002 Master and Student (2)
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As night descended, Fenris prepared to take action. He covered his face with a dark hooded robe, concealing his identity. Rifa joined him on a rooftop before they made their way down to the illuminated streets of Belzerg, lit by magical streetlights and moonlight.

Following their previously planned strategy, Fenris and Rifa split up and went in different directions. As Fenris ran at inhuman speeds, his heightened senses caught onto a distant conversation. He quickly found cover behind a crate and listened intently for any valuable information.

"These civilians have served their purpose."

"But the leader of this town...Marcos, was it? He's from the Tonelico clan. His blood would be perfect for the revival—"

"Shh! Do not speak his name so casually."

Fenris couldn't hear anything else from the unsavory characters.

They're planning to kill my father?!

The words uttered by the cultists hit Fenris like a ton of bricks. Suddenly, this mission had become personal for him.

"No...I can't let that happen!" Anger surged through him as he teleported in front of the cultists, catching them off guard.

"What is this brat doing here?!" one of them exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter! Kill him now!" ordered the other.

Both cultists drew long knives and attacked Fenris relentlessly, but none of their strikes landed as Fenris evaded them with little effort. He jumped onto one of the cultists' shoulders and snapped their neck, taking them out instantly.

Fenris swiftly snatched the knife from the first cultist's body as it fell to the ground. He wasted no time in pursuing the second cultist, who attempted to defend themselves by brandishing their own blade. However, Fenris effortlessly overpowered them with his superior strength. With a swift motion, he drew his own knife and slashed it across the cultist's neck, causing blood to spurt out.

"Who are you?" the cultist managed to gasp before losing consciousness and collapsing to the floor, lifeless.

Fenris stood over the two lifeless bodies of the cultists, taking a moment to look down at his handiwork before he sped off, moving faster than the speed of sound. Using mana to enhance his abilities, Fenris continued on, causing chaos and destruction as he slaughtered any cultists in sight.

However, his actions also alerted other hideouts in the town, prompting them to prepare for an attack. Realizing this, Fenris stopped and planned to give Rifa time to handle them. But to his surprise, she appeared right beside him through teleportation. Confused, he raised an eyebrow and asked why she was there.

"I heard screams all across town. Did you do that?" she questioned.

"Yeah, I did. Why?"

"That wasn't very smart."

"Why is that?"

"Because now the rest of the cultists will mobilize!"

"Why didn't you take care of them?!"

"You told me to hold back."


Out of nowhere, a group of at least twelve cult members appeared behind Fenris, one of them lunging forward with a knife aimed at his abdomen. Luckily, Fenris was able to block the attack, but he was forced to retreat. Panic set in as he realized there was no escape route.

The two of them were completely surrounded by the eerie cultists, who seemed to stare at them like lifeless dolls. Their long, gray robes with triangular hoods concealed their entire bodies. The only visible features were red cut-outs where their eyes should be and a red eye-like symbol on their foreheads.

The only visible features were red cut-outs where their eyes should be and a red eye-like symbol on their foreheads

"Rifa, what's our plan here?" Fenris inquired desperately.

"I'm sorry, but it looks like you'll have to handle this one alone!" Rifa exclaimed, flying away and leaving Fenris behind.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Fenris shouted in frustration before turning his attention back to the approaching cultists.

As one of the cultists charged at him with a knife, Fenris grabbed their wrist and twisted it painfully. "Augh!"

The pain caused the cultist to drop their weapon and stumble backward. Fenris then used the cultist's own body weight to throw them at a group of their comrades, temporarily scattering them.

More cultists rushed towards Fenris, but he was able to defend himself by wielding both his and another fallen cultist's dagger, blocking their attacks.

Fenris shifted from brute force to magic, extending his hand and conjuring a powerful gust of wind that sent the cultists flying. Using this momentary distraction, he assessed his next move, but before he could make a decision, one of the cultists hurled a knife at him, taking Fenris by surprise.

Just as Fenris thought he was about to die, the knife suddenly shattered before his eyes and the cultists surrounding him turned into pools of blood. His ears rang for a few moments as he desperately searched for the source of this unexpected salvation. Gradually, his hearing returned and he heard a familiar young voice crying out.

"Please don't hurt him!" the high-pitched voice repeated over and over again.

