003 Monster Disturbance
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Months flew by, and Sara's magical training continued to progress smoothly with the help of Rifa. She became well-versed in the fundamentals of magic and spent her days practicing spells alongside Fenris. These training sessions also brought them closer together, allowing Sara to get to know him on a deeper level.

As dedicated as she was to her training, Sara found herself starting to prioritize spending time with Fenris. Despite already being good friends, her body couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards him. In his presence, her heart would flutter and skip a beat. And while her newfound confidence gave her a boost, there was also a nagging fear of letting Fenris down.

Sara tried to brush it off as a mere celebrity crush, not wanting to admit her true feelings. After all, as a slave, what right did she have to be so emotionally invested?

During one of their training sessions, a travelling merchant in Syrian purple robes approached Rifa. "Ms. Rifa," he said urgently, "we need your assistance. There have been reports of an Orc army marching from the north, and the Adventurer's Guild is requesting your aid in dealing with them." His voice trembled with fear as he continued, "I was ambushed by a group of them on my journey to deliver goods to the capital, and I barely escaped with my life!"

Rifa placed a comforting hand on the shaking merchant's shoulder as she spoke, "Don't worry, I'll handle this." She then turned to Fenris and Sara, beckoning them to come closer.

With a heavy sigh, Fenris reluctantly stepped forward, while Sara followed with a confused expression still etched on her face.

"You two will be coming with me," Rifa explained. "I'll also write a letter to your father so that he knows you're safe," she added, looking at Fenris who nodded in agreement.

I don't wanna almost die again!!

The group arrived at Belzerg, a familiar place for Fenris and Rifa but a new and daunting experience for Sara. Growing up within the confines of the Tonelico residence, she had never ventured outside before. The vastness of the world was overwhelming and she instinctively clung onto Fenris's arm for comfort.

Ever since Fenris's heroic deeds in Belzerg a few months ago, rumors had spread about a mysterious masked boy who had saved the town from evil. He had become somewhat of an urban legend with various names such as "Moonlight Hero" or most commonly known as "Robin Hood".

It seems I've become famous now... As they walked through town, Fenris couldn't help but notice posters depicting his actions, with a young child in a gray cloak holding up a dagger against a demon-like figure - representing the cultist leader he had defeated.

Fortunately, Fenris went unrecognized as the hero who had rescued the town. This spared him from the burdens of fame and all its accompanying difficulties.

However, for Sara, this only intensified her admiration for him. She quickly connected the dots that the mysterious "Robin Hood" and Fenris were one and the same, as she overheard him muttering to himself. Wait... where have I heard that name before...? Sara thought with a puzzled look on her face.

The group arrived at Belzerg's adventurer guild, situated in the eastern part of town

The group arrived at Belzerg's adventurer guild, situated in the eastern part of town. Looking up at the towering three-story building, both Fenris and Sara couldn't help but feel impressed.

They entered first, immediately met with sneers and jeers from some of the other adventurers. "Who let these little brats in?" someone grumbled. "That girl may be cute, but she seems awfully attached to that boy..." another remarked with disdain.

Finally, Rifa joined Fenris and Sara, causing all the adventurers in the room to freeze up in fear. "W-W-Wait...is that Rifa? And she's with those two?!" exclaimed one adventurer with a terrified expression.

"Why are they all so afraid of you, Ms. Rifa?" Fenris inquired, his face filled with confusion.

With a wry smile, Rifa replied, "Because I used to be a Ruby-ranked adventurer." Fenris was taken aback by this unexpected revelation. "Wait, you were a what?!" He exclaimed in shock.

Adventurers were sorted into nine categories, each with a different level of prestige: PorcelainObsidianBronzeSilverGoldPlatinumEmeraldRuby, and Sapphire. While the highest rank of Sapphire was technically attainable, it was reserved for legendary heroes and rarely seen. The practical pinnacle for adventurers was the Ruby rank, but only a handful had ever achieved such a status; their number could be counted on one, maybe two hands.

The higher the rank, the more dangerous quests one could take on. In addition, adventurers in higher ranks enjoyed special privileges, such as 20-30% discounts at stores. Moreover, those ranked Emerald or Ruby received quests directly from the guild instead of having to choose from the request board. The quest assigned to Rifa was an example of this privilege.

