003 Monster Disturbance (2)
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Around one hundred years prior to Fenris' birth, a crack in space-time appeared in the sky above Orc territory. From this crack came aggressive locusts, accompanied by corruptive mana that transformed them into humanoid creatures with high reproductive capabilities.

The Orcs and locusts engaged in a brutal battle, but even though the Orcs eventually emerged victorious and sealed the crack with help from the heavens, the damage had already been done. The chaotic energy left behind by the crack continued to spread like a plague throughout the Orc's land. Plants withered, water dried up, and the once fertile land turned into a barren desert.

This desertification led to a severe famine for the Orcs as food sources dwindled. Their survival instincts only worsened the situation, as their population continued to grow despite lack of food. Cannibalism became a temporary solution, but it couldn't sustain them for long and their numbers began to decline.

Yar, son of former chieftain Olog, refused to see his people succumb to such savagery. With few options left for sustenance, he made the difficult decision to lead his people on a migration. However, the desert proved too harsh and many Orcs died along the way.

"No...this is not how it should end," Yar cried out weakly as he felt the intense heat of the desert consuming him. Overcome with exhaustion and defeat, he collapsed onto his stomach.

"I can help you with that."

A figure appeared out of nowhere, dressed stylishly with a clown mask covering his face. Yar and his fellow companions gazed up at the enigmatic stranger, feeling a glimmer of hope at his promising words.

"If your goal is to find a new home, then I can be of assistance," the man said with a hand over his heart as he bowed deeply to Yar.

"What will be our end of the bargain?" Yar inquired skeptically.

"In return for your trust, I will provide you with food, armor, weapons - all that you require," the man promised enthusiastically.

Yar weighed this offer carefully. Though he was wary of the stranger's intentions, he wanted what was best for his people. "I accept."

"Wonderful! I know many influential individuals who can supply you with all that you need!" The man jumped around excitedly upon hearing Yar's agreement.

"And what should we call you?" Yar asked.

"I go by Lutheran, but you may address me as 'Luther' or 'Sir Luther'," the man declared with an extravagant flourish.

"I go by Lutheran, but you may address me as 'Luther' or 'Sir Luther'," the man declared with an extravagant flourish

A malicious chuckle escaped Luther's lips as he beheld the hope in the Orcs' eyes. He removed his clown mask, revealing a glistening eye that gave him power over their minds.

"So precious...so easy to toy with!" Luther cackled while stroking the head of the now-catatonic Yar. "After I'm finished with you, you'll be strong enough to defeat any enemy that crosses your path."

With his back turned to Yar and the other Orcs, Luther raised his fist in triumph. "My masters will be delighted by this news!" he whispered. A wicked grin spread across Luther's face, reaching all the way up to his eyes.

The Orcs were finally granted power and given the resources they were promised - rations, weapons, and armor. However, this came at a cost: they were now under the control of Luther. With their newfound strength, the Orcs began to plan their conquest of the Kingdom of Asura, seeking to make it their new home.

Amidst the dark of night, a man on horseback raced through the streets, shouting out a warning: "The Orcs are coming! The Orcs are coming!" As his words echoed through the stillness, people stirred from their slumber and fear rippled through their bodies. The ground trembled with the sound of thousands of marching footsteps, all charging forward in unison.

The knights quickly geared up and formed a defense against the approaching Orcs. They strategically positioned themselves in formation, with crossbow-wielding soldiers at the front armed with deadly toxins and mages behind them. The swordsmen were stationed at the rear as backup protection.

The knights were horrified to find themselves surrounded by Orcs on both sides, as the enemy approached from the front and from the east. This was a strategic disadvantage that they knew would not bode well for them.

Nevertheless, they remained determined to fight until the very end. "We must hold them off as long as we can! Allow the civilians to escape!" one of their commanders shouted, rallying the soldiers to prepare for battle against the Orcs.

"Slaughter them all," one of the Orc commanders declared with ease, raising their battle axe in a threatening manner.

The Orcs and knights were locked in a fierce clash, but it was evident which side had the upper hand. The Orcs possessed superior strength compared to the knights, though the mages of the latter were able to hinder them to some extent. However, it was ultimately no match; with each swing of their battle axes, the Orcs claimed another victim.

"Gah!" One knight let out a piercing scream as they fell, blood spurting from their mouth where they had been struck.