It was Leo, the same boy Fenris and Rifa had encountered in the alleyway just days ago. He seemed to be crying out of fear and concern for Fenris, who was undoubtedly the person he was referring to.

"How is this possible?" Fenris muttered to himself as he approached Leo, masking his shock with a smile. "I'm alright now."

Leo's tears dried up as he looked up and saw that Fenris was alive and well. His fear quickly turned to relief as he embraced Fenris around the waist, grateful for his protection.

"How did you do that?" Fenris cut straight to the point, gesturing towards the pool of blood where the cultists once stood.

"...I-I don't know," Leo stammered in response.

"It must be one of those rare cases," Rifa chimed in as she landed next to Fenris and Leo.

"What rare case?" Fenris asked.

"Sometimes, individuals with great magical potential can tap into abilities beyond their current skill level in times of extreme emotional distress," Rifa explained.

"I understand, but could you explain what Leo just performed?"

"I believe it was a form of Wind magic, although it was used in a rather unusual way. He utilized his own voice to create powerful wind blades that were able to cut through the cultists," Rifa pondered.

Fenris turned back to Leo, surprised by Rifa's words. "So...I have the ability to use magic?" Leo asked, looking down at his hands in disbelief.

"That seems to be the case," Fenris confirmed.

But they couldn't dwell on this revelation for long. There was a more pressing issue at hand: stopping the Cult. "Leo, we need to focus on our mission. You can process all of this later," Fenris said firmly.

With a shared understanding, Fenris and Rifa charged forward, using their magical abilities to leap into the air. From above, Fenris studied the map and pinpointed the main base below them as they descended to ground level. With a mighty stomp, Fenris landed on the concrete, creating a large hole in the ground.  What was revealed underneath was a sinister laboratory filled with people trapped inside tubes of some unknown liquid.

"Looks like we've found the Cult's hideout," Rifa said grimly.

"You stray dogs have been causing quite the disturbance," a deep, ominous voice boomed from somewhere in the room. Fenris and Rifa searched for the source of the voice until they heard footsteps behind them.

A tall figure emerged from the shadows, dressed in all black. In the moonlight, they could see that he was very tall and wore a hollow mask that cast dark shadows over his glowing crimson eyes.

In the moonlight, they could see that he was very tall and wore a hollow mask that cast dark shadows over his glowing crimson eyes

The mysterious figure placed his hand on his sheathed sword, but he sensed something unique about Fenris's energy. He tried to detect Fenris's mana signature, but it was undetectable. From his perspective, this could only mean one of two things: either Fenris was too weak or too powerful for him to sense his mana.

"Hmm..." the figure muttered with an air of curiosity.

"Quit your muttering and tell us what you're doing here," demanded Fenris, unsheathing his blood-stained daggers.

"You're quite impudent," the figure sneered.

"I am Viscount Albus Borgia, future Twelfth Seat of Rounds."

'Twelfth Seat of Rounds'...is that some Arthurian fairy tale?

"And I am Fenris Tonelico, son of Marcos Tonelico. Your plans will be thwarted by my hand," declared Fenris, taking up a fighting stance and brandishing his daggers.

"Ah, so you are Lord Marcos's child," Albus said. A menacing grin spread under his mask as he unsheathed his longsword. "You possess the bloodline of the ancient Tonelico's, which is all I need to know. Prepare to meet your end."

Fenris smirked, the sleek daggers in his hands glinting under the moon's light as he waited for Albus to initiate the fight. As with their previous encounters, Fenris infused himself with mana, but this time he decided to experiment by harnessing quantity to enhance quality. Compressing his mana, he multiplied its magical power several times over.

Now, it's time to test the limits of this body!

As expected, Albus charged forward with inhuman speed, launching a downward strike aimed at Fenris's torso. But Fenris was ready and countered with his daggers, effectively blocking the attack.

With a few more quick attacks, Fenris and Albus engaged in an intense and rapid battle, their movements too fast for the average human to follow. The sound of metal on metal echoed through the tunnels, revealing a vast underground network that connected all of the Cult's secret hideouts in Belzerg. The reverberating shockwaves traveled through the earth, causing tremors resembling an earthquake on the surface.

