Chapter 10.5: A raid in the night.*
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-Leonidas: ready my child?

-Ninaies: Yes my chief, the information it is right?

-Leonidas: Seem so, I can see the warehouses, full as a Noble of the capital. Should be easy is a small town, only a dozen of hunters of range C.

-Rina: ZzZzZzZ, I am ready.

-Ninaies: Rina wake up, you are so slow for this, you need to be ready all time, humans are not the only danger here outside.

-Rina: Zzz, I am sorry.

-Leonidas: You are not alone Rina, Ninaies is always with you, and she will help you, and she can protect you.

-Rina: Yes sir, thanks, but I can defend myself, I can kill, I will not let the bad beasts hurt us, I will kill.

- Leonidas: We have a long night ahead of us, let's go, the target is just ahead.

The three of them approach the warehouse, they can see 2 guards on the first floor and 4 in the ground, there are no lights and the darkness covers the three.

-Leonidas: Ninaies, Rina, wait here, I will take care of the guard, if something happens, run away.

- Ninaies: Be careful.

The chief move quickly and quietly, without making a sound, and without the guards realizing, he attacks the first 2 and quickly finishes them, the 2 girls can see his shadow moving from one point to another, and when they can see him, he is already knock out the 2 men, it's too fast.

The other guards see the body falling, and they try to call for help, but before they can, the chief has already knock out the other 4 with the help of Nina and Rina.

-Ninaies: Good job, chief.

-Rina: Lets tie you guys pretty good.

-Leonidas: The rope and the gag are in the bags.

-Rina: Oh yeah, I forgot, Nina, could you lend me a hand?.

-Ninaies: Sure.

They tied up the guards, and then put the gag in their mouths, after that, they went inside, the place was full,the food was stacked, and they had enough for several months.

-Rina: Wow, this would last us for a good time, so bad we cant carry everything.

-Ninaies: Lets give the signal to the others to come to us.

-Leonidas: Ok, take everything, if they don't have any more food, we'll be in trouble.

-Rina: We can make some more, but not enough, and the winter is near.

-Ninaies: Yes, but if they leave us the seeds, we can plant.

-Rina: Yeah, that's good.

-Leonidas: Child I told you, leave them, nothing would grow in that cursed land we are forced to live. At least we are not abuse by humans, and sometimes we have to flee from the beasts, plant would not do us good.

-Rina: Yes sir, but I will not stop trying, I have the feeling, one day there will be green everywhere, and I will see it, I will.

-Ninaies: You have such a strong heart, and I love that.

-Rina: Thanks Nina, and thanks for staying with me.

-Ninaies: The pleasure is mine, besides, you are my favorite, you can not get rid of me so easily.

-Rina: Hehe, well, I'm done, let's call the others.

-Ninaies: Wait.

-Leonidas: What happend?.

-Nina: The air feels heavier, and my senses are warning me about something, I have not felt this in a long time.

- Leonidas: I know, we should hurry, Rina, go out and give the signal.

-Rina: Sure thing chief.

As she leaves, they can hear the noise of the approaching hunters, 12 in total, and their leader is the one who is walking with his sword on his shoulder.

-Gustavo: Well, well, look at that, they already took out our friends, I guess they will have the honor to be beaten by us, pity thieves.

-Leonidas: We have not eaten well, so don't waste it.

-Rina: Nina, chief.

- Leonidas: Go ahead, and let's take them, this is going to be our meal.

-Nina: Understood.

Gustavo it is a experience hunter and his team is not less worthy, even so they are going against 3 demi humans, and more approaching they are not sure they can win, so they are trying to gain time for reinforcements.

-Gustavo: Come on guys, let's show these animals how humans do things.

The 12 men attack and the 3 of them go into battle, Nina uses her daggers and moves quickly and with grace, attacking her enemies, using the shadows to disappear, and then appearing from another shadow and hitting them.

-Gustavo: Bitch!

-Rina: Don't insult my sister.

-Gustavo: Shut up, ugly.

Gustavo attacks and he is faster than expected, his attack hits Rina and she loses her balance, Nina goes to her aid.

-Gustavo: HaHa, you guys are a piece of shit.

-Leonidas: No, the one who is shit, is you.

- Gustavo: You!

The chief attacks with his claws and manages to make him dodge, but he was not the only one, more attacks follow, the 2 hunters attack with their swords, the chief can block and the 2 men are surprised by the strength he shows.

- Leonidas: You are strong, but that's all.

-Gustavo: Damn, and the ugly one is weak.

-Rina: I am not.

She attacks, and Gustavo dodges the attack and counterattacks, his sword hits her on the stomach, but it does not cut her skin, her defense is stronger than the attack.