"Aghh...!" One more knight fell to the ground with a pained groan, joining the growing number of victims in the Orcs' rampage.

Despite their best attempts, some civilians were unable to evacuate before the Orcs arrived. In their path, the merciless creatures devoured anything and anyone in sight as they continued their relentless march towards the town of Belzerg. As a result, hundreds of lives were lost.

Sara's POV

As I slowly opened my eyes, I realized I was in a place that was both unfamiliar and strangely familiar. The space was vast and open, with a towering red building in the background and a few trees scattered around. Baffled, I looked down at my hands only to see that they were different from my own. It felt like a dream, but it also felt very real.

Before I could even process my surroundings, I heard a voice that sounded oddly familiar. When I looked up, I was shocked to see someone who appeared to be my age standing in front of me.

"Who...who are you? And where am I?" I asked, feeling completely lost and confused. The guy gave me a quizzical look before responding.

"What do you mean? Don't you remember me?" He asked, looking disappointed yet determined.

"I'm Ethan, your childhood friend. Remember what I told you in sixth grade, Alice?" His words rang a faint bell in my mind, but I couldn't quite grasp onto the memory.

Ethan? The name sounded familiar, but why?

"I'm sorry, but I'm not—" I started to say, but Ethan's hopeful expression made me stop mid-sentence.

"Remember...remember...remember..." He repeated, his eyes pleading with me to recall our 'friendship'.

But before I could make sense of anything, the world around me began to fade away until it was just me and Ethan left standing in an empty void.

"What are you saying?! I—" Suddenly, my balance gave way and I tumbled into darkness while screaming at the top of my lungs.

I woke up with a start, shivering. Was it all just a dream or perhaps a nightmare? The details were already starting to slip away from my memory as confusion consumed me once again.

Narrator's POV

The Ki-ki Party had been travelling for six nights now, with no nearby village or rest stop in sight. So they decided to set up camp under the stars. The night sky was clear and the full moon provided a magical glow. Fenris and Sara lay on the ground, taking in the beauty above them.

"It's amazing how different it looks when you're actually out here," Sara remarked, gazing at the constellations above.

"I know, right? I've seen these stars before but seeing them like this is just...mesmerizing," Fenris replied, also lost in the awe of space. "I wonder if there are any aliens out there," he mumbled to himself in English, catching Sara's attention.

"What did you say?" she asked curiously.

"Oh...nothing," Fenris quickly brushed off her question, not wanting to talk about his thoughts on other life forms. Sara seemed to accept his answer and went back to stargazing.

"The stars are so beautiful," she sighed with a warm smile.

"Yeah, they really are," Fenris agreed, shifting his gaze from the stars to Sara. "Do you ever wish you could see what's out there? Other worlds like ours?" he asked her.

Sara's face contorted in confusion as she struggled to answer. She had never even thought about leaving her home, let alone exploring other worlds.

"I've never dreamed of venturing beyond my home, but you've changed that, Fenris," Sara said, looking into his eyes as they intertwined their fingers.

"Funny how life works out like that," Fenris chuckled with a grin. Sara held his gaze for a moment too long, as if studying him.

"Is there something on my face?" Fenris asked with a chuckle.

Sara's cheeks flushed crimson in a matter of seconds at Fenris's inquiry. "N-No, it's nothing...nevermind!" she stuttered, her hands fidgeting as she tried to conceal her discomfort.

She's definitely hiding something... Fenris narrowed his gaze at Sara for a moment, but he ultimately decided to let it go, not wanting to push her any further.

The two loosen their grip on each other as Rifa approaches them, breaking up their intimate moment. "It's time for us to rest," she declares. "We have a busy day ahead of us and we'll need all the energy we can muster." She smirks at Sara, who is still blushing. Rifa casts a barrier around the area to ensure that no enemies will disturb them while they sleep.

Rifa enters the dome made of earth that she created and settles down for the night. As Sara lays next to Fenris, her eyelids grow heavy and she drifts off to sleep, feeling safe and secure in his presence.

Feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over him, Fenris starts to doze off as well. Before he drifts off completely, he takes a moment to glance at Sara, who is already sleeping peacefully with gentle breaths. "This is perfect," he thinks to himself, feeling utterly relaxed. Fenris finally lets his eyes close, ignoring the looming dangers that await them tomorrow.

