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/ Genre / CW Supergirl [ ]
3.7k Views 152 Favorites 11 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 99 Readers 0 Reviews 20.9k Words Nov 11, 2023 Melimelidh
What would happen if someone with questionable morals and a knowledge of the TV-show transmigrated into Samantha Arias from CW Supergirl? Probably chaos, mayhem, and a sprinkle or two of lesbian fun.
WARNING! This story has not been edited or thought out. It is currently about 22K words and that's all I've written, It's on indefinite hiatus, I might come back to it, I might not. I'm working on other Supergirl stories following along the same theme. This story is more of a 'crap they're so hot yep this is what I would do if I became the strongest being on Earth' kinda story. You've been warned.... more>>