Chapter 7: My life, Part 2 Plans for the future.*
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In our third year at the academy, Luy and I witnessed a spectacle that left us in awe of our mother, a woman of five years' service to the institution. In the heat of the moment, when I bravely attempted to save Ninaies from danger, our mother emerged, defying all expectations. With a fierce determination, she wielded whatever was at her disposal to defeat our foes, leaving us all speechless. I can still recall the sight of her utilizing a massive branch as a weapon, or the incredible leap she executed to land right amidst our adversaries. Despite her petite frame, she showcased a strength that surpassed that of most individuals, earning her the nickname of the Retter Messiah whom can kill. However, whispers from the shadows suggest that the Retter Messiah are not meant to take lives but to resort to violence only when absolutely necessary, a weakness that our fearsome warrior Frenia, even she is not exempt from this

As we stroll towards the hallowed grounds of the academy, we are greeted by grand mansions that dwarf even our own humble abode. This is the realm of the true elite, where only a select 3000 individuals reside in a space that could accommodate hundreds of thousands. The distinction between nobility and commoners is stark, with the former often possessing innate combat prowess. A noble can single-handedly vanquish a hundred foes, a feat that inspires both awe and fear. However, when skirmishing with demi-humans at the borders, the tables turn dramatically. Some of these formidable beings can take on five nobles at once, showcasing their unparalleled strength. The privileges enjoyed by the nobility come at a cost, for their status is not easily won. While ordinary folk may covet their position, the rarity of a noble being unworthy is a testament to their exceptional abilities. The mere fact that a single demi-human can best 500 civilians underscores the crucial role they play in society.


In the 5 majestic capital cities of the vast empire scattered across the globe, the population fluctuates from a mere 20,000 souls to a bustling 120,000 in the grandest of them all, Neo Jerico. Here, the chance of meeting one's demise due to old age is exceedingly high, painting a stark contrast to the serene towns and villages nestled in the fertile corners of the world. In these peaceful havens, inhabitants number anywhere from 500 to 2000, but even reaching numbers like 10,000, reminding us of the humble beginnings of humanity. Despite our steady growth since the Holy Judgement, our greatest threat does not stem from the ravages of disease or the loss of technological wonders. Instead, it is the terrifying mutant beasts that haunt our lands, indiscriminately attacking with a vicious fervor that defies reason. Even as their numbers dwindle, they fight on relentlessly, their dying breaths a grim testament to their savage nature. These abominations appear suddenly and without warning, their origin a mystery that sends shivers down our spines. Though a mighty wall holds back the waves of beasts and titanic creatures in the north, that region remains the most treacherous in all of America. The claws of danger yet linger, ready to strike at the heart of our fragile existence.

The pervasive fear of venturing just a kilometer beyond the capital's boundaries looms over us all, for it could lead to a harrowing encounter with the unknown. The dangers of nature are ever-present, even in the lushest of landscapes, as the untamed wildlife harbors a deadly potential. Yet amidst these shadows, there is a glimmer of hope - a communal spirit that unites us in times of need. Straying from the societal norms is not just frowned upon, but could spell one's demise, making conformity a lifeline in this unforgiving world.

Lost in the labyrinth of my own thoughts, I found solace in the gentle presence of Luy, who clung to my arm with unwavering loyalty. Walking gracefully beside us was our mother, a beacon of knowledge and wisdom. As we strolled, the bustling crowd parted ways to greet us, recognizing the revered teacher and the fiery-haired Luyira, known far and wide as the Retter Messiah.

Ahead, the grand doors of the academy loomed in our sights, promising a glimpse of familiar faces and esteemed figures. Stepping onto the campus, we were met with a royal entourage - the King, Queen, Prince, and Princess, each exuding regal charm. On the other side of the threshold stood Saint Mary, the radiant Retter Messiah renowned for her healing touch. Year after year, she welcomed students and royalty alike with open arms, acknowledging our collective efforts with grace and gratitude.

-Luyira: It's clear to me that neither the Saint nor the princess hold any importance for you.

- Aido: And why do you say that?

-Luyira: Because she requires that which you hold dear! Such a mama's boy.

With a mischievous grin, Luyira playfully bounces her bosom, making a 'boin, boin, boin' sound to mock my affinities. Alidia interjects, scolding Luyira for her lack of manners. However, Luyira ensured her outburst was heard by all, though most simply brushed it off, well aware of the dynamics between us. The approaching Saint seemed unfazed by our banter.

