Chapter 8: My life, part 3 The rumor that was true and invitation to a secret meeting.*
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The classes provided a comprehensive review as well as introduced new concepts to us. We learned about the theory of combat, emphasizing the importance of attacking in groups when facing demi-humans and mutant beasts. It was stressed that acting independently is not advisable. Additionally, we were instructed on emergency protocol, including the option to retreat when necessary, and in extreme situations, to prioritize the safety of ourselves abandoning the the civilian population. This last resort can be particularly challenging for nobles, who have a duty to protect their citizens because nobles have superior combat abilities. The loss of civilian lives weighs heavily on their conscience, as their value and significance are measured by the lives they safeguard. Fortunately, such extreme scenarios are rare occurrences. I recall Professor Alfredo mentioning a similar incident that took place decades ago, which is why he consistently reminds us to remain prepared for potential evacuations.

As for Saint Mary, she is recognized for her expertise in guiding and instructing others. Her dignified presence, along with her distinctive wings, brings solace to the citizens of the empire. Statues of her, alongside Aido the Redeemer and the Creator God, can be found in most major cities, symbolizing hope and protection.

-Carlos: Let's grab a bite to eat before the next term starts.

Excitedly, Luy chimed in

-Luyira:Let's go, let's go!

-Aido: What's the hurry, Luy? We have a lifetime ahead of us to be together.

-Luyira:Yes, but...

Aido chuckled

Aido: Haha, just kidding.

Luyira playfully pouted, to which Sakura teased by pinching her cheeks and laughing,


The group continued to enjoy each other's company as they strolled towards the academy cafeteria.

-Sakura: I never expected the Saint herself to be teaching us, it's quite a surprise, but it seems like everyone, including myself, is happy about it.

-Carlos: Yes, it surprised me too, but it seems like a good fit for our group.

-Sakura: Don't speak too soon, Luy. If you keep defying the saint, she might just become another one of Aido's lovers.

Luy replied confidently, "Nope, I have a special bond with Aido," pulling Aido into a tight hug. She had been by Aido's side since childhood, the first face Aido saw in the morning and the last before going to sleep; she was like a sister to Aido.

-Sakura: Despite the way she treats Aido, it's clear that she sees him through different eyes, perhaps with a desire that's hard to miss, even I realize that she sees you with fuck me eyes.

-Carlos: Sakura, that's almost sacrilegious.

-Sakura: Why? We would all be happy if she had a child. That reminds me, how is it possible that despite all the action, neither Luy nor I have gotten pregnant yet.

-Aido: Maybe it's my fault. I don't feel ready to become a father yet.

People may think I'm special, but all I really excel at is pleasing the women I care about, and for what I know meanwhile I do not want a child, there are not way I get pregnan a woman.

-Luyira: I'll wait for Aido to be ready for a baby.

-Sakura: But I want a little version of Carlos running around the mansion! It's intriguing though; the saint has never shown interest in a man. There have been admirers like Guillermo, but their love has remained platonic, aside from that scandalous rumor.

-Carlos: Do you believe it's true?

-Aido: The gossip about a nobleman trying to force himself on her?

-Luyira: Not a chance he'd succeed.

-Sakura: I've heard it's true. That's why there are 10 top-ranked hunters at the crystal palace. Let me tell you how the tale unfolds.

We all maintained silence, even though we were aware of the rumor, as it may be the case that Sakura possesses information that is unknown to us. Few would dare to interfere in the affairs of the most significant figure in the empire.

-Sakura: Centuries ago, the Saint she resided  in the church. It was during this time that a nobleman became enamored with her upon their first meeting. Despite her kind demeanor towards everyone, he had a strong desire to possess her, becoming increasingly obsessed. Gradually gaining her trust, he eventually concocted a plan. He administered a potent aphrodisiac strong enough to put in heat a elephant to an attempt to win her affection, but to no avail.

During this retelling, Sakura gestures dramatically, with Luy engrossed in the story and Carlos appearing confused by the unfamiliar details, much like myself.

-Sakura: But it didn't work, and he was the first one to try harming the Saint. At that moment, they still didn't know the warrior; they hadn't found her yet. It was unknown that toxins, poisons, and drugs don't work on them

Luy opened her eyes with great surprise. Truthfully, I was unaware of this fact as well; it had never crossed my mind.

