4 Views 0 Favorites 2 Chapters 1 Chapters/Week 1 Readers 0 Reviews 10.2k Words 16 hours ago yosoyalicia Arturo, a philology student, struggles to create a story that is truly his own, driven by the desire that his sister Maria, who inspired him to love fantasy, be able to read his book before her terminal illness defeats her. Desperate to improve his manuscript, he accidentally dives into his own fictional world, only to discover that it is filled with clichés and characters trapped in predictable roles.
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Accompanied by outcasts who defy the norms of the genre, Arturo must confront the truth about his story, his sister, and himself. Along the way, he will learn that writing is not just about following rules, but an act of revolution and authenticity.
With humor, emotion, and a satire of the fantasy genre, Cheese Moon is a celebration of imagination and freedom, and a tribute to those who dare to dream of the impossible.