Saint Mary lamented

-Saint Mary: So I see I do not captivate you, my dear Aido

As she gently caressed her chest with a melancholic expression.


-Aido: You, Saint, are the epitome of beauty. Your grace and charm make all other women green with envy. I simply have a preference for something a bit different.

I answer with a smile, it was the truth, I had no problem saying the truth.

Honesty flowed effortlessly from his lips. Saint Mary chuckled

-Saint Mary: Oh, don't be shy with me, my dear Aido. I can provide anything your heart desires, as long as it brings no harm. And here I thought I had found my match. Her tone was playful yet tinged with a hint of longing. She was always occupied with something, rumored to forgo sleep while Luyira slept soundly.

-Luyira: Ah no sister, get your own!

She playfully embraced Aido, wrapping her limbs around him and nuzzling affectionately. Though she was light, she purposefully left her mark on him. Their mother swooped in, delivering a playful scold to Luyira.

-Luyira: Itai o! I'm just telling the truth.

She shrugged her shoulders as she left me in her mother's tender embrace, enjoying her attentions. The exchange culminated with the King's signature booming laughter echoing throughout the space.

-Santa Mary: Haaa~ You don't have to be shy with me my little Aido, I can give you anything you want, as long as it doesn't hurt someone. And I finally thought I had found him.

The others laugh a little at the scene, and then Sa comes to me, whispering.

-Saint Mary: We need to discuss some things, especially about your sister.

-Aido: I understand, just let me know when you have time, Your Holiness.

As we entered the academy, we exchanged greetings with the royalty, and in the hallway, we bid farewell to our mother who had classes to prepare for the upcoming field test days. The impending tests were a source of concern for all of us in our third year. Curious about the Saint's intentions, Luyira asked, "What does the Saint want now?"

-Aido: It's nothing special.

-Luyira: She's not gonna marry us is she?

-Aido: Ha ha ha! You really have a strange way of thinking.

-Luyira: That's the reason you like me.

She says with a smile.

-Aido: And many more. But if she really want to be one of my lovers and wives, what is your opinion of it?

-Luyira: I am acutely aware of the truth of the matter, despite feelings of jealousy that may emerge. I am willing to comply with your desires because, at the core, I also hold affection for her. The circumstances are complex, as I find myself able to accept the situation on one hand, yet longing to have you exclusively on the other. Nevertheless, my love for you, Aido, remains unwavering

I embrace her, feeling our bodies entwine in a gentle dance of affection. It's a brief moment of connection that warms my soul. Luyira's voice breaks the spell, reminding me that class is about to begin. Reluctantly, I place a kiss on her cheek before releasing her from my embrace. I could have held onto her for a little longer, savoring the closeness between us. As we walk towards our classroom, we spot Sakura waiting for Luyira, and Carlos, her boyfriend, greets me with a friendly nod. They are our closest friends in the academy, our companions in this journey of learning and growth.

-Sakura: Luy!


Sakura was startled when Luy playfully leaped towards her. Surprisingly, this time Luy's playful antics were directed at herself. Instead of toppling her over, they both ended up spinning around with smiles on their faces. Despite not being officially a couple, they shared a close bond like two young girls. Luy, in actuality, may be thousands of years old, but she exudes the demeanor of an 18-year-old woman, whereas Sakura is truly 17 years of age.

-Carlos: Hey bro, how are you?

-Aido: I'm doing well, as always tending to my dear little sister with care!

-Luyira: Oilo! if I am the oldest!

-Carlos: This year will be the combat field exam, and I though I was nervous when we had our sex classes, the truth is that I was very lucky that my partner was Sakura, we both had no experience, while the normal citizens have their first time as soon as they get up the courage or admit a penetration, we focus more on combat, maybe that's why we have so few children.

-Sakura: I want ten! But it is true I had so much fear in those lessons, we all were nervous, BUT YOU!

Sakura and Luy's bond only grew stronger, blossoming from the intimate encounters we shared in class. Though Sakura may seem reserved, Carlos confided in me that she possesses a fiery passion equal to Luy's when it comes to matters of the heart.

-Sakura: Upon the commencement of the class, it became apparent that the individuals in question had removed their clothing and engaged in physical affection in full view of others. This led to speculation regarding Aido's social standing as a third-class citizen. Beside Luy had already that boing and boom, and boobalicious body, that I am caring now.