Meeting once again on the surface, time seemed to slow down as the two combatants moved with incredible speed. "You're more skilled than I anticipated," Albus remarked, impressed by Fenris's abilities. The two backed away from each other, preparing for a serious battle.

"My swordsmanship has grown rusty without a worthy opponent for so long. But now, it's time to get serious!" Albus removed his mask, revealing a handsome face with navy-blue hair and piercing crimson eyes. "It's a shame that this thrilling encounter with a child like you will come to an end so soon—"

"Go ahead," Fenris interrupted confidently.  He focused his mana even further, multiplying its strength by at least a hundred times.

Albus scowled at Fenris's bravado. "That is what we call hubris, boy!" With lightning speed, he lunged at Fenris, swinging his sword overhead.

But Fenris skillfully dodged the attack just in time to avoid having his head split in two.


A spray of blood filled the air.

Fenris had thrust his right dagger into Albus's right wrist and quickly switched his sword to his left hand before retreating. "Impossible!"

With magic, Fenris extended the length of his dagger by increasing its atoms, slicing through Albus's left wrist this time. As Albus stumbled backward in shock, Fenris lunged forward with his elongated blade aimed at him.


Albus's body is covered in his own blood as he futilely tries to defend against the quick and precise strikes that his eyes can barely keep up with. Countless wounds litter his wrists, feet, upper arms, and thighs. The next series of attacks concentrate on his core.

"From the extremities...

...to the core," Fenris muttered, thrusting his blade into Albus's chest.

Even as blood spills from his mouth, Albus manages to grasp the weapon lodged in his heart and resist. He locks eyes with Fenris's cold gaze.

"Who are you—"

Before he can finish his sentence, the blade twists.


When it's yanked out, a stream of blood gushes from his chest. The light in Albus's eyes begins to dim. All that remains is the lifeless body of a once strong and healthy man.

Looking down at Albus's corpse, a dark cloud passes over Fenris's expression. He drops his knives, turns away from the body and descends into the crater where Rifa awaits.

After the attack, the people trapped in the underground laboratory were finally freed. Thanks to the combined efforts of Fenris and Rifa, the damages were repaired and peace seemed to have returned to Belzerg. The Cult's hold over the town had been broken.

When Leo saw his mother again, he ran to her with tears of relief streaming down his face. His mother was overcome with emotion at seeing her son safe and sound. Leo then turned to Fenris, who stood nearby, and gave him a grateful smile. Overcome with happiness, Leo uttered two simple words:

"Thank you."

Fenris felt a weight being lifted off his shoulders as he basked in the feeling of being a hero. Not only had he reunited a family, but he had also prevented his father's assassination.

"Fenris...you're growing up," Rifa muttered to herself while tears of joy flowed down her face.

After the attack on the Cult, Fenris and Rifa met once again in Marcos's office. They updated him on all the important details, bringing a pleased smile to his face.

"Excellent work, both of you! Especially you, Fenris," Marcos praised, turning his attention to Fenris who looked proud of himself.

"Thank you, Father," Fenris replied with a slight bow from his seat. It was nice to be recognized for once.

"Mm-hmm," Rifa chimed in. "Fenris has really grown over the past few years."

"As a reward for your hard work, we'll have a celebration party back at home," Marcos announced.

Fenris's eyes lit up at the thought of a party. It was a refreshing change from past years where no one celebrated anything he did. Not even when his magical abilities were revealed did anyone cheer for him, which was disappointing. 

A celebration was in full swing at the Tonelico residence, with a table overflowing with a variety of dishes ranging from roasted chicken to mashed potatoes to crème brûlée. It was clear that Marcos had put in a great deal of effort to honor Fenris's achievements.

He didn't have to go THIS far... Fenris couldn't believe how much effort had been put into this feast. But as he gazed at the delicious spread, his stomach grumbled and reminded him that it was time to eat.

At Fenris's request, Sara joined the dinner table as an honored guest, along with Rifa who was also being treated as a special guest. Everyone eagerly dug into their food, and it was no surprise that everything tasted amazing.

"Mmmm!" Fenris couldn't help but be captivated by the delicious flavors dancing on his tongue. This is the best I've eaten since my past life! Serves me right for thinking medieval cuisine wouldn't be this good.