-Sakura: Nevertheless, he did not give up. When he realized that the aphrodisiac had no effect and deceived everyone, he asked for some time alone with the saint, whose room was in a private area on one of the upper floors of the church. No one suspected him, but when he closed the door, he threw himself on top of her. He believed the saint would not harm anyone, so she would not resist his attack. Unaware of the strength of a Retter Messiah, he proceeded to tear off her clothes. When she asked him to stop and he tried to penetrate her, she used her superhuman strength to push him away.

-Carlos: Obviously, he would look like a doll to her.

-Luyira: I should have kicked him in the balls!

-Aido: What happened next?

-Sakura: He got up from the floor and attacked her once more. This time, she fought back, and the battle began. It is unclear whether he thought he could defeat the saint, or if he simply did not want to stop. As an expert martial artist, he attempted to rape her.

-Luy: Noooo, it can't be.

-Sakura: Do not worry, because the noises and screams of the saint were heard by the priests and the guards. When they arrived, they captured the culprit, who clearly could not claim it was a mistake. The saint, who was very shaken, was taken to the imperial palace.

-Carlos: What a piece of shit, he deserved to be punished.

-Aido: Was he executed?

-Sakura: He was not killed, because the saint did not wish for him to die. However, in the trial, he was found guilty of treason, and his punishment was exile to the northern lands in the arid zones.

-Luyira: That seems too lenient for someone who tried to rape a saint.

-Sakura: Well, as you know, even demi-humans survive in the arid lands. A nobleman alone in the middle of nowhere would have a slim chance.

-Aido: Middle of nowhere?

-Sakura: Yes, here's the funny part - they catapulted him into the arid lands.

Sakura makes sounds of a flying object crashing to the ground and yells

-Sakura: "Bammm" kilometers away, stripped of his possessions and clad only in his bare skin. The relentless sun beat down, scorching the earth with temperatures exceeding 50 degrees Celsius. The guards had callously stripped him of his weapons and garments before casting him into this brutal landscape.

-Luyira: It serves him well.

She was clearly upset for what she heard, her red ears and tail was erect while she hissed, revealing her fangs, like a wolf ready to bite her prey, even her eyes flashed like gold.

Everyone looks shocked to hear how this situation was handled, but considering the time the incident took place, they might not have any technology back then or was on purpose.

-Aido: They didn't give up after that, right?

I pondered, knowing what fate awaits those who dare to hurt a saint.

-Sakura: No one dared to force her again, but many attempted to win her over with various tactics, some even pleading for her affection, yet she turned them all away with a steely gaze and a tense smile.

-Luyira: I believe she may consider someone as strong and kind as Aido.

-Sakura: It would be extraordinary if a saint were to fall in love— the entire empire kneel before her, for she would be the matriarch of the realm. Even more important than the King, for it is said the saint is more powerful, she is like an goddess.

-Luy: As far as I am concerned, Aido is like a god.

Luy wraps her arms around Aido, causing her breasts to be compressed and spill out like two mounds of clouds.

-Aido: Enough of that, Luy! I'm hungry.

She grabbed Aido's hand, smiling mischievously, offering him some of her food and almost force it into his mouth.

-Aido: Strong, you say? Perhaps.

-Carlos: Brother, with you and your family by our side, all will be well. Sooner or later, you will shine like Luyira and your mother.

I can't help but feel a surge of happiness at hearing how beloved I am and how people try to uplift me. I truly aspire to become the person they envision, to rescue as many souls as I can, to unearth ancient ruins, and restore the grandeur of our world.

*Ding dong.*"

The bell ringing in the distance signifies that it is time to return to the classroom. Today, I am pleasantly surprised by how much I have learned, and it is only halfway through the term. After the three-hour session, everyone prepares to go to the training camp. Typically, couples or teams are formed, with guidance from the teachers. However, it appears that there will be a different approach this time.

-Saint Mary: All right, everyone except Aido and Luyira, please proceed to the training grounds where Professor Alfredo and Professor Irma are awaiting your arrival.

I take Luy's hand, while Carlos does the same with Sakura, as we make our way towards the Saint.

-Aido: We are at your disposal for any assistance you may require.

Luy grips my hand tighter, awaiting the Saint's response.

-Saint Mary: Do not be nervous. We have had limited opportunities to connect, and I believe it is important to get to know each other better. Hence, I have arranged a meeting between you, your mother, and the empire's royalty.