-Aido: Well .... lie was not I used to be a third class citizen.

-Luyira: I popped his cherry! And I taught him everything he knows!

This woman says it with such pride and without shame, the group is stunned by her audacity. After a long awkward moment, everyone laughed, but none with as much delight as Luy did. With an impish grin, she turned to the group, adding

-Luyira: What is done is done!

-Carlos: How did you find your way, with no memories of your past like the Saint?

-Luyira: I simply followed my instincts, letting go when the moment was right.

-Sakura: Nombre mujer! you're such a threat to virgins.

-Luyira: Nuh uh. My heart belongs only to Aido; no one else will ever touch me.

- Carlos: But you allow him to touch others.

-Luyira: Really, Carlos? We just went over this. It's like stepping on a landmine... or something.

-Aido: You've always been fine with it.

-Luyira: Because your touch comes from love. You never engage with someone you don't care for. It's why all the girls adore you.

-Carlos: It's like you have two sides - the Destroyer and the Gentleman. If only more were like you, life would be simpler.

-Aido: And what's you think Sakura?

-Sakura: I am content with Carlos. Our love blossomed from friendship, and it's a perfect match. Our families sync seamlessly, though we do lack siblings. They're pleased with our bond."

-Carlos: Indeed, the undeniable truth is that in a world where polygamy and polyamory are accepted, I cannot fathom being with anyone other than Sakura. Even the demi-humans, who are said to be open to such arrangements, do not sway my heart from her. Just like you, we are inseparable, and this year we took our bond a step further by moving into the same dormitory.

-Luyira: Congratulations! So, are you two officially tying the knot?

-Sakura: Not yet, as we are fully devoted to our duties as aspiring C-ranked hunters. We dream of building our own love nest someday, but we will wait until we reach our goals.

-Aido: The truth is that I love Luyira and my mother very much, but I feel like I have an empty heart, especially after what happened in the village. It's something we have talked about, but the reality is that I have been confessed to by more than one girl, whom I have rejected.

-Carlos: Not even as acquaintances with benefits, you ask?

-Sakura: Not yet, we don't have time to have our own little love nest, we'll wait until we become C-ranked hunters.

-Aido: The truth is that I love Luyira and my mother very much, but I feel that I must have an empty heart, especially since what happened in the village, it is something that we have talked about, but it is true that I get confessed from more than one girl that I have rejected.

-Carlos: Not even as sex friends?

-Aido: No, I feel that's not my thing and if  the childs are as weak as me, gonna be a problem. Speaking of demi humans since you mentioned them, it seems to be what has everyone nervous this time.

-Sakura: No way, I still have trouble sleeping since we finished the other year, if you get pregnant in the vacations the students are forbidden to enter combat, this year 5 of us are pregnant from 2 to 5 months.

-Carlos: The exam will be in a month, the truth is that I would have liked to get Sakura pregnant.

-Luyira: Don't be afraid! I will protect you and all the others.

-Aido: I will also do my part, besides our mother will accompany us and I have heard that the Warrior will also be in the field this year.

-Carlos: That's what worries me, have you heard the rumors?

-Aido: The mutant beasts, right?

Upon mention of them, Carlos and Sakura's expressions turned gloomy. While demi-humans may possess great strength, they only inflict fatal harm in rare instances, such as when they are ill or exhibit extreme malevolence. Such individuals typically do not live long as their own community distances themselves from them. Primarily driven by the need to pilfer food and resources to survive in arid regions, they are viewed unfavorably by society, yet not considered a grave threat as military forces are promptly summoned to aid affected regions and restore provisions.

Conversely, mutant beasts exhibit a wide range of characteristics; some resemble untamable, relentless wild animals that display violent, cannibalistic tendencies and a willingness to kill without remorse. Attempts at communication with them have tragically resulted in fatalities. These creatures often congregate in specific locations known as Nest, seemingly standing guard. Only sending groups of them to attack towns from time to time, always ending in casualities by their big numbers.However, unsettling reports following the village attack suggest that they have started to venture into urban areas more often, materializing unexpectedly or even descending from the sky, leaving inhabitants on edge. Of particular concern is the seemingly limitless proliferation of these destructive creatures, with new ones continuously emerging. Despite generally being less physically imposing than demi-humans, mutant beasts tend to possess weaponry that can be discharged from their bodies or limbs, adding to the complexity and urgency of the threat they pose, to normal people.

