The Forgotten Scent of Flowers
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    I stare at the face of the young wolf pup that was taken recently, he wasn't even old enough to shift yet and it made me sick thinking what the humans were doing to him. I set the flier down with a sigh and I turn to look out my window, I'm stuck in my thoughts when I get a mind link from my Beta James. "Er hey Alpha you're going to want to come see this, we have... intruders." he says. I sigh he doesn't normally call me Alpha unless it something serious, but I don't see how intruders would cause such a problem for my best dragon. "James this better be good, I don't have time to deal with-" I begin saying but he cuts me off before I can finish "Alpha they have collars... and..." he hesitates unsure what to say. I growl running out of patience "Just spit it out I don't have time for these silly games." I say getting up, I start to make my way through the palace to get to James. "Uh well... They say they know what happened to your father..." he says.

     All I saw was red and I made it out to lawn in record time, I was ready to rip some throats out for answers. I stop dead in my tracks when my eyes land on the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, she appeared no older than twenty-five. Her golden-brown hair was cut in the same military buzz cut that the man standing next to her, she had heterochromia eyes one was a fiery red that reminded me of burning embers and the other was a solid gold; they were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. Her and the male she was with wore onyx black outfits that resembled the human military uniforms, the only difference was that she didn't just have a collar. She was adorned with a collar and cuffs on her wrists and ankles, there was no longer a doubt in my mind. The humans had a dragon shifter, and she was my mate. If the way I was captivated by her beauty, the scent carried by the wind was just as intoxicating; like fresh rain and the rushing waves of water falling from a waterfall. It reminded me of the time my mother flew me high up in the mountains, I was shocked when we came upon a flowery meadow; I thought there was no way that the plants would be able to thrive. But thrive they did, they surrounded a crystal-clear pond with a cascading waterfall. But the beauty of that slice of heaven didn't compare to the woman in front of me.

     I almost felt self-conscious, I looked rough. I hadn't left my office in a few days, my jet-black hair had become unkempt and overgrown, I was sporting a slight beard and I know I looked as tired as I felt. But when our eyes met, I could tell by the sparkle in her eye that she knew as well as I did, that we, we were destined for one another. I had almost forgotten why I had marched all the way out here so quickly for, until she shook her head and began looking anywhere but me. I was further angered when the male she was standing with looked over and gave her a smug smirk, I don't know what came over me. I finished crossing the lawn that separated us and let out a low rumble of a growl, even James my Beta was surprised as I normally try not to growl in human form. My eyes narrowed at the male "My mate." I say in a growl again and glare at the man. He laughs making me angrier I was ready to wipe that look off his face when he saved his own life "You can have her I have no desire for my sister." He says and laughs harder. Feeling the embarrassment creeping up into my cheeks, I'm thankful that my mate distracted the other by elbowed the male hard in the ribs. Her eyes narrowed into a glare as she looked at the man " I was processed before you so if anything, you're just a straggler I adopted." she said. The man laughed "Sometimes I regret having manners and letting you go ahead of me that day." He says.

     I feel annoyance bubble up dangerously "Enough I don't care if you're my mate or her sibling I didn't come out here for squabbling. You have information I want." I bark. James shoots me a look and I take a step back; I breathe in slowly through my nose and exhale from my mouth counting backwards from five. After I center myself, I return to my position in front of them "Alright I apologize for that, before we start, I'd like your names. You can tell me your names as we walk." I say calmly. They both glance at each other "Er we would like to stay out here; they may be tracking us. They know your location, but we would like to avoid them finding out information about behind the walls. I am Rose and he is Antirrhinum." She pauses and smirks over at the man "But everyone calls him Anti, but I prefer to call him Snappy." She finishes saying. I take a minute and consider what she has said, but Antirrhinum was glaring daggers at her "My. Name. Is. Antirrhinum... If you are going to give me the name, then call me by it not some crappy nicknames." He grumbles. This makes Rose smile, but she doesn't reply as she looks over at me; I gaze into her eyes, and we stare at each other for a moment. I could stare into her eyes all day if I wasn't careful, but right now I need the information she apparently had. I nod making up my mind "Alright then speak, what do you know about my father?" I ask.

     A look of shame flashed across Rose's, and she looks away, I can barely hear her start to mumble "Well if he wasn't such a stubborn old man-" I don't hear the rest over Snappy's response "Well we can't disclose everything right now, just in case they are watching. Our mission right now, requires us to be in this area so it's not suspicious we're here. We need your help, I'm sure you have people outside of here that can pose as a human willing to purchase us." He pauses and gives me second to process what he's saying, before he continues. "There are five of us on our team, we're kind of a packaged deal. And you're going to need all of us to help you with your fathers..." he pauses and glances at Rose "... er his condition. The great new is he's alive." he finishes. Rose still won't meet my eyes and I actually think I see a hint of a blush on her cheeks, the Goddess Daria must be laughing down at me as I keep letting myself get distracted by this woman. I nod for a minute and think of everything that was said, they obviously knew more, and their reasoning was sound. But I didn't want to wait for answers, I stare at the collar around Roses neck and make my decision.