A meeting, really?! There is little that surprises me anymore, but I certainly had not expected something like this. Luy seems quite delighted, as her appearance does not indicate sadness about it. Actually, after our conversation with Sakura, it seems Luy sympathizes more with Mary

-Aido: Understood.

Luy appears to still be nervous, possibly due to the upcoming field exam or perhaps because she perceives that the Saint is showing interest in me. As we make our way through the corridors towards the center of the academy where the crystal palace stands—the largest structure in the city—it becomes evident that the academy, along with the elite residential area, occupies a significant portion of the city, rivaling only the industrial and shopping districts in size.

Unexpectedly, the Saint reaches out to me as Luy holds on to my hand, positioning herself close to me with a flirtatious smile and linking arms with me, causing a reaction of distaste from Luy. It dawns on me that some individuals may harbor envy and animosity towards me, as it is apparent that the Saint has never before displayed interest in a man throughout the centuries, nor has she shown favor towards any warrior, leading to uncertainty about their reproductive capabilities. Surrounding bystanders display a blend of surprise and acceptance towards our trio, with most exhibiting no hostility towards me, the only human adorned with both Retter Messiah on each arm.

Although we proceed towards the palace quietly, a sense of anticipation looms, not stemming from the individuals with me, but likely due to the impending discussion awaiting us. The Saint resides in the crystal Palace within the academy, encircled by nobles and hunters who hold her in the highest esteem, recognizing her as the sole individual capable of healing severe wounds and illnesses, and emerging unscathed from danger—traits shared only by the warrior discovered centuries later. It is commonly believed that these individuals may never find a partner due to their past traumas or that only one male Messiah Retter may exist, although only three have been identified thus far. All three remember or have knowledge of men, suggesting that their memories hold more information than actual visual recollections. I am reminded that the Saint possesses the ability to alter individuals' genders, a delicate process that may span several days, saved for rare occasions and predominantly favored by the nobility over common citizens. It is rumored that same-sex couples from other cities aspire to meet her, with the Saint providing this service free of charge, yet the journey proves too arduous for most.

To St. Mary's command, the grand doors swing open, revealing a world of luxury and opulence. S-Rank Hunter extends a warm welcome, as Luyira's curious gaze takes in the expansive interior, complete with a majestic staircase at its center. Intrigued, Aido questions the impressive number of individuals within the palace walls, to which St. Mary proudly reveals that approximately 150 carefully chosen hunters reside there. As the conversation unfolds, the staggering count of hunters and servants is revealed, dwarfing the guards of lesser cities and villages.

Santa Mary elaborates further, explaining the hierarchy of ranks within, emphasizing the elite status of the S Rank members who guard the most vital areas. With 30 A Rank hunters and 10 S Rank protectors in their midst, the palace is abuzz with noble servants, all meticulously chosen for their roles. As they ascend the stairs and traverse the ornate corridors, Luyira's eyes dart around in wonder. The guardians, rushing past to stand watch by the looming door ahead, give a glimpse into the stringent security measures in place around the revered Saint. It becomes clear that within these walls, citizenship outweighs the mere title of a hunter, signifying a community bound by duty and honor.

- Saint Mary: Here we are!

Saint Mary glided into the grand hall with an air of grace. As the hunters swung open the ornate doors, a scene of royal splendor unfolded before her. The king, queen, and prince were poised regally, accompanied by a maid and a blushing princess in the company of a young man in servant's attire. All eyes turned to Saint Mary and the anticipation was palpable.

- King Arthur: Welcome, I am thrilled to be in the presence of the redeemer reincarnate

proclaimed King Arthur, his words carrying an air of reverence that seemed to envelop the room.

- Saint Mary: Sit here next to me, you too Luyira, your mother will arrive soon.

Seated next to Saint Mary, I felt the weight of expectations as the eyes of the court turned towards me. Despite knowing my destiny, the mantle of the savior seemed like a garment too magnificent to bear.

-Saint Mary: Your mother will be with us shortly.

Saint Mary beckoned, her voice as soothing as a lullaby. As if summoned by her words, the door creaked open once more, revealing the arrival of my mother, Alidia. With a formal salute, she greeted the royals, her presence commanding respect. Guiding us to the sofa, my mother positioned me beside Saint Mary, much to Luyira's chagrin as she found herself seated next to our mother.

-Luyira:Reincarnation of the Redeemer?