-Gustavo: What, how, the blade should have cut you, why, how can you have this resistance?

-Rina: We have not eaten well, and my family needs it, so we can not lose, and we will not.

- Leonidas: That's how it is.

He kicks Gustavo and throws him to his men, they are surprised, the demi humans are very strong, and even with the numbers they are being overwhelmed, 2 of them are out of combat and the others are in a bad state, only Gustavo and 2 are still standing.

-Gustavo: We must retreat.

-Leonidas: You will not escape.

-Nina: Chief, I understand, but there is something else.

-Leonidas: What is it Ninaies?.

-Ninaies: The smell.

-Gustavo: We'll have more reinforcements soon, and it won't be good for you.

-Rina: They are here.

-Leonidas: What do you mean, what is here?

-Nina: This is a mistake, the smell is different, this is not human, the smell is like a beast.

-Rina: But there is no beast that big.

-Leonidas: Are the monsters coming?.

-Gustavo: What's wrong?, You are not afraid of a monster, and they are coming, and you are going to lose.

- Leonidas: No, that's not possible.

-Gustavo: If I die here, it would be a loss, but I won't let the 3 of you survive.

When Gustavo was telling his bullshit, more demi humans arrive, a total of 20 the numbers make Gustavo very nervous, but Ninaies it is even more worry that the battle attracted a pack of Beasts.

-Ninaies: Shut up, asshole, and get with the others, they are hurt and out of action but pretty much alive, the problem will be if we have to protect you meanwhile we are leaving with the stuff.

-Gustavo: Bitch! that is the food of the town, you are only making childs starve.

-Ninaies: Booo hooo, they have never starve like we do, never feel the fear of waking up to the screams of their love ones being devoured by beasts.

- Leonidas: Let's take what we can and leave.

- Ninaies: We can not leave without a fight.

- Leonidas: It's better to flee than to fight, and we can come back, we have to inform the village, the beasts are coming.

- Gustavo: You, you're just a bunch of cowards.

-Rina: I will stay, the rest can escape and report it.

- Ninaies: No, you come too.

- Rina: They need you, and if the beasts are coming, they are going to need everyone, if the chief and me stay, they would think twice to come.

- Leonidas: You, don't be stupid.

- Rina: Don't worry, I am not, this is a great chance to get some experience and become a heroine, maybe people would see us with another eyes.

- Ninaies: Idiot.

- Leonidas: Take her, I will buy you time.

- Ninaies: Yes chief.

They grab their spoils and leave, the chief stays, he is waiting for the arrival of the enemy, Gustavo and his team are looking, the demi humans are leaving, and now they have to fight.

-Gustavo: Cowards!

-Leonidas: They are smart, and they know when to flee, you can not beat a beast, and you are going to have problems, I would recommend to go with them.

-Gustavo: Never, they are stealing and they are going to pay.

-Leonidas: Fine.

The chief is ready to fight, and soon the beasts appear, a big and old wolf, with a lot of scars and a big number of companions, his size is a little bigger than the chief, and the wolves are even bigger, the other beasts are smaller. 2 of them has canons growing of their backs.


-Gustavo: What are those creatures? It seems there are more of them.

-Leonidas: Mechanical in nature, it appears.

Gustavo gasped in shock at the sight of the mutant beasts, wondering aloud about the increasing numbers. Leonidas, with a glint of excitement in his eyes, pointed out the mechanical beast among the others, acknowledging the challenge they faced. But the thrill of the fight was evident in his voice as he noted the hundred of adversaries before them.

The others appear more conventional, but the issue lies in their numbers, at least a one hundred in numbers. This should be an engaging challenge.

-Ninaies: Attack!

As Leonidas prepared to confront the creatures, he noticed Nina and Rina returning with the additional Demi human reinforcements, joining in the battle against the mutant beasts.

Risking it all, Leonidas led the charge, fully aware of the danger they faced. But with their unwavering resolve, they fought on, determined to emerge victorious.

-Leonidas: I will handle the boss, eliminate the other!

-Nina: Roger, chief.

-Rina: I will assist you, and the remaining opponent is mine.

-Leonidas: I am surprised by your capabilities. Proceed to rescue the humans who are in danger of perishing.

-Ninaies: There are a few larger creatures and typical ones. The humans can manage the ordinary ones while we deal with the rest. I will handle the second adversary.

-Leonidas: Follow my lead. If we are unable to escape, our fate is sealed.

-Rina: We have faced challenges before and prevailed. We will succeed.

-Gustavo: What are you all waiting for? Defeat them!