"Ladies and gentlemen, attention please!" Marcos announced, lifting his glass of wine in the air. "Today, we gather to honor Fenris's accomplishments and I am grateful for your presence here." Everyone turned their heads towards Marcos at his words.

"Let us all enjoy this splendid feast that our maids have prepared," Marcos continued, acknowledging the hard work of the kitchen staff with a nod. "But before we continue indulging, let us take a moment for silent prayer." Everyone lowered their heads in reverence as they paid their respects.

Fenris discreetly opened one eye and glanced at Damian, whose hands were fidgeting restlessly during the prayer. I wonder what must be going on in his mind right now...

I want to kill him...I want to kill him...I want to kill him!  Damian seethed internally, struggling to keep his composure as they prayed. After the moment of prayer, everyone returned to their meals. Damian shot daggers at both Fenris and Sara, who ignored him.

And why was she allowed at the dinner table? It's a disgrace! Father always favors Fenris over me... Damian glared at Sara with anger in his eyes. He forced himself to eat, though he couldn't help but grumble and stew in anger most of the time.

Must be another one of Damian's pissy fits. Though I gotta give him credit for holding it in, Fenris couldn't help but notice Damian's angry glares and remained impressed by how well he was keeping his emotions in check.

The rest of the party was awkward, except for a few pleasant moments shared between Fenris and Sara at the dinner table - much to Damian's disdain.

Damian had always harbored resentment towards Fenris ever since his assault on Sara, feeling like he was being pushed aside by Marcos who now seemed to favor Fenris over him - especially since Rifa came into the picture. It was a betrayal that cut deep, coming from his own flesh and blood.

Even Damian's mother, Melissa, shared similar feelings towards Fenris. She never paid much attention to him when he was an infant, wanting nothing to do with a bastard child. However, her resentment grew even stronger towards Fenris once she started suspecting her husband of having an affair with another woman. Being raised in a conservative noble family that valued blood purity only fueled her animosity towards Fenris, whom she saw as a stain on their family's reputation.

As punishment for assaulting Sara, Marcos stripped Damian of his noble privileges, including his right to own a slave. His ownership of Sara was transferred to Fenris, but he never exercised his legal authority over her as there was no need to. Damian tried to resist like a spoiled child, but his parents - even his mother, who had always coddled him - put him in his place.

He couldn't understand why his mother had turned against him. She had always been his biggest supporter since the day he was born. But now, their relationship was strained and Damian began to see her in a different light.

Instead of using this experience to reflect on himself, Damian lashed out and blamed Fenris. In his mind, he justified his actions by believing that he had the right to do what he wanted with Sara as she was originally his possession. He refused to see anything wrong with his behavior and convinced himself that he was in the right.

However, no one else shared this belief.

"How could I be at fault just because she disobeyed me? Sara belonged to me from the start - I could treat her however I pleased. But then that stupid kid had to interfere and defend her, like it's any of his business!" Damian complained bitterly as he sat alone in his room.

I swear, Fenris, I will get back at you someday for this.

Despite being freed from Damian, Sara still struggled to trust others, but Fenris was an exception. He was her savior, her knight in...cotton armor who rescued her from a life of torment. To Sara, he was more than just a friend; he was special.

One day, Fenris approached Sara with a serious look on his face. "Come on, let's talk outside," he said.

Sara's heart raced as she followed Fenris out of the mansion and into the vast backyard, wondering what she had done wrong. Her mind filled with worries: Does he suddenly hate me? Was everything he did for me just an act?  These thoughts were irrational, but Sara had grown up expecting the worst.

Once they were outside, Fenris's stern expression softened. He realized that he was scaring Sara and tried to ease up. "Sara, I've noticed you talking to animals' souls and occasionally speaking to thin air," he said matter-of-factly.

"!" Sara tensed up, then laughed nervously, trying to brush off Fenris's skepticism as a joke. "W-What are you talking about? I have no idea!"

"Do you...talk to spirits?" Fenris asked.

This question shattered Sara's defenses. She blushed in embarrassment, unable to keep her secret from him any longer.

"Well...yes. You're very observant," Sara admitted quietly.

Oh my, she can communicate with spirits! I've always been able to sense their presence, but they always seemed to avoid me whenever I tried to interact with them. Fenris's smile grew wider as he showed interest in Sara's unique talent. "Would you be interested in learning how to use magic?"

