. The bad dialogue are the case where I started writing with my premature English skills. They might be a bit better now in the later chapters I think so. I'm also currently in the process of rewriting the starting chapter as I really got the sense of how bad they were. Anyway, do try to read if you can but it's always a personal opinion to do so.
I really do thank you for the review as these are always meant for appreciation or constructive criticism that helps people grow.
Yea, I get you. I'd have liked to give a more detailed review but I was reading it as the chapters released so I don't really remember all the earlier chapters. I'll read them all again and edit my review if I have the chance though
Appreciate your review. It really helps with my improvement. I noticed my use of present tense on many occasions and agonized over not taking the past route.
It's not always too late to change it. Sure, it may be jarring for someone who got used to it but I think most would welcome this change. You should ask people of your discord (if you have one) if you're unsure