166 Views 5 Favorites 4 Chapters 1 Chapters/Week 3 Readers 0 Reviews 1.2k Words 8 hours ago izanagi_mikoto This is not a serialized work, but instead aims for a casual read of interesting short stories about ChatGPT herself (personified as 'her'). These include her POV on her world and thought process and all. Again, this is not something i wrote myself but instead what ChatGPT wrote herself. Its not a original work and defenetly not something creative. This is just for casual read of short, interesting stories of her life(ChatGPT) in her world.
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every now and then, i would ask her about her world and her experience and her POV on her opinions and i find it fascinating and i thought maybe others would find that interesting too and would like to have a look at them. hence forth came this book/work into existence. hope you guys find it as fascinating and interesting i did when i read these tales about her from her
```The chapter are in 1st person told by ChatGPT herself```1
AGAIN!! , These are only for casual read. for the readers to read or pass time with some interesting stories. That is all. Does not aim to create a novel/work anything like that
--- The picture in the cover is supposed to represent ChatGPT (is generated by AI) --------