Furthermore, adventurers who held the Ruby rank were easily recognizable due to a particular item they wore to display their status and individuality. This tradition was followed in all adventurer guilds, serving as a symbol of one's strength and accomplishments. In Rifa's instance, she sported a regal gold crown atop her head.

Fenris shook himself out of his thoughts and focused on the task at hand as he and the others approached the receptionist table

Fenris shook himself out of his thoughts and focused on the task at hand as he and the others approached the receptionist table. The woman behind the desk was young and attractive, but also appeared to be a bit nervous. She immediately recognized Rifa and let out a startled yelp. "R-Rifa! I never expected you to visit us here... it's truly an honor!" she exclaimed, bowing deeply.

A little timid, aren't you? Fenris couldn't help but note her timid demeanor, adding one more surprise to the list of unexpected events that had occurred in just a few moments. With a strained smile, he silently wondered what else could possibly happen today.

"We're here for the quest from the Guild," Rifa stated confidently. The receptionist's expression shifted, trying to hide her surprise.

"Ah, yes, of course! My apologies, I almost forgot," she said before retrieving a paper that had been delivered by the guild. "Here you go," she handed Rifa the paper, containing all the necessary information about the quest.



Threat Level: Titanic

Required Rank: Platinum to Ruby

News of an Orc army gathering in the north has been reported and it poses a threat to the kingdom. Their numbers are estimated at 50,000. The leader is unknown but believed to be extremely dangerous.

We apologize for the urgency of this request, but we need capable individuals to help us deal with this threat.

- The Adventurer's Guild


"Fifty thousand?!" Fenris exclaimed, shocked at the overwhelming number of enemies they would have to face. He couldn't fathom how they would be able to defeat such a massive force. Even with his and Rifa's abilities, the task seemed impossible. Sara felt like she might faint as the reality of the situation sunk in.

Despite the gravity of the situation, Rifa appeared unfazed, almost as if it didn't matter at all. This only added to Fenris's frustration, as he was internally freaking out.

"You might want help with that," Suddenly, a boy-ish voice spoke up from behind them, causing Fenris and the others to turn around and see new faces they hadn't expected.

Among the group of unfamiliar faces were two adventurers, a seemingly young boy and a curvaceous girl. However, upon closer inspection, the boy may not have been as young as he appeared at first glance.

The boy with white hair maintained a nonchalant demeanor, keeping his eyes closed at all times

The boy with white hair maintained a nonchalant demeanor, keeping his eyes closed at all times. In contrast, the girl draped in a green cape exuded energy and cheerfulness.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Vincent Justitia," said Vincent as he extended his hand to Rifa while glancing briefly at Fenris.

"Awww! Who do we have here?" the girl cheerfully approached Fenris and Sara, though Sara seemed somewhat intimidated by her enthusiasm.

"Fenris," Fenris introduced himself.

"S-Sara," Sara followed suit.

The girl's smile widened as she placed a hand over her heart and proudly stated, "My name is Maya! It's lovely to meet both of you!"

Fenris couldn't help but think that Maya was quite the change from what they were used to. He also couldn't help but notice Maya's outfit, which revealed quite a bit of cleavage.

Fenris turned his gaze towards Vincent, a member of the Justitia family. This powerful house held no political power, but their role as enforcers was just as crucial. In Asurand, the capital city, they served as the eyes and ears of the city and comprised a significant portion of its security. Interestingly enough, the Justitia bloodline also seemed to produce numerous knights, which is how Vincent presented himself.

The receptionist lady gestured towards Vincent and Maya. "Will these two be joining you on your quest as well?" Rifa nodded in confirmation.

"Great," the receptionist said with a smile, taking out a red stamp and slamming it onto the quest paper. "Approved!"

With official permission granted, the group rejoiced and stepped outside, getting to know each other better. Maya was introduced to the others while Vincent observed silently with curiosity.

"It's very exciting to meet all of you, especially the great Rifa in person!" Maya shifted her gaze to Rifa briefly with an enthusiastic smile.

"You too," Fenris responded.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Sara added.

Maya turned to the group and posed a question, "What shall we call ourselves?"

