticated and provided a comfortable ambiance, that's why people didn't find the place unapproachable.

However, since today was a weekday and also the time was around mid noon, the place wasn't too crowded as Xiao Mei exited the car and looked around.

"Uncle Lu, I will be here for some time, so you can go back. I will call once I am done."

Hearing Xiao Mei's suggestion, the driver looked apologetic as he responded in a polite tone,

"Madame, Master has told me to remain around Madame just in case if your health worsen."

Hearing the old man's words, Xiao Mei sighed as she thought what she could do about this situation. There was no space around the restaurant where he could park the car and the nearest car park was also five kilometers away. 

"You can go back, Mr. Driver. I will take care of your Master's wife in his stead."

The voice of a female attracted their attention as Xiao Mei turned to look at the short haired woman with a mole at the side of her nose. She was wearing the shop uniform with an apron tied around her waist. 

She has pitch dark eyes and thin eye brows. Healthy white skin and long legs. She was three centimeter higher than Xiao Mei in height with a thin frame that made her look taller.

She was giving a very fresh vibe and her overall beauty might have made Xiao Mei blush if she would have been her previous self.

Shaking her head inwardly, she turned to look at Uncle Lu before she said, "Don't worry, Uncle Lu; I will talk to Mr. Cheng."

The old man looked reluctant to leave the Madame while she was injured but under Xiao Mei's round innocent eyes, the old man had no option but to yield.

"You have changed..." Xiao Mei turned to look at her friend with her brows elevated.

"Hmm? Why do you say such a thing?" 

Xiao Mei's question was responded with a soft chuckle before the lady invited her inside,

"Let's go in and chat. The sun is pretty harsh today."


The inside of the store wasn't too exaggerated with only twelve sets of table and chairs arranged in a diagonal pattern.

The reception was just opposite the entrance and the kitchen door, from behind the counter.

The lighting and decoration gave a very peaceful vibe with the simple drawn designs on the wall. Overall, it was a very nice place for those who want to relax with their friends and lovers.

Xiao Mei was led to one of the vacant seats near the entrance as Zhang Yulan sat opposite Xiao Mei.

"So tell me, what do you like to eat. Your ever favorite barbeque chicken with carbonated drink?" 

Although Xiao Mei felt tempted to have some sweet and spicy barbeque chicken, she shook her head and replied,

"I just had a load of pancake for breakfast. What about you? Had breakfast?"

"Yeah, already had. I have to call for my staff and cook and rearrange everything in the restaurant that's why I finish my necessary duties early in the morning."

The sigh that escaped her lips, declared how Zhang Yulan wasn't fond of calling her staff for timely arrival. However, it was part of her job as the owner of the place, so there was no helping.

"It's not their fault, actually, you are just too punctual. How about you get yourself a manager and take some days off from time to time?"

Hearing Xiao Mei's suggestion, Zhang Yulan dropped her head in depression before she notified her experience with the last manager she had,

"Can't even think of someone for that job. People these days are so unreliable and irresponsible that I feel I am burning my stamina and money before them, needlessly."

Xiao Mei chuckled at the dramatic response,

"Well, you will find someone soon. Don't worry"

After that, a small pause ensued between the two before Zhang Yulan finally raised her head and asked the question she have been dying to ask,

"Umm...Xiao Mei...are you not talking to Wang Lin?"

There was a reason why she asked this. Two days ago, Zhang Yulan received a 'threat' from Wang Lin that she should stop brain washing his Xiao Mei. It seemed Xiao Mei had been ignoring that guy that's why he became desperate and tried venting on Zhang Yulan.

However, Zhang Yulan wasn't an innocent timid high schooler to get threatened by some harsh words or raised volume. She one-sided initiated her verbal assault and disconnected the call once she was satisfied.

Wang Lin didn't call her after that.

As such, Zhang Yulan was rather interested in knowing the reason behind such a change from Xiao Mei's side.

The person in question remained a little silent before she exposed her plans, "I am meeting him today...and officially breaking up with him."

Holding her excitement and restraining her lips from edging to a smile, Zhang Yulan asked, "Why so suddenly? Something happened?"

Being her best friend, Zhang Yulan was aware of how much Xiao Mei loved that scoundrel, who was just using Xiao Mei for his financial support.

She never liked that good for nothing guy who have always been chasing Xiao Mei and once they began dating, his true intention began to surface. The first case was when Zhang Yulan caught him partying with his friends just the same day he asked for some cash from Xiao Mei under the excuse of his bad health.

At that time, Xiao Mei shrugged the matter, but Zhang Yulan knew; that was the beginning. And as she thought, ever since, Wang Lin have kept asking for favors from Xiao Mei even after she married Cheng Wei.

Zhang Yulan had more than enough reason to be elated about her friend's decision of dumping that guy.

"Yuyu...I have decided."

Returning to reality, Zhang Yulan raised her brows at those words as she wordlessly asked for Xiao Mei to continue.

However, Zhang Yulan didn't know the biggest shock of the day wasn't Xiao Mei's plan on dumping Wang Lin. Rather,

"I am going to start anew with Mr. Wei. I will accept him as my husband."


A/N:- I might start writing some side stories of their past to highlight some of the events, at the end of the chapter. Tell me your thoughts on this.