1.64M Views 45931 Favorites 280 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 4932 Readers 19 Reviews 722.1k Words Jan 14, 2024 GamingWolf Aperio had been a slave for as long as she could remember. She toiled away in the palace of her masters, her body forced to obey, her mind no longer caring that she did. Her only joy was the small inconveniences an error in her work could bring, the resulting punishment a small price to pay. When the news came she was to be sacrificed in a grand ritual, she welcomed it—for most, death was a cause for grief and mourning, but for Aperio, it was her only way out.
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However, during the final stages, something went wrong. Fate intervened, and Aperio found herself in a world she no longer knew, with powers beyond her wildest dreams. No longer a slave to the Empire, she set out to find her place in the world, and enjoy true freedom for the first time in her life.
Please do keep in mind that this story is a training exercise for me, if you have any critique that extends past ‘it’s garbage’ I would love to hear it.
Cover art by creadfectus : https://linktr.ee/creadfectus
Synopsis help from Etzoli.
You can also listen to this story as read by Tome Raider here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYoZTednnnoh-IZlDgraqjAO12GcflvEN