As Fenris pondered a suitable name for their group, he made sure not to come up with something too cheesy or over-the-top. He wasn't sure how that would be received in this world. As he racked his brain for ideas, random thoughts of bananas and monkeys entered his mind. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head.

"How about the 'Ki-ki Party'?" he suggested enthusiastically.

A thick silence lingered in the room as all eyes turned to Fenris, clearly confused by his words. His face turned a deep shade of red as he realized what he had just blurted out.

But then, surprisingly, Maya broke the stillness with an excited cheer. "I love that name!"

"What does it mean?" Rifa asked, wearing a puzzled look on her face.

"D-Uhh...'Kin-Kin'?" Fenris offered with a nervous grin.

What the fuck am I saying?! God damn it, brain! Now I look like an idiot!

Maya's face lit up when she heard Fenris's ad hoc explanation. "Really?!"

"Yeah...I guess you could view it that way," Fenris replied. The tension in the air dissipated as everyone understood his meaning.

"Yay! We're one big happy family!" Maya exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious. It was clear to everyone that she was a cheerful and carefree person, although perhaps a little overpowering at times.

Maya reminds me of a certain anime character who's always optimistic like that. I can't remember her name though.

Fenris turned to Rifa, expecting her to lead their Orc expedition. "So, where do we go first?" he asked.

"As of now, the Orc army is in the Kodama Forest. According to our latest intelligence, we have about 7 days before they reach Belzerg. We could attack them immediately, but it would be difficult to handle them efficiently if they use the forest as a defense. It's better for us to wait until they march out of the forest," Rifa explained to the group as they huddled together.

"But we'll still find and engage with them, right?" Fenris inquired.

"Of course," Rifa affirmed, nodding. "We'll meet them in an open field where we can attack without causing too much damage. But first, we need supplies."

"I understand," Fenris nodded in agreement. The rest of the newly-formed Ki-ki Party also approved of this plan as they left Belzerg and headed north, hoping to find a nearby village where they could stock up on resources.

As the group journeyed across the plains, they finally arrived at a small village called Olhyde. It was a humble community, mainly inhabited by humans, but it also drew in occasional travelers and adventurers passing through on the road that connected it to Belzerg. This made Olhyde a somewhat popular destination.

"Let's split up and reconvene at the entrance, okay?" Rifa asked. The group all agreed on this plan before going their separate ways to explore the sights of Olhyde within the village limits. 

Fenris' stomach growled, prompting him to search for a nearby food stall. Sara, always sticking close to him, followed along.

"Feeling hungry, Sara?" Fenris asked.

"Yeah, I could eat," responded Sara with a nod.

As they turned the corner, Fenris and Sara were relieved to find a food stall selling local delicacies. The aroma of grilled beef skewers drew them closer, and their mouths watered at the sight. Without hesitation, they decided to try it. Fenris approached the stall as there were no other customers present.

"Excuse me, could we get three skewers for the both of us?" Fenris gestured towards Sara as he spoke to the stall owner.

"Sure thing, that'll be one large copper."

"Here you go," Fenris paid with a smile, and they received their skewers in return.

The currency system in Asura was simple to comprehend. The smaller copper coin had a value of approximately $1 USD, while the larger copper coin was worth $10. A silver coin equated to $100 USD, and the gold coin held a value of around $1,000 USD.

They found a bench nearby and sat down together, savoring the smell of the freshly grilled meat. Although it wasn't high quality, it was seasoned simply with salt and still managed to entice their taste buds. As Fenris finished his skewers in an instant, he couldn't help but hide his amusement as Sara struggled with hers due to not being used to tougher meat. He asked her between bites, "How does it taste?"

"It's good, but a little tough to chew," she replied with a smile.

"I understand. This might be your first time trying this type of food, but I'm sure you'll get used to it," Fenris comforted Sara.

"Thank you," Sara replied with a small smile.

Once their skewers were finished, they set out to find more supplies. But unfortunately, luck was not on their side. Olhyde did not have the necessary resources for their journey up north, and so they began making their way back to the entrance empty-handed.

A loud screech echoed in the background, causing both Fenris and Sara to jump. They quickly searched for the source of the noise and soon found it. They followed the sound until they stumbled upon a group of people dressed in modest attire huddled around a well. 