Luyira's voice pierced the silence, prompting all eyes to turn towards her.

-Saint Mary: Yes, indeed, it is undeniable confirmed.

Saint Mary, her expression serene, as if she held the key to a great secret.

-King Arthur: Indeed, young lady. That is precisely why we have gathered here today, in this secluded and sound-proof chamber. We wish to hear the truth from your own lips. While your mother has shared information with us, we have yet to hear your side of the story. But before we delve into the matter at hand, allow me to introduce you to the esteemed individuals present in this room, where whispers are muffled, and secrets find refuge.

My mother's entrance was as silent as a ghost, her presence betraying not a creak or murmur from the floor below. This chamber, hidden from prying eyes and ears, serves as a sanctuary for clandestine discussions and confidential exchanges.

-King Arthur: I am Arthur VII Pendragon de Lux, and this is my Queen, Jessica IV Pendragon de Lux. As you may be aware, she is not only my wife but also my twin sister.


It is common knowledge that they are both rulers in their own right, tasked with overseeing the imperial capital in the absence of their parents. In royal circles, unions within the family are often favored to preserve the purity of the royal lineage. The intervention of the Saints ensures any deviations are corrected, yet occasionally, noble blood is sought to strengthen the royal ties, rarely they mix their blood outside their family.

-Queen Jessica: A pleasure to make your acquaintance.

-Aido and Luyira: We are honored to meet you.

-King Arthur: Allow me to introduce my firstborn, Lasui Pendragon de Lux, and his betrothed, the enchanting Marceline Devenia.

-Prince Lasui: A pleasure to meet you, indeed!

-Aido and Luyira: The pleasure is ours.

- Aido and Luyira: The honor is ours.

Marceline's demure smile belies a hint of apprehension, though the unease seems misplaced. While their age difference may raise eyebrows, the connection between an older woman and a younger man is not unheard of. It appears there is more to their story, as if she could sense my curiosity, Marceline addresses the unspoken question.

-Marceline: Perhaps it may appear unconventional for a 30-year-old woman to be engaged to a 15-year-old prince, half her age. Nevertheless, circumstances unfolded swiftly, and the prince proposed to me three years ago.

Prince Lasui's words cut through the air, revealing the unspoken truth that had lingered like a shadow over their courtship. Marceline's heart still held onto the memories of her late husband, a brave C-rank hunter who had tragically fallen in battle. The remnants of their love and the cherished moments they once shared seemed to linger in the air, casting a somber tone over the room.

Luyira's words danced around the unspoken truth,"Hey! Ex-husband? oh, I know, she's in mourning", hinting at the pain and sorrow that Marceline still carried within her heart. The prince listened intently, his gaze fixed on Marceline as she recounted the tale of her past love, the father of her precious children. As Marceline's words painted a picture of loss and resilience, a sense of shared sorrow settled over the room.

-Marceline: "Yes, my husband and I shared a beautiful bond and blessed with children. A decade ago, as a humble D-rank hunter, I lost him to the vicious Mutant Beasts' attack on Silao. Devastated, I sought refuge at the palace to protect my little ones and serve the royal family. It was there that Prince Lasui crossed my path, his admiration for me growing with each passing day until he finally proposed when spring bloomed in his heart."

The bond between Marceline and the prince seemed to grow stronger, forged in the fires of shared grief and unwavering love. And as the question hung in the air, unspoken but heavy with meaning, Marceline's silence spoke volumes. The unspoken truth that had lingered between them was finally brought to light, confirming what they all knew to be true. The prince and Marceline were destined to be together, their hearts intertwined in a love that surpassed even the deepest of sorrows.

-Luyira: And you did it with him?

Luyira's bold question hung in the air, breaking the tender moment. Marceline's gaze averted, the silence of the room confirming the unspoken truth – she was indeed the prince's first love. The engagement between them, though unspoken, was clear to all who bore witness.

Alidia's voice cut through the room, admonishing Luyira for her reckless ways.

-Alidia:Girl, don't be reckless,

she urged.Luyira, with a twinkle in her eye, countered,

-Luyira: But I'm interested in love stories!

Aido, intrigued by the conversation, chimed in.

-Aido:To be honest, it also made me curious.

Interrupting their banter, King Arthur cleared his throat.

-King Arthur: Ahem, let's continue. You three are the greatest forces of the empire and our pride.

he declared. Gesturing towards a young couple, he introduced them

-King Arthur: Before you stand my beautiful daughter, Princess Sasari First Pendragon de Lux, and her young fiancé, Javier Halai.