The unexpected question caught Sara off guard, but she was thrilled at the idea. "I would love to! But...how will you teach me?" she asked eagerly, before her expression turned puzzled as she tilted her head in curiosity.

"I'll have you train alongside me with Rifa! Trust me, she's the best teacher you'll ever have," assured Fenris.

Sara's doubts faded away at his words, but there was one lingering question that weighed on her mind. "But...you've been training with her for so long, how will I ever catch up?" Her face darkened with worry.

"Well, I may have been training with her longer, but your talent and potential are what truly matter in magic. And if you have the ability to communicate with spirits, then that is a great indicator of your potential."

Sara felt a sense of relief wash over her at Fenris's words. "I understand now. In that case, I gratefully accept your offer," she said with a bright smile and placing a hand over her heart.

"Excellent! First, we must determine which elements you can manipulate. But don't worry - even without an elemental affinity, you can still use spirits to cast spells."

Fenris and Sara descended the stairs to the library of the Tonelico mansion, where a hexagon-shaped magic circle was etched into the wooden floor. The circle was surrounded by clear crystals, each labeled with an element - Fire, Water, Earth, Wind , Light, and Dark.

"Sit in the center while I recite the incantation. The crystals will glow based on your elemental affinity. The brighter they shine, the stronger your affinity," Fenris instructed Sara. She nodded in agreement and took a seat at the center of the magic circle.

Fenris flipped through a book of incantations until he found one that corresponded with this particular magic circle. He held out his hand and began reciting the incantation. "Oh God, grant me the foresight to reveal this person's true power!" he shouted as the magic circle illuminated in white light.

The crystals glowed in a spectrum of red, yellow, and blue, representing the three elements: Fire, Earth, and Water. While they all seemed to radiate with equal intensity, the Fire crystal stood out the most.

"Wow, you have three elemental affinities! That's quite impressive," Fenris exclaimed with a grin.

"I couldn't help but notice that the red one shines the brightest. Does that mean I have a natural talent for Fire magic?" Sara asked curiously.

"Mm-hmm," confirmed Fenris with a nod.

Sara couldn't contain her excitement as she eagerly awaited the opportunity to start harnessing her magic abilities, now aware of her incredibly high talent for it.

For weeks, Fenris held daily lessons with Sara whenever they had free time. He taught her the basics of magic - mana, gates, od, spells, and different casting styles. To practice these spells, they ventured into a nearby forest inhabited by low-to-intermediate level monsters such as wolves and slimes.

Fenris also worked on developing Sara's strong spiritual connection by helping her communicate with spirits that were naturally drawn to her due to her affinity for them. With determination and effort, Sara was able to build up the confidence to speak and interact with the spirits. But this was just the beginning.

"Now Sara, it is possible to use elements that aren't local to you through spirits. Why not try commanding them to create a wind spell?" suggested Fenris.

Excitedly, Sara raised her hand and focused on communicating telepathically with the wind spirits around her.

A powerful wind blade sliced through a nearby tree like it was nothing more than a twig. Beaming with pride, Sara turned to face Fenris who congratulated her on her successful attempt.

"Congrats! It seems your spirit affinity is even stronger than I thought - even lesser spirits listen to your commands effortlessly," Fenris praised. Sara's grin grew wider at the compliment.

Filled with excitement, Sara decided to reveal a secret to Fenris. Reaching up to her head, she pulled out black wrapping from her ears, revealing their pointed and elongated shape - just like an elf's.

"What the... You're an elf?" Fenris asked in shock.

Sara nodded proudly. "I've kept it hidden for so long because my mother told me to. But thanks to you, I feel comfortable enough to embrace my true self."

Fenris was amazed at how well Sara had disguised herself all this time. "That explains everything. Elves are known for their incredible talent in magic, and while it varies, they usually have a higher affinity for spirit arts due to their connection to nature."

"I guess I lucked out," Sara exclaimed happily.

"You definitely have," replied Fenris with a smile as he gestured for Sara to take his hand

"You definitely have," replied Fenris with a smile as he gestured for Sara to take his hand. Her heart raced as she reached out and grasped his hand. They shared a moment of laughter, looking forward to the bright future ahead of them.