-Carlos: That's correct, the tests are always held in the most conflict-ridden areas. This time, it seems they are planning to send us to the northern desert, passing through the land of Tamaulipas.

-Aido: The northern region is the largest and most desolate arid lands, historically considered a no man's land with only a few outposts of a few thousand people, guarded by hunters ranging from B to A, who live in constant fear.

-Sakura: The famous wall, they will probably assign us a section of it.

-Carlos: We have been trained in this place since childhood, it's not so bad. The real issue is the mutant beasts, titanic creatures, and demi-humans. We haven't received any updates on their behavior changes.

-Aido: From what I've heard, there have been attacks on villages and towns, though not as frequent as in our village. Nonetheless, there have been casualties, ranging from 5% to 25% each year.

-Luyira: We are not inexperienced; we have been trained since our early years. While we may not be the best in combat training, our teachers and my mother are exceptional. I'm not worried at all. Luy said the last sentence with a confident smile.

Luy said the last with a confident smile, as her eyes sparkled with determination. My brave warrior, as fierce as she is kind, Luy has endured years of conflict, having witnessed firsthand the atrocities demi humans commit. Her innocent eyes witnessed her family's suffering, causing the demise of her lover and the shattering of

-Sakura: Luy is correct. Additionally, we are stronger and have surpassed the achievements of previous generations

Upon encountering our friends, Luy affectionately interacts with her friend Sakura. Subsequently, the class bell signals the commencement of our lessons. Upon entering the classroom, it is evident that there is a higher number of male students compared to females. The expressions on their faces indicate their displeasure with the upcoming exam. Traditionally, our academy enrollment consists of 40 students, evenly divided between 20 men and 20 women. This gender balance is atypical, as usually one sex predominates. The allocation of class partners is carefully managed to ensure each individual does not exceed three partners of the opposite sex. This is particularly challenging for the nobility, as it may result in a higher birth rate among them. Instances where there are 8 men and 2 women in a generation have caused concern among both the nobles and common citizens. Currently, the student body comprises 14 men and 5 women, implying that some did not meet the criteria to advance to the third year. Speculations about the absence of certain students due to pregnancy are dismissed, as the opportunity to become Hunters, a noble's destiny, would not be willingly forsaken. The stringent selection process aims to safeguard this valuable resource from being underutilized.

As I conclude my assessment of the scenario, a sense of déjà vu washes over the room. Suddenly, a figure from the past glides through the door, leaving everyone astonished. Without missing a beat, she gracefully approaches the podium and, with a radiant smile, utters:

-St. Mary: Welcome to the enchanting third year of this journey!

-All: Why, oh why?

-St. Mary: The whispers of looming threats from the north have reached our ears, particularly around the border towns and the ancient wall. This year, the Third years of the academy consists of only 5 groups, totaling 68 adventurous participants.

-All: Only 68? The smallest number yet!

When my mother enter the academy as a teacher, an impressive 500 aspirants graduated from the academy, scattered across cities and villages. 68 is but a mere whisper in comparison.

-St. Mary: Henceforth, it has been decreed that our seasoned mentors shall be closely present during the trials, ensuring your safety above all.

-All: Hooray, what a relief!

St. Mary's words breathed a new vigor into the group.

-Francisco: Will you be joining us in the trials?

-St. Mary: Alas, Unfortunately not. Although I would love to, my duties in the capital and at the Crystal Palace do not allow me to leave. However, two of your classmates will receive special classes, in which you may sometimes participate. Everyone will have special training from now on.

She spoke of Luy and me, emphasizing my skill in combat, particularly with the protection of Destroyer guarding me from harm. Luyira, as a Retter Messiah, is impervious to harm. Luy can be as reckless as she wants; she is a fierce warrior capable of defeating numerous beasts without being hindered. However, if her opponent manages to hold her, she could end up trapped beneath them. Her healing abilities are strong, although occasionally painful. Unlike the centuries-old Saint, Luy has only accumulated a few years of experience, yet her prowess in battle is undeniable.

-Aido: I understand that you will personally instruct Luy in the field of healing arts.

St. Mary responded to me with a kind smile, affirming this statement.

-St. Mary: That is correct. Dear! Luy will be my dedicated student, particularly after school hours.

-Luyira: Oi, what a brave woman flirting infront of me, Aido belongs to me!

-St. Mary: For now, Luyira!