There has been a shift in Gustavo's mindset, as he finds himself facing imminent danger and his comrades are at risk of losing their lives. Once dismissing demi-humans as mere pests, they now realize the mutated beasts are relentless killers with a thirst for human blood

-Leonidas: I suggest keeping silent. Provoking them will only lead to danger.

-Rina: Let him be. We will emerge victorious, and the beast will provide a satisfying meal.

-Leonidas: You are reckless. Those creatures are toxic, or else we wouldn't need to gather food.

The group is collaborating to overcome the challenges they face. Two rangers mutant beasts provide long-range cover to their peers, Nina and Rina keep them at bait, while the rest of the group handle the mutant threats. The leader is focused on Leonidas, engaging in combat with assistance from the others. The battle is intense, with the ranged beasts posing a significant threat. Dealing with the normal mutants proves challenging, along with the disruptive minions. The humans find themselves in a difficult fight, but the leader's strength and speed are remarkable. Leonidas is struggling, yet manages to land a few hits with his claws, causing considerable damage. In a conversation during the fight:

-Leonidas: It appears time is running out for you.

At that moment Gustavo gather his remaining strength, trying to help Leonidas, but he was stopped by him.

-Leonidas: Leave, we can handle it.

-Gustavo: The others are out of action, and you're about to be defeated.

-Leonidas: I am not worried, I can take care of myself, you just take care of the others.

-Gustavo: We do not wish to incur any debts with your group.

-Leonidas: Then why attack us? We only took what we needed, seeking no trouble. If you had simply allowed us to take the necessary supplies, we would not have engaged in conflict.

-Gustavo: We cannot let our town suffer from hunger, something is going to happen soon.

-Leonidas: Do you realize the desolation surrounding us? The land is barren, plants struggle to survive, beasts grow stronger, and animals near extinction in arid regions. Our only means to sustain ourselves is through theft or selling what we have, even resorting to selling our bodies.

-Gustavo: Selling our bodies?

-Leonidas: Not individuals like us; we would be targeted first. However, women fetch a good price, making it a grim option.

Leonidas appeals for help, sharing the desperate circumstances their group faces. Gustavo agrees to provide some aid and spread the message to other villages enduring similar hardships.

-Gustavo: Why are you confiding in me like this?

-Leonidas: We are on the brink of extinction, our pleas falling on deaf ears. Perhaps, if humans were aware, you could assist us. We seek refuge and sustenance, willing to compensate for our needs.

-Gustavo: We can provide a meager share, but our resources are scarce, our own struggles apparent.

-Leonidas: We ask not for much, a humble request from our desert-dwelling kin. We are fewer in number than you, existing in the barren lands. There is no reason to fear us, our current actions stem from a dark history beyond our control.

-Gustavo: Is this your band's first encounter with our town? It seems as though your companions would rather flee than lend a hand in our time of crisis.

-Leonidas: Just as humans fear us, our kind harbors apprehensions towards humans. The cat-and-mouse dynamic has often ended tragically, creating a cycle of mistrust and fear. I cannot fault them for their caution.

As Leonidas and Gustavo face the monstrous beast side by side, a silent understanding blossoms between them. Leonidas offers unwavering support to Gustavo in his moments of vulnerability, while the beast focuses on overcoming the one who has caused him the deepest pain. Meanwhile, the fierce Nina and Rina valiantly defend against the beast which are armed adversaries, but their ammunition is limited and their production rate is not infinite. Consequently, after the initial bursts, the number of available shots diminishes due to the time required for produce more from their bodies.

-Rina: The beasts are exhausted, time to end this, chief!

-Ninaies: Agree, but it's too close, Leonidas is at risk.

-Rina: He is fine, we should finish the fight and be done with this.

-Leonidas: I am ready, take them down!

The demi-humans were split into two groups, one shielding Gustavo's weary troops from the predator beasts, who hungrily eyed them as vulnerable targets. The other faction stood vigilant at the city gates, determined to bar the beasts' entry, aware that the city folk were ripe for the picking, much like a wounded and exhausted noble laid bare. These selfless deeds did not go unappreciated, for the nobility had long upheld a tradition of guarding the vulnerable, a duty deeply embedded in the essence of their protectors.

Once again, the exquisite synchronization between Nina and Rina is simply flawless. Trained in the ancient art of ninjutsu by a wise tribal elder who has since departed to a higher realm, these two warriors possess innate abilities that transcend generations. The grace with which they move, their voluptuous and distinctly feminine forms, is utterly mesmerizing, a captivating blend of beauty and lethal skill. It is no wonder that they are not only admired by their tribe but also by the very soldiers who moments ago sought to challenge them.