Fenris stepped closer, his curiosity piqued by their distress. "What seems to be the issue?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Why is a child like you wandering around here? Are you some kind of traveler?" one of them questioned, looking perplexed.

"I am indeed a traveler," Fenris replied calmly. "But let's set my age aside and focus on the problem at hand."

A young girl, no more than fourteen years old and significantly taller than Fenris, stepped forward. "My sister fell into this well and we've been unable to get her out. Can you please help us?" she pleaded.

"Don't worry, I've got this!" Fenris confidently declared as he stepped onto the well, flashing a reassuring smile back at the group. Without hesitation, he jumped down what seemed like a fifty-foot drop, the light quickly fading until it was pitch-black at the bottom.

Fenris landed safely and used his magic to create a glowing orb of light, providing much-needed illumination in the dark space. As the light spread, it revealed a little girl around his age sitting against the walls of the well. He recognized her as the younger sister mentioned by the other girl and approached her carefully.

The little girl's eyes widened at the sight of Fenris and his magical light. "Are you a magic user?" she asked with some effort.

Fenris nodded, acknowledging the girl's words. "I've come to rescue you. Your family is worried sick about you."

"Are they?" she asked, her voice full of doubt.

"Don't you hear them screaming for you?" Fenris pointed towards the sky.

"I guess...maybe a little..." the girl admitted dejectedly.

"What's wrong? You don't seem happy to be rescued," Fenris couldn't understand why she would be so hesitant towards their escape.

Tears started to well up in her eyes as she spoke. "I know they'll just yell at me again... for being so stupid," she said, her voice trembling. Fenris was taken aback by her words. He didn't want to pry, but he couldn't ignore the heaviness in his heart. "Why do you think so?" he asked, trying to understand.

"I was forced to learn how to read and write, but I didn't have any interest in it. My parents yelled at me, and I couldn't take it anymore, so I ran away. I ended up falling into this well," the girl exclaimed, mimicking a falling sound and pointing to the shattered bucket behind Fenris.

"That must be how you ended up down here," Fenris remarked thoughtfully. "But that's not important now. Your parents will forgive you once they see that you're committed to your studies. They care about you, don't they?"

Feeling defeated, the girl agreed. "I guess so."

"Great, then let's get out of here. Jump on my back," Fenris offered as he gestured for her to climb onto his back. After hesitating for a moment, she hopped on. He expertly leaped out of the well and landed safely on the ground, much to the amazement of the girl's family who were watching nearby.

"Sophie, thank goodness you're safe!" The older girl from earlier ran towards her younger sister - whose name Fenris now knew was Sophie - and embraced her tightly. The rest of the family joined in and surrounded Sophie with love and relief.

"How can we ever repay you?" asked the older girl, Marie, as she placed a hand on her heart.Fenris pondered for a moment before whispering something into Marie's ear. She smiled and nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! I'll introduce you to the chief right away!"

Fenris turned to the rest of the family, placing a hand on his heart. "I am truly grateful for your kindness," he said with a bow, and they all returned warm smiles in return.

Meeting back up with Sara and the rest of their group near the entrance of Olhyde, Fenris asked eagerly, "Did you find anything useful?"

Rifa answered on behalf of everyone else, "Unfortunately, this village doesn't have much in terms of resources. We will have to venture out into the night—"But their conversation was interrupted by an elderly woman's voice. "Excuse me, but I would like a moment with you five."

The woman appeared to be in her seventies but had an air of authority about her. With her hands folded behind her back, she studied Fenris with great interest. "Especially you, young man."

"Excuse me?" Fenris quickly realized that this woman must be the village chief mentioned by Marie. In her presence, he straightened his posture to appear more respectful.

"I want to express my gratitude, Mr. Fenris, for rescuing my granddaughter. You and your friends are welcome to stay in our house for the night," the elderly woman said with a kind smile.

"I am honored, Ms...?" Fenris hesitated.

"Yuga. Yuga Olhyde," Yuga replied. "But please, call me Lady Yuga. I'm sure someone as distinguished as you would know proper etiquette."

"Wait, how did you...?" Fenris asked, surprised that Yuga was aware of his background.

Yuga chuckled smugly, "Oh-ho-ho-ho, did you really think children from prestigious families could be kept a secret?"

Fenris felt his heart drop as Yuga's words hit him. He tried to brush it off, but inside he was completely shaken that his identity had been exposed.