The royal couple's story unfolded before them. Princess Sasari, with her innocence shining through, complimented Aido on his looks. Luy, the mother, and the saint exchanged glances, not entirely approving of the flirtation. Aido graciously acknowledged the princess's compliment.

-Aido: Thank you, young princess. Just as the king says, you are a true beauty.

Princess Sasari giggled mischievously, teasing Javier.

-Sasari:See, Javier, you must protect me. They might steal me away!

Javier, visibly flustered, responded, "Sasi!" It was evident that Javier and the princess were close in age, and the dynamic between them hinted at a compelling love story in the making.


Sasari: You know, Javier and I have grown up together since we were little kids. He has always been by my side; although he may be a little soft-spoken, he has always been there to protect me.

In a twist of fate, tales of bravery from the port of Veracruz have woven a romantic tale around Javier and the princess. Rumors speak of a ferocious attack by mutant beasts, with Javier valiantly shielding Sasari from harm, earning her admiration and love. As they gather in the royal court, Aido, Luyira, and King Arthur exchange nods of approval for Javier's gallantry.

- Aido: It's a pleasure to meet such a noble protector.

- Luyira: Well done, because that's what a man does!

Javier returns a smile to our comments

- King Arthur: Finally, we have Exio lion and Romulo Sepcio, hunters of rank S, with a decade of service protecting the empire and the pendragon house, of which the Holy Mary is a part.

- Exio and Romulo: At your command, sir!

- Aido: Glad to be in your charge.

The esteemed hunters, Exio and Romulo, stand tall with decades of service etched in their very beings, sworn protectors of the empire and the Pendragon house. In this tapestry of honor and duty, amidst the whispers of the court, the Princess herself, now known as St. Mary, playfully adds her own touch with a gentle

- St. Mary: Moo! I'm missing.

Saint Mary exclaimed with a playful, drawing everyone's attention with a gesture reminiscent of Luy pouting.

-Saint Mary: As the Retter Messiah, I am significantly older than most individuals. I was discovered in the southern jungles and rivers of Brazil. Upon awakening, I found that I had no recollection of my past. However, I possessed the ability to comprehend spoken language and had knowledge of almost all technological advancements up until that point. Despite this, there are still some lost technologies that I am unable to recreate. It was revealed to me that I possess the power to heal those under my guidance. Initially, I was only capable of healing minor injuries, but with practice and understanding, I have unlocked the secrets to performing more complex healing processes. This knowledge is something that I wish to pass on to Luyira.

-Luyira: Surrendering myself to your care!

-Saint Mary: I shall treat you with kindness, for we are essentially sisters, making me Aido's sister as well, and you will have to split that bond with me.

Sisters, ah, the enigmatic bonds between them. Mary, with her always present elegance, grace, and palpable aura of royalty, seemed like a living embodiment of sophistication. However, on this particular day, I saw her through a different lens - a mere mortal, just like her sister, Luy.

-Aido: Pardon me, but does Saint Mary truly desire me as her first companion?

-Saint Mary: Indeed, never before have I felt this stirring in my heart until I beheld the two of you step into the academy half a decade ago. It is you I have been awaiting, Frenia may not have laid eyes on you yet, but I sense she will share the same sentiment.

-Aido: Frenia the warrior?

-Saint Mary: Leader of the Amazons, she is akin to a mighty beast in strength and fierceness. Without her at the forefront, the Titanic beasts would have assailed us long ago.

The Titanic beasts are mutant creatures of enormous size and combat capacity. Typically only a few emerge each year, and while they are eventually defeated, new ones often appear later. This phenomenon has led to the loss of a significant amount of knowledge. In the past, these creatures were regarded as a natural disaster from which one could only run away.

-Saint Mary: This is also why I am eager to unravel your tale and those of the others. Let us commence with your birth.

It appears that my assumptions were correct; although my mother has narrated part of the account, they seem intrigued to learn more about me. It's unusual for an important figure to be absent, he usually retreats for some days but returns when needed.

-Alidia: Fear not, there are no secrets to divulge, as they are already acquainted with a portion of the narrative.

-Aido: In that case, I shall hold nothing back.

All eyes are now fixed upon me, eagerly anticipating to hear this story that seems unbelievable, even though I am its central figure.