-Ninaies: Without your weapons, you are powerless. Rest in peace, you fool of a beast.

-Rina: Feel my power! Feel my wrath!

Simultaneously, Nina and Rina dealt the beast a fatal blow to the head, leaving their allies astonished by the intensity of their attack, heightened by their formidable skills. The beast was vanquished, but the battle was far from over. Startled, Gustavo questioned, "What was that?""

Leonidas stood tall, addressing his people, his family, his tribe with a fierce pride in his voice. Ever watchful of his adopted daughter and loyal tribe members, he kept a vigilant eye on every move. As the formidable beast loomed large, he valiantly fought off the dwindling minions, the only one brave enough to stand against them amidst the chaos caused by the battle at hand.

With a fierce battle cry, Leonidas, his muscles rippling with power, grapples with the savage beast, holding it at bay with unmatched strength. The beast struggles against his might, but Leonidas stands firm, refusing to let it escape. As Nina and Rina join the fray, striking at the beast's weak points, the creature fights back with all its ferocity. However, the combined efforts of the group eventually bring the beast to its knees. In a final assault, a mix of humans and demi-humans converge on the beast's vulnerable underbelly, sealing its fate and bringing an end to the epic clash.

- Rina: Eww! It's already going bad, this meat doesn't look good either.

- Ninaies: I don't know how you still think we can cook something like this. They are simply unnatural creatures.

- Leonidas: You guys, make this old man proud! But now we have something to discuss.

-Gustavo: It pains me to admit that if it weren't for you, the group of beasts could have been a problem, potentially causing civilian casualties or even harming a hunter.

-Leonidas: Our intention is to survive, not to harm others, as we have experienced suffering ourselves.

Leonidas and Gustavo veer away from the group, engaging in a conversation that is not private, although both the demi-human and human groups understand that it is best to let their leaders handle such matters. Despite the disappearance of hostility between them, there is still tension in the air. Meanwhile, Rina plays like a child and hums a song from her youth, with Nina by her side, treating her like a younger sister. Their bond is more a result of shared experiences and time together rather than blood relation.

-Rina: We are so much alike, you and I!

-Ninaies: I can't imagine what it would be like to be so cheerful in this situation. You always look on the bright side of things, no matter how dire the circumstances.

But now, a shift in plans is imminent as they decide to collaborate. Not all demi-humans are vile, just as humans can be kind-hearted at times.

-Ninaies: Rina, I see a future where you can revolutionize the world.

-Rina: Truly? Well then, you must accompany me on this journey.

-Ninaies: Indeed. Alone, the task may seem daunting, but together, we are unstoppable.

-Rina: Shall we then?

-Ninaies: Lead the way.

-Rina: With pleasure, hehe, to the infinite and beyond!

As they make their way back to the homeland of the demi-humans, a new era dawns, and a unified front is forged. Returning to their encampment, they manage to collect some supplies and provisions, salvaged before embarking on their mission to aid the rest of their tribe. Rina discreetly provides sustenance for her parents, while Nina ventures towards the chieftain's quarters, where her adoptive mother awaits.

Brayan's playful voice ringed out.

-Brayan: Hello! Fantastic job, my dear Nina. How about some fun in my tent? It's all set up just for you, as you can see.

with a sly move of his hips, Brayan revealed his desire to Nina, hoping to entice her into a more intimate encounter. Nina shook her head, her response dripping with sass.

-Ninaies: Oh Brayan, why would I entertain the company of someone with your reputation of a womanizer? And that tent of yours? It's more like a twig than a shelter.

A mischievous smile played on Nina's lips as she made a jest about Brayan's tent size, aiming to deflate his ego.

-Brayan: Ouch! That's harsh. Besides, you and I are the only ones at camp who have not engaged in any activities, apart from taking care of the cubs.

Brayan winced at her words, trying to maintain his composure amidst the verbal jabs.

-Ninaies: I will continue to wait until I find true love.

Nina remained steadfast in her stance.

-Brayan: Who's to say that young man you pine for is even around? And compared to him, I'm a catch. Remember how well I can please a lady.

-Ninaies: What I do know is that the last time you attempted with Rina, she swiftly dealt with your advances. you were walking funny for a while.

Laughter echoed from the surrounding camp, causing Brayan to cringe at the reminder of his failed advances. Undeterred, Brayan persisted.

-Brayan: Come on, you can't keep living like this. I always take care of my offspring.

-Nina: As far as I know, I can continue as I am, and if he is deceased, I highly doubt it. I just haven't found him yet. About whether he has had many relationships, I am not concerned. I will accept him as he is, knowing he would cherish me.