Fenris feels a sudden pressure on his body, like he's being squished by a soft, uncomfortable mattress. He opens his eyes slowly and is met with a shock: someone is on top of him. Holding back the urge to yell, Fenris recognizes Maya's face and can't contain his surprise.

"What the hell...Maya?!" he manages to say through gritted teeth. Maya just laughs at his reaction.

"Aw, did I wake you up, Fenris?" she asks innocently, but with a teasing tone.

No shit, sherlock! Fenris bites back the urge to swear at her.

He looks down and sees Maya's ample cleavage, causing him to feel flustered. He quickly looks back up into her face. "Is this some kind of sick joke?" he asks her.

Hurt by his response, Maya pouts. "I just wanted to have some fun with you..." she says in a disappointed voice.

"Well, your idea of fun needs some serious reevaluating," Fenris responds coldly.

"You're no fun," Maya rolls off of Fenris, pouting as she avoids eye contact. Despite her recent interruption, Fenris can't resist wanting to make her feel better.

"Would you like to sleep next to me? No funny business this time, okay?" Fenris says in a serious tone. Maya's face lights up at his offer.

"Okay!" she exclaims happily.

Maya settles down on Fenris's right side and he feels at peace once more. He quickly checks to make sure that no one else has woken up before falling back asleep.

The following day, the group prepared to confront the Orcs once and for all. Vincent volunteered to scout the area for their location and he set off on his own. He returned an hour later with news.

"I found the Orcs' camp about ten miles east from here," Vincent stated in his usual monotone voice. The lack of emotion was nothing new to the group at this point.

Rifa turned to face the others with a determined look on her face. "Alright, come on, everyone. We've got a job to do!"

Fenris forced a strained smile at Rifa's words. He couldn't help thinking that calling mass slaughter a 'duty' was rather distasteful. But this was war after all - as a former soldier, he knew that sometimes taking lives was necessary, even if he didn't like it.

Following the mana signature of the Orcs' leader, the group silently trail the Orcs until they reach the top of a high cliff. From there, they can see their target hundreds of meters below.

With the element of surprise on their side, the group begins to strategize how to take down their enemies. "Hey Ms. Rifa, do you mind if I use one of your mana stones?" Fenris asks with a sly grin. His expression hints at a plan brewing in his mind.

"Of course," Rifa responds as she pulls out a Luminite stone from her pouch and hands it to Fenris. She raises an eyebrow at his mischievous demeanor, curious about his intentions. But knowing her students' abilities and trust in them, she allows him to proceed with his actions.

Fenris turned to Sara and asked, "Would you like to join me?"

"Absolutely!" Sara responded eagerly. She seemed excited for this despite the potential danger.

"Okay, then it's settled. Maya and I will stay back at the cliff and attack from a distance while you and Sara get up close to the enemy. Vincent, I assume you'll also be attacking head-on?" Rifa confirmed, glancing at Vincent for his agreement. He simply nodded in confirmation.

With their battle strategy in place, the group springs into action. Fenris descends the cliff, with Sara following closely behind, more cautious in her movements. Vincent chooses to take a different path, drawing attention to himself as a distraction while Fenris and Sara reach a safe vantage point behind some trees. Fenris pulls out the mana stone given to him by Rifa and shows it to Sara.

"Do you know why I have this?" he asks her. She shakes her head in response.

"I plan to use this as a bomb," Fenris explains with a mischievous grin. Sara is puzzled by his words, so he decides to demonstrate.

Emerging from their hiding place, Fenris grasps the mana stone in his hand and begins channeling mana into it. The stone glows bright white as pure mana flows into it, sans any elemental color.

I recall my studies on how these mana stones, also known as Luminite, can store various colors of mana for different purposes. However, if too much is stored, they can reach a critical mass and release all the stored energy at once - much like a hydrogen bomb in my world.

As Fenris pours more mana into the stone, the ground starts to tremble and cracks appear on its surface. This signals that it has reached its limit and must be disposed of before it explodes. With all his strength, Fenris hurls the stone at the Orcs.

"Sara! Take cover!" He shouts, diving back towards the forest while hastily conjuring a magical barrier to shield them from the impending explosion.

The moment the stone reaches the heart of the Orc army, it detonates, unleashing a massive wave of destructive energy. A powerful shockwave ripples out at supersonic speed, flattening trees within hundreds of meters and exposing Fenris and Sara's hiding spot. Luckily, the magical barrier holds strong and protects them.

