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/ Genre / God Eater [ ]
11.9k Views 47 Favorites 34 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 83 Readers 0 Reviews 100.2k Words Jun 27, 2023 lethe.butterfly
Good will always triumph over evil.
The Emerald City of Freyja, a city of magic where plantation thrived, had been plagued by the abominable curse of a witch. To put an end to her chain of atrocities, Julius, the agent of Church of Magnolia, was dispatched into the Forest of Helleborus. Unbeknownst to no one but him, it was a suicide mission. There, he met none other than the witch herself. But instead of a battle between life and death, the witch offered him partnership, and even sheltered him!?
Was everything an act? As the conventional "Hero", a knight, met his natural enemy, the witch, would the former lay the latter to waste? The unlikely... more>>
3.1k Views 19 Favorites 4 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 52 Readers 0 Reviews 5.1k Words Feb 18, 2019 Kreive21
A certain soul that travels within the other dimension. It is awaken as a young man who has no memory within the ruins, it happen... more>>
1.8k Views 13 Favorites 10 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 50 Readers 0 Reviews 24.4k Words Apr 22, 2023 Cobias_Tenem
Tatsu Nezu, a transmigrator from Earth, has died in the world of God Eater while defending his ward against an Apocalypse Wave of Aramagi. He is extracted by God of Apocalypse and told to go to another apocalypse world, this time, the world of Black Bullet. Along with his two dogs, he goes off to explore the world 11 years before the main plot of Black Bullet occurs.... more>>