-Brayan: I am having difficulty understanding your perspectives. It appears that Rina harbors a strong dislike towards men, with the exception of the leader and her father. It is observed that despite never having been romantically involved, Nina is regarded as a potential match by most in the camp. It seems that only the two of you remain chaste like untouched adults.

-Nina: It is intriguing that we are the only ones perceived to be more human than demi-human, which seems to attract your comrades. Indeed, Rina has a deep aversion to males, as she experienced a traumatic incident in her youth where she was almost assaulted by members of another tribe solely because she was a female. If not for her father and Leonidas coming to her rescue in time, the outcome could have been different.

-Brayan: While you may not see it at this moment, I am determined not to give up. Today, let us celebrate our successful gathering of enough food to last us for weeks. My children are content, and one of my partners may join me in the festivities.

Brayan discreetly attempts to expose his genitalia to Nina in an effort to persuade her, but she quickly brushes him off, eager to leave the conversation behind.

Nina wrinkled her nose in disgust and shot a fierce glare at Brayan.

-Ninaies: Why don't you skedaddle before I make you regret ever opening your mouth?

She snapped. Brayan chuckled mischievously.

-Brayan: Oh, I see I've caught you off guard. The sight of a man in his full glory has left you intrigued, hasn't it?

Nina rolled her eyes and raised her voice.

-Ninaies: I said leave! If you even think about getting near Rina, I'll make sure you regret it for the rest of your days, going to cut your balls and that stick of you, to feed the beasts.

Brayan shook his head, feigning hurt.

-Brayan: Ouch, your threats are cold, my dear.

Leaving Brayan behind, Nina found solace in the company of her friend Rina, a skilled warrior with a fierce spirit. Rina's prowess in combat was unmatched, but her distrust of men and outsiders often presented a challenge. Having been rescued by the tribe's chief in her youth, Nina held a deep gratitude towards him. Though her feelings were not romantic, she admired him as a father figure and would follow him to the ends of the earth.

-Leonidas: How did it go, Nina?

-Ninaies: It was typical, but the village seemed to be in a new situation; they are struggling, yet content for now.

-Leonidas: Excellent. It's time for us to take action. The world is evolving, and we will be the ones driving that change. We will no longer be thieves and victims of humans.

-Ninaies: In amidst the realm of humanity, there exists a peculiar intersection with demi-humans like ourselves, where communication is possible. However, a multitude display both fear and compassion towards our unfamiliar appearance. Some even hold a sinister fascination with our unique skin, a sentiment that lingers in the hearts of both men and women alike.

-Chimara: My child, I noticed you were speaking with that person again. He simple does not give up.

Nina's adoptive mother, a strong lioness named Chimara, enters the dwelling with a physique reminiscent of Leonidas, equally impressive in appearance.

-Leonidas: Chimara, my wife, please join us. I have a matter to discuss with both of you.

Leonidas invites her to sit beside him as he listens to her story.

-Chimara: Welcome home, my dear.

She takes a seat with them, kisses her husband in acknowledgment of a successful task, and prepares to listen.

-Leonidas: Firstly, the raid was successful, and humans will no longer be a threat.

-Chimara: Is that so? What was discussed with them, and what is the plan?

-Leonidas: I shared the truth, and our strategy is simple. We will establish a territory and govern it collaboratively. I suggest securing a settlement on the outskirts with strategic tactics, given humans often lack vigilant defenders for their settlements.

-Chimara: Interesting, but how do we plan to achieve this? Humans may not respond positively, and some demi-humans in the area are hostile.

-Leonidas: True, humans may be wary, and cooperation is crucial.I feel something it is happening because it is the first time humans accept us so easy. As for the demi-humans, some will align with us, while others are of little concern. Building a strong foundation, forming alliances, and the rest will follow.

Chimara spoke with a tone of curiosity as she pondered the daunting task ahead,

-Chimara: Sounds fun, but how shall we embark on this endeavor? The humans may not be pleased, and some of the demi-humans are not exactly friendly.

Leonidas, with a hint of wisdom in his voice.

-Leonidas: Indeed, the humans harbor fear within them. We must unite and work together. As for the demi-humans, some will align with us, while others pose no significant threat. What truly matters is establishing a sturdy foundation and forging alliances. The rest is trivial.

Chimara, intrigued by the complex dynamics at play, inquired further

-Chimara: What reasons do the humans have to be afraid?

With a somber tone, Leonidas unraveled a tale of history.

-Leonidas: Recall the war that transpired when the mutant beasts emerged. Even though we did not witness it firsthand, the chieftains passed down stories of a time when we coexisted peacefully with humans, until the arrival of these beasts. Unfortunately, we were unfairly associated with them. The humans now live in fear of a repetition, as the beasts grow stronger, the land deteriorates, and survival becomes a struggle.