As if she could read his thoughts, Yuga came closer and pressed her finger against his lips. "Don't worry, my dear - we won't tell anyone else about this little secret of yours."

Fenris nodded in agreement to Yuga's reassuring words. As the sunset cast a warm glow behind her, he couldn't help but think about her offer. "So...you said you have a place for us to stay?"

"Oh yes, that's right. Please follow me," Yuga motioned for Fenris and the group to come with her into the chieftain's house. It wasn't as grand as the Tonelico mansion, but it was still impressive for a small village. Yuga led them upstairs where there were guest rooms available for their use.

"Thank you so much, Lady Yuga," Fenris expressed his gratitude with a bow.

"Oh dear, the pleasure is all mine Mr. Fenris. To us, you're a hero. This is the least we can do to repay you," Yuga replied graciously.

Suddenly, Fenris remembered Sophie's earlier words and felt compelled to repay the family by assisting her. "If you will excuse me, may I go see your granddaughter, Sophie?"

"Certainly, go ahead," Yuga stepped aside and allowed Fenris to make his way downstairs.

Before long, Fenris found Sophie accompanied by her older sister Marie. As soon as they saw him, both girls lit up with wide grins which made Fenris smile in return.

Fenris walked towards the pair and shifted his focus to Sophie. "Hey, Sophie, are you still upset about your parents?"

"Nope! My mom and I talked it out; everything's good now," replied Sophie with enthusiasm. Fenris then turned to Marie.

"I'd be happy to assist Sophie with her studies, but I believe that's your responsibility as her older sister. It's not my place to interfere, even though I did lend a hand. So as her big sister, please make sure you take good care of her, alright Marie?" Fenris asked with a kind smile.

"I understand. I'll do my best!" exclaimed Marie. "And...since you were pretty impressive saving my little sister, maybe one day you'll grow into a strong and capable man," she added with a hint of flirtation.

Fenris chuckled nervously, quickly dismissing the thought. He didn't know her well and there was a significant age difference of five years. A romantic relationship would be challenging, to say the least.

"Thanks for allowing us to use your home as a place to rest," Fenris awkwardly ended the conversation before heading back upstairs. The sky had turned dark, and it was best for the group to depart early in the morning, so he decided to turn in for the night. Yuga had already left, leaving the remaining members to their own devices.

"I think I'll go to bed early. We're leaving at dawn, right?" Fenris asked Rifa.

"Yes, that's correct," Rifa confirmed.

"Okay then. Come on, Sara," Fenris motioned for Sara to follow him into one of the guest rooms and opened the door.

"Sure thing," Sara replied, entering the room behind him.

The room was lit by candles, providing a warm and inviting ambiance. The bed looked surprisingly comfortable for a guest room. Fenris couldn't help but wonder what the main bedrooms looked like.

With a flick of his wrist, Fenris used magic to snuff out the candles in the room, plunging it into near-total darkness. As they both climbed into bed, Sara and Fenris faced each other with smiles on their faces, sharing a brief moment of happiness together.

"Do you feel afraid, Sara? About our upcoming mission?" Fenris asked her.

"Yes...well, maybe more like really scared. I mean, we're going up against a whole army of Orcs," Sara admitted in a trembling voice. "But I have faith in you and Ms. Rifa. We'll make it through."

"That's the spirit! And this will also serve as a test for all your hard work so far," Fenris said with enthusiasm.

"Yeah...I guess you're right. But am I truly prepared for battle?" Sara questioned.

"That's not for me to answer. The real question is, do you believe you are capable of fighting?" Fenris responded. "Sometimes, you can only find the answer by experiencing it for yourself."

I never thought I had any fighting skills until I was deployed to Afghanistan. If I can learn how to survive in a war zone, then Sara can too.

"I see..." Sara nodded, understanding Fenris's wise words. Her eyelids began to droop as she continued to gaze at Fenris.

"We should get some rest now," Fenris said, turning away as tiredness overtook him.

"Okay. Goodnight, Fenris," Sara replied before drifting off to sleep.

This is the first time I've had the opportunity to pass on my knowledge to someone else. I hope I'm making my mentor proud. Fenris briefly glanced at Sara's unconscious body before settling back down.