Her response was a melody in the air, a gentle caress of sound that seemed to dance around Luy's possessive demeanor. Despite the hint of mischief in her eyes, there was a softness to her tone that whispered of playful intentions.

Saint Mary will lead our discussion today. We shall commence by focusing on the curriculum of the first semester, with an emphasis on the history of the world. As the Saint elaborates, visual aids will be presented on screens to illustrate the subject matter. It may come as a surprise to view the image depicting a man with black hair and green eyes, donning a sword on his waist and dressed in a black shirt, white pants, and a black coat. This elegant figure is accompanied by two girls and a boy.

-St. Mary: The story is not so far away, but we have to start from the beginning, it was 2000 years ago that this young man, his name is James, or as they used to call him "The Demon" he is a very important person in our history, not only in the world but also the demi-human world.

The students' expressions were solemn and focused as they listened intently to the tale of James, a figure widely regarded as a villain in the demi-human realm and a hero in the human world. According to St. Mary, James was renowned for his ability to recover technology from the remnants of the ancient world. His team consisted of a close combat hunter of Range S, a Medical Assistant Hunter S, and a young boy whom James had rescued and adopted from the brink of death. It was during James' era that the towering wall was erected in the north, standing at a height of 40 meters and a width of 30 meters, stretching for miles. The construction of this barrier spanned many years and entailed the sacrifice of countless individuals, including both commoners and nobility. This marked a pivotal point in history, as for the first time humans were able to vanquish colossal beasts by harnessing not just their physical prowess, but also utilizing salvaged weaponry from ancient ruins. This led to the development of firearms, which were typically ineffective against mutant creatures but proved invaluable on a wider scale in battles against them, such as Zora's cannons. Smaller arms were occasionally deployed against demi-humans as well, with varying degrees of success.

-Carlos: That's what Master Alfredo explained to us, that all hunters must carry weapons of laceration, if possible of large size to do real damage to the mutant beasts, while rapid-fire weapons are more effective for the demi-humans since their skin is less thick and they feel pain.

-St. Mary: What are your thoughts on demi humans?

The inquiry may seem incongruous, given our training to contain them. However, it holds true that demi humans are typically released following capture, with termination as a last resort.

-Aido: I believe they pose no significant threat to human life. The first commandment prohibits the killing of pure-hearted individuals, while the second mandates the destruction of beasts. In our community, sporadic attacks occurred but did not breed animosity towards them, Furthermore, they tend not to repeatedly target the same village, creating more of a cat-and-mouse dynamic.

-St. Mary: A Retter Messiah nature is to watch for all living beings, we accept some destinies that seem go against that. But I believe the Demi humans are not evil. They are struggling to stay alive in a world that is hostile to them. Even I living for centuries in the center of this city, I know people hate them because who has not lost a love one to the mutant beast, the ones that looks like them even without sin still be hated by people.

-Alexis: I have never see a Demi human beside the pictures books.

But I can't imagine they are worse than the beasts.

-St. Mary: That's good, but you'll learn the truth.

-Alexis: What is that?

-St. Mary: Their origin...

The Saint's words make everyone look surprised.

-Santa Mary: Yes, we have not told the whole truth, because we do not have all the information, but now we have the technology and the time to investigate. And so we found out a very shocking truth, one that will make the whole world turn upside down.

-Alexis: I think the demi-humans are descendants of humans who went extinct because of the disaster.

-St. Mary: Well, we don't really know their origin, the fact is that the Demi humans appeared a long time ago, they lived beside humans once. But the beasts came a long time later.

-Sakura: So the beasts are not related to the demi humans?

-St. Mary: Exactly! There was an investigation and we discovered something disturbing. The mutant beasts have the same structure as humans and Demi humans, but there is a difference, a part of their DNA has been completely changed, and that's how we know they are different. Even though the mutated beast more common is canine type.

-Alexis: That's interesting, if the demi-humans and beasts are not the same thing, maybe their origin is not the same.

-St. Mary: We still have a long way to go to find the answer, but it is certain that they are 2 different races.

-Francisco: But the beasts are monsters that should not exist.

-St. Mary: Their existence hangs in the balance, shrouded in mystery. We are on a quest to unveil their origins and quash their emergence. As the protective walls stand tall, we press on to reclaim lost territories and eradicate the foul nests of the beasts. Rumors swirl that these nests are hives of terror, the dark cradles from which all beasts are born.

When everyone still trying to process the information, the bell for the recess ring in the distance.