Nina, bewildered by the gravity of the situation, interjected.

-Ninaies: This sounds like a grim reality. Why are the humans wary of us?

Leonidas, with a sense of realism in his response, revealed.

-Leonidas: There are indeed malevolent demi-humans amongst us who would harm humans if given the opportunity. Though many of us are benevolent, the past incidents have scarred the humans deeply, leading to their apprehension.

Chimara, grappling with the dilemma at hand, expressed her concern.

-Chimara: So, is forming an alliance with the humans out of the question?

Leonidas, with unwavering resolve, asserted.

-Leonidas: It will be a challenging path, but it is the only way forward. Success lies in mutual assistance and cooperation. Despite the risks, we must band together.

-Ninaies: But the dangers we might face...

Leonidas, ever the optimist, countered.

-Leonidas: Indeed, the path may be perilous. However, inaction is not an option. We cannot remain in the wilderness, resorting to theft. Change is inevitable, and standing still is not an option. The world is evolving, and the humans will not wait idly by.

Chimara, understanding the gravity of their situation, concluded.

-Chimara: So, it falls upon you to speak with the other chieftains. The challenge lies not only in our own camp but also in the neighboring villages and towns.

Together, they faced an uncertain future, knowing that their course of action would shape the fate of their world.Leonidas looked around at his comrades with determination shining in his eyes, his voice filled with conviction.

-Leonidas: It will be a challenge, but our strength exceeds theirs, and it's time for a change.

Chimara nodded, her expression resolute.

-Chimara: It's going to be a tough road ahead, but I believe we have what it takes. You should be the one to lead the conversation.

With a confident smile, Leonidas assured them.

-Leonidas: Dealing with the chieftains won't be a problem; it's the humans that pose a real challenge.

Nina's curiosity piqued.

-Ninaies: Are humans really that formidable? We have might and numbers on our side, and they fear us.

Leonidas explained, his tone serious.

-Leonidas: Humans may surprise you. Their elite hunters are nothing to scoff at, ranging from class A to S. There's the legendary immortal warrior and the impenetrable wall. I've never seen them in action, but those two alone could decimate us all.

Chimara, surprised by his response, inquired further.

-Chimara: That is quite impressive. And there is more than one?

Leonidas nodded thoughtfully, his eyes fixed on the horizon.

-Leonidas: Certainly, at least two stand guard. But whispers reach our ears of a third, a mysterious figure lurking beyond the wall. The most fertile lands lie in their domain, and they are the fierce guardians of this precious territory. Their power knows no bounds.

Nina realize the weight of the task before them.

-Ninaies: To think that we are up against such mighty foes. We must tread carefully.

Leonidas smiled reassuringly, his tone filled with hope.

-Leonidas: Do not fear, we currently have the advantage. The humans are cautious, but they are not truly hostile towards us. They have never attacked a settlement of a demi-human camp. On the other hand, some of our kind have done wrongful acts towards them.

-Chimara: Let's hope they maintain that fear. It would be beneficial if we could count on some allies among them.

-Leonidas: We have a network of support from other villages; if the worst comes to pass, we can rely on our fighters as we always have.

-Ninaies: I must go; nightfall is approaching, and the Rina sure will grow concerned.

-Leonidas: Inform everyone of the plan.

-Chimara: Stay safe out there.

-Ninaies: Always. Farewell.

With a warm embrace, Nina steps out into the fading light of day, making her way to the heart of the village where the bonfire illuminates the faces of her fellow demi-humans and their young. It's a serene scene that fills her with a sense of unity and purpose.

Chimara sighs, about Ninaies , and her husband notices her worry.

-Chimara: Our little girl is growing up. I can't believe she's already reached adulthood. Nina looks like a goddess, it's a shame she is not interested in men.

-Leonidas: Yes, it is strange to see her still so pure, it is not common for females to remain virgins until adulthood, she does not seem to feel any desire for the opposite sex, and only seems to have her eyes on this human.

Leonidas shows pride in his speach, and with a affirming voice, continues.

-Leonidas: Do you believe it is due to our heritage?

-Chimara: I believe so, she and Rina are both beautiful, but they are not interested in the opposite sex, I don't know why.

Leonidas replied.

-Leonidas: Since that day, Rina has no interest in men, she has not even her first spring when they tried to take her by force, and as you mention, she is beautiful, her body is very attractive to most males in the camp.

Chimara, does not hear lust in the voice of Leonidas, but a tenderly love, as he looks at her, as her husband, she feels proud of his attitude.