Thousands of Orcs are wiped out instantly, either incinerated by the blast or sent flying by the force of the shockwave. Those who survive are thrown into chaos as they try to flee. The deafening sound that follows lags behind the actual explosion, further disorienting and scattering the Orcs. Their organization shattered, they become a stampede as they desperately run away from the devastation.

Luther, observing from above, descended to the ground in a fit of rage at the chaotic and disorganized behavior of the Orcs. "What in the world are you idiots doing?! You were supposed to be under MY command! Stop flailing about and-" he suddenly felt an immense weight on his back as the onslaught of fleeing Orcs trampled him. "AGH!"

"N-No-wait, I order you to stop!" Luther strained to speak through his hoarse voice, struggling for breath. But despite his commands, the Orcs paid no heed as their survival instincts overtook any sense of mind control. Luther's screams of agony echoed as he felt every bone in his body break and his organs rupture under the crushing stampede.

As his consciousness began to fade, Luther shed tears in his final moments. "I have failed...m-master..." With those last words, his body went limp.

Once the debris had settled, Fenris raised the barrier and cautiously looked out to assess the destruction he had caused. A massive crater marred the ground, and thousands of Orcs were still recovering from the blast. Grinning confidently, Fenris surveyed the field in front of him. Not too shabby for an improvised grenade.

After the shock of the explosion subsided, Sara surveyed the extensive damage it had caused. It was the most destruction she had ever witnessed and it left her speechless. She walked over to Fenris and stood next to him, still in a state of disbelief.

"Wasn't that a bit too much?" she asked, looking at Fenris with wide eyes.

"Hmm, maybe. But it got the job done," Fenris replied, causing Sara to feel a little uneasy.

When will I get my chance to fight? I want to be strong like him too! Sara couldn't help but feel envious of Fenris's impressive yet dangerous performance.

Rifa and Maya appeared next to the group, while Vincent managed to escape the explosion and followed closely behind. Rifa took a step forward, her expression showing clear frustration as she looked down at Fenris.

"Did you do this?" she asked, pointing to the crater. Fenris couldn't deny it and felt a pang of guilt wash over him as he realized the consequences of his actions.

"Yeah..." he admitted quietly.

"You know how dangerous unstable mana stones can be, not just for you but for those around you. Be more careful in the future," Rifa scolded sternly.

"I'm sorry..." Fenris bowed his head in a show of respect and apology. Now that I think about it...that probably was a bit overkill.

Raising his head, Fenris saw the Orcs still recovering from the explosion. He turned to Rifa with a suggestion. "Well, we might as well finish what we came here to do. The Orcs are already weakened."

Rifa looked over at the Orcs for a moment before returning her gaze to Fenris with a smile. "You're right. That was part of our mission."

Fenris glanced at Sara, who seemed downtrodden from being left out earlier. Remembering his promise, Fenris offered her an opportunity. "Hey Sara, want to come kill some Orcs with me?"

Her face lit up at the offer and she eagerly nodded. "Absolutely!"

The group quickly agreed to take care of the remaining Orcs. Fenris and Sara descended from their vantage point, followed by Rifa and Maya.

Fenris comes to a sudden halt as he approaches the Orcs, raising his hand into the air. With a flick of his wrist, he summons a massive fireball (known as "Al Gola") and hurls it towards the enemy, engulfing several Orcs in flames as they are quickly reduced to ashes.

Meanwhile, Sara took advantage of this distraction to demonstrate her own abilities. She focused intently, extending her arms and creating a barrage of ice crystals that she directed at the Orcs with precision accuracy.

The Orcs' battle axes successfully deflected some of the projectiles, but many still found their target and caused significant harm. Sara then unleashed a barrage of fire bullets, (also known as "Ul Gola") which had a similar impact to Fenris's Al Gola attack.

Rifa summoned a square of crackling lightning, zapping numerous Orcs and killing them instantly. Maya took on a support role in the battle, as Fenris, Sara, and Rifa were handling the majority of the magic. Meanwhile, Vincent displayed his effortless swordsmanship, slicing through Orcs with ease. Fenris couldn't help but be amazed at Vincent's fighting skills; it was like watching a deadly dance unfold before his eyes. Wow...so cool.

After a short while, the remaining Orc forces were vanquished. While fighting, Fenris felt a thrill in his heart that he had never experienced before. Perhaps facing danger head-on was what brought out this feeling? Regardless, it was a good sensation. Maybe being an adventurer wasn't so bad after all... he pondered.