-Chimara: Meanwhile you see both like childs. And Nina?

- Leonidas: She is special, and while everyone believes she is our hairless cub, we have never denied her origins. She is human, raised by our people.

- Chimara: Yes, but that's not what worries me.

Chimara expresses her concern over Nina's lack of interest in males, wondering if it is due to her human lineage.

- Chimara:Sometimes I feel sorry for her, being a human among demi-humans. I guess you two are close, considering you saved her and she was raised by us.

- Leonidas: Indeed, I do not see her as a threat. She is like our hairless cub.

He spoke with confidence, his gaze focused on his wife.

- Leonidas: We are close. She is a great daughter and a loyal soldier. Her abitilies go beyond normal humans.

- Chimara: I know, but still I'm worried, she is human.

- Leonidas: Yes, she is, but she is our child, she has not our blood, and I can't explain, but I feel it, she has a gift.

-Chimara: I amcertain that she sees us as her parents, despite her memories of a previous life in a human town. It is clear that she is content with us. It is pretty good you could find her on time.

- Leonidas: It's true, I couldn't let her die.

Chimara nodded, her expression solemn.

- Chimara: And yet, she holds a grudge against humans for the way they treat us. She also always tells me about her true love, a child from her hometown before you found her.

Leonidas chuckled.

-Leonidas: True, but I'm sure that boy doesn't matter much now, as she has you and me to look after. The curious thing is, she said a pack of beasts attacked her town, but she was in the middle of the Arid Zone, dozens of kilometers away from any human town or village. I think the river must have carried her away, but that far and a kilometer away from the river. Beasts are relentless and ruthless murderers; they never stop until they have killed their last victim. Even though she was alone with almost nothing around her.

Chimara smiled, a sad smile that showed her pain.

- Chimara: Maybe it was a small town.

Leonidas answer to that question with confidence in his acts, his voice reassuring.

-Leonidas: No, I have been to many small towns, and I can tell you that there are only four big towns. One is the Star City, the others are to the east, and to the west are the Arid zones. To the south, we have the wall. The mention of the wall surprised her.

Chimara wonder about the thoughs of her husband, and ask him.

- Chimara: Hmm. What do you think happened, and what is the point of this discussion?

-Leonidas: I don't know, but I have the feeling that there is more than it seems.

- Chimara: Maybe, but I'd rather not think about it.

Chimara's words echo in the room as the tension in the air thickens.

- Leonidas: Maybe she is not human.

- Chimara: What?

Leonidas leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper.

-Leonidas: I have a theory, a secret one at that. I suspect she may be a demi-human, perhaps a half-blood like Rina. Half-bloods are a topic left in the shadows, but really, who pays it any mind? Her foreign origins explain her unique appearance, yet her abilities are a reflection of our own. An intriguing mystery, don't you think?

-Chimara: She's a hairless pup, and you know it.

The mystery of Nina's origins made Leonidas, who couldn't help but smile, speak with an amused tone.

-Leonidas: Perhaps, perhaps not.

He mused.

-Leonidas: But if she is a half-blood, it is our duty to protect her.

As Chimara considered her husband's words, a sudden realization struck her. She recalled a long-forgotten object she had taken from Nina, sparking a revelation.

-Chimara: But that would make sense!

She exclaimed, realizing that Nina's clothes had a badge, similar to what hunters of the cities and the nobility use.

-Chimara: She's different because she's not a demi-human or a human. She's noble!

-Leonidas: Ah, I was unaware of the existence of this object.

-Chimara: I replaced her clothing, including her underwear which was in disarray, so I disposed of them and still recall it to this day."

- Leonidas: But that would mean she is nobility.

- Chimara: Exactly.

- Leonidas: And what does it mean?

Chimara thought for a moment before replying.

-Chimara: Well, I'm not sure, but I think it means she is an important person.

Leonidas shook his head in disbelief.

-Leonidas: Exactly, but that make it even more incredible, Human nobles are precious to them as Chieftains for us, I can not picture leaving one alone, unless the attack was so bad that they could not save her. Maybe all died.

Chimara: If this is true, we must protect her. She is valuable, and we mustn't let anyone know she is noble. As you know, humans do not like us, and they may try to capture her, or worse, take her away from us.

-Leonidas: But we cannot force her to stay. If she finds information about her family or the boy, we have to let her go. I know we don't have anything besides her, but we cannot be selfish.

- Chimara: then I wonder, the noble was not able to survive, but then the only reason she survived is because a human saved her, or someone.

- Leonidas: True, but if they did not find her, we will not find out.

Chimara frowned, her voice full of worry.

- Chimara: She is so young and has already experienced so much.

- Leonidas: That would explain a lot, if so, and I mean that is a big IF, then that would mean she was loved, and a family, but her parents could not save her.

Chimara replied, a bit concerned.

- Chimara: What do you mean by that?

Leonidas smiled and explained.

- Leonidas: Well, I don't know what you are thinking, but if she was saved, it would mean she was loved by someone.

- Chimara: I think so, I would love to know about that person, but we have no way of finding him. What about the boy, she talks a lot about, could it be her lover.

- Leonidas: Perhaps, but I don't think that boy matters now. She has us and her sister.

- Chimara: That's true.

She smiles, as they both share a moment of silence, before Leonidas speaks once more.

- Leonidas: Maybe, humans tend to have a first partner as us, something we share in common.

- Chimara: Yes, I know.

- Leonidas: First loves are important, you are mine, and only one.

- Chimara: I know that too, I'm yours as you are mine.

They both look at each other, and he kisses her forehead.

- Chimara: I can't believe how long it has been since we met, I remember that day so clearly, it was like yesterday.

- Leonidas: It was a fateful day, when I met you.

-Chimara: We were so young. I had just turned eleven years old and you were twelve. I think they will reunite and be like us. Otherwise, she would remain single and childless. I do not want that, as I experienced it myself.

Leonidas smiled and kissed her forehead again.

-Leonidas: I'm sure she will find the right one.

Chimara sighed.

-Chimara: I hope so. I want grandkids.

While listening to the chief conversing with his wife, Rina pondered whether she should help Nina find her parents or her lover. The news that her lover might still be alive was a positive development, but it also meant that Nina might leave the tribe. However, if Nina chose to leave, Rina decided she would accompany her. Leaving the site, she made her way to the hut she shared with Nina and embraced her warmly.

-Ninaies: What's on your mind?

Rina gave her a warm smile and responded.

-Rina: Nothing, I just wanted to hug you.

-Ninaies: Okay, okay, not so tight, I can't breathe.

-Rina: Sorry, sorry.

Rina released her grasp, and the two shared a laugh.

-Ninaies: It's not a problem, it's just that you're the strongest one here.

-Rina: Sometimes I forget, and what's even worse is that some of the males keep making advances towards me; it seems like they have a fascination with humans.

-Ninaies: Yeah, that's true.

The two chuckled.

-Rina: I always wonder because my only features are my tail, ears and raccon mask, pretty much I am as hairless like you.

Ninaies and Rina laughed.

-Ninaies: well most males only thing with their lower head like brayan, some girls find that appealing so, it's not your fault. You have a nice physique, but you're not an object.

-Rina: It's funny how you are the one telling me that, while you have no interest in males.

-Ninaies: It is important to exercise caution, as you are viewed as a goddess by them due to your skin, curves, body, and scent. It seems as though you were destined to be with them.

-Rina: I do not have a preference for them.

-Ninaies: You are not obligated to, simply disregard them. I have a strong belief that my true love is searching for me, and I am confident that he will find me without me having to actively seek him out. I feel a sense of duty to remain faithful exclusively to him, which goes beyond mere love and borders on obligation, although it is a pleasurable sensation.

-Rina: So I am sexy to you?, I didn't know you were like that.

Rina teased, with a big smile on her face.

-Ninaies: Yes, but only to my love. Still it is not cheating if both share the same man.

Rina giggled.

-Rina: You know, maybe we could, if he is as good as your mention, beside the others has multiple wives too.

-Ninaies: I guess, I've never really thought about that before.

-Rina: Well, it's not like we can ask him directly.

-Ninaies: That's true, but we can try.

Rina pondered

-Rina: Have you ever considered what life would be like if your parents were still alive?

Ninaies mused.

Ninaies: Oh, all the time. I imagine I would be happily married with a couple of little ones.

Rina smiled.

-Rina: With our future husband? what could be he doing right now?, or thinking about us, who knows?.

Ninaies dreamily replied.

-Ninaies: Oh, he would surely be a family man. Married with a couple of children, perhaps pursuing a noble profession like knighthood. His family would be flourishing and content.

-Rina: A true family man and a brave hero too, it seems!

As the night grew late, Ninaies suggested.

-Ninaies: It's getting late, let's retire for the evening. Come, lay down beside me.

Rina smiled warmly.

-Rina: Of course. I will never let you go, where you go, I will go.

-Ninaies: I love you.

Rina blushed.

-Rina: I love you too.

The two embraced tightly, and Rina could feel Ninaies' warmth radiate into her. And so, both friends drifted off to sleep, their bond strong and deep, akin to that of close siblings, bound by a profound and enduring love.