Feeling triumphant, the Ki-ki party returned to Belzerg, knowing that their mission had been accomplished and their town and kingdom were now safe. As they entered the Adventurer's Guild once again, Rifa proudly presented the receptionist with their results: a giant Orc's head.

The receptionist was in awe of the size of the Orc's head and seemed strangely impressed by it. She then winked at the group, giving them her approval.

However, something still felt off. Fenris stepped forward and raised his eyebrow at the receptionist, almost accusingly. "Miss, isn't there supposed to be a reward for completing this quest?" He pointed to the quest paper and showed her that there was no mention of a reward. Not that he felt entitled or anything, but based on his experience playing action RPGs in his previous life, completing quests usually came with rewards.

"Oh...yes! I-I apologize for the mistake..." The receptionist's nervous apology was quickly followed by a reaching for a brown bag, which seemed to hold an abundance of money. This suspicion was confirmed by the loud thud that came from the bag, indicating its weight.

Holy shit! I- we're going to be rich! Fenris's eyes lit up with excitement at the thought of becoming rich. But as he reached out for the bag, his companion Rifa beat him to it. His expression dimmed slightly, knowing he would have to share the reward.

"We'll divide it among ourselves. Could you tell us what's inside?" Rifa asked kindly."About one hundred gold coins," replied the receptionist with a smile.

One hundred gold coins?! Even if we split it, that's still twenty for each of us! Fenris's eyes sparkled once again as he considered all the things he could buy with that amount. Twenty gold coins was more than enough to live comfortably for months. Perhaps I can finally decorate my room and show off to the other children. Father never gives me an allowance, but neither does he for my siblings. So I see this as an absolute win in my book!

The receptionist lady could sense the excitement building within the group, so she decided to share one more piece of information. "For any younger members in your party, there is an opportunity for them to start as Silver-ranked adventurers if they wish to."

Fenris and Sara's faces immediately lit up at this opportunity, eagerly nodding in agreement. The receptionist smiled warmly at their enthusiasm before continuing, "Of course, they still have to go through the registration process like everyone else. But it's a simple task." She handed them two blank adventurer cards. "Please register these cards I've given you."

After completing the registration process, Fenris and Sara were officially recognized as adventurers. As Silver-ranked adventurers, they had the ability to take on intermediate-level quests on their own.

A tense atmosphere filled the room as a few adventurers who glared at the two children with disdain. Their envy and resentment were palpable, feeling as though these youngsters had been unfairly favored and hadn't earned their positions.

"Why are these two snowflakes given such a high starting level?" The man's gruff voice echoed across the room as he stepped forward, accompanied by his gang of tough-looking adventurers. He stood at an imposing seven feet tall, with bulging muscles and a brute-like attire covered in warpaint for added intimidation.

"Is that...The Rock?!" A bystander exclaimed in disbelief, causing whispers to spread through the room while most were awestruck at the man's presence.

Fenris and Sara were confronted by 'The Rock', who towered over them with an intimidating presence. "Ay, boy," the man sneered, "You don't look so tough. Hand over yer money and we'll let you go, along with the little missy."

Sara was intimidated by the man's size and demeanor, but Fenris remained unbothered, though quite irritated. He stepped forward and aimed a kick at the man's scrotum, then followed it with a roundhouse kick to the face, knocking out 'The Rock' instantly.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" The rest of the gang looked on in shock as their leader was easily taken down by Fenris. Instead of running away, they drew their weapons and pointed them at him. In response, Fenris extended his hand and conjured a blast of pressurized wind, sending all of them flying out of the guild.

"Hasta la vista! And don't come back," Fenris said in an unusually cheery tone. Turning back to his party, he acted as if nothing happened. "So, why don't we celebrate our reward?"

Despite Fenris's exuberance and unusual way of speaking, the group (except for Vincent and Maya) agreed to celebrate their victory. Vincent and Maya took a step back before Maya spoke up. "It was fun adventuring together, but it's time for us to go our separate ways."

Fenris, Sara, and Rifa exchanged a knowing look before waving goodbye as Vincent and Maya departed. Before leaving, Maya approached Fenris and leaned down slightly. "I'll miss you the most, Fenris," she said with an affectionate grin, causing him to blush as memories from the previous night came flooding back.

And so, the Ki-ki party was disbanded on a happy note.