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/ Profile / Fighterman481
Famous Author
Jun 29, 2019

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Famous Author
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Joined: Jun 29, 2019
Followers: 281
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TreblaNiak · Jan 23, 2022

what a load of crap

DemeanCosmos · Jan 23, 2022

Maybe, or maybe not, doesn't hurt not be rude. What if true, then you would just be just another ass, instead of encouraging them, may effect in negative ways. I think you would be hurt if it was true and someone just said "what a load of crap" to their problem. As they say treat others way you want be treated. And fighterman481. Hope you het better and cant wait for another chapter, you can do it.clear.pngclear.png

TreblaNiak · Jan 25, 2022

comment wasn't about his problems was about the crappy story

DemeanCosmos · Jan 25, 2022

Then just read something else if you don't injoy it or have ideas for story to improve or not but regardless its authors story is it bad or just not your cup of tea, their is a difference.

Fighterman481 · Author · Jan 23, 2022

Hey guys, sorry to do this two weeks in a row, but lingering dizziness has left me unable to get a scheduled chapter out this week. I've  been making too many mistakes when writing, and the chapter would be too low quality for comfort. I have a chapter of SS on deck that I'll post tomorrow, but it's going to contain more errors than usual (though that's 5 chapters out for SH). I caught several while writing, but that just means there are almost certainly more that I didn't catch

Wondering00 · Jan 15, 2022

Be strong manclear.png even I don't know you.

Fighterman481 · Author · Jan 15, 2022

Thanks for the words of encouragement! I'm feeling better than I was yesterday, so I'm taking that as a good sign. Hopefully it should just pass like any other sickness, but until then I'm just resting and taking it easy in hopes that'll speed my recovery.

Fighterman481 · Author · Jan 12, 2022

(1/2) Sorry to give such a...downer post, but it's highly likely there's not going to be a chapter this week. I woke up today with a headache and sore throat, and my siblings have had Covid because the school around here have taken 0 precaution against Omicron. So, despite the fact that they've been quarantined in a room in our house (and that I don't go to school anymore, having just graduated last semester), there's a high likelihood that I have Covid now too.

Fighterman481 · Author · Jan 12, 2022

(2/2)  I'm going to get tested tomorrow, but until then I'm operating under the assumption that I have it. So, if I don't start feeling better soon, I won't be able to get a chapter out. On the bright side, I did manage to finish the chapter of SS that's been half-done for like a month, so y'all should be seeing that whenever I'm feeling good enough to post it.

Oh, and I'm fully vaccinated, so this shouldn't be serious, I'm just probably going to feel crummy for a while

Sabruness · Jan 12, 2022

NP NP. i'm starting to come down from a bout of omicron myself so i know the feeling XD

Fighterman481 · Author · Jan 9, 2022

Hey everyone, I ended up needing a little more time to finish the chapters this week, so I'm delaying them until tomorrow. Sorry about that!

Fighterman481 · Author · Dec 4, 2021

Hey folks, as I mentioned in my last post, there aren't going to be any chapters this week. I've like...been working almost exclusively on my compiler this week and haven't had any free time to do it. But, its due date (the 9th) marks the "real" end of school for me, so given a couple weeks to catch my breath, at the start of the new year I'm looking to return to the six scheduled chapters a month thing I was doing earlier this year, since I won't have school to deal with anymore

Foxxy · Nov 26, 2021

congrats on having chimera get #1 place on trending (not viewing BL novels so idk if they are ahead)

Fighterman481 · Author · Nov 22, 2021

Hey guys, there won't be a chapter next week, I'm going to be out of town for Thanksgiving and won't have time to write. There's a decent chance there won't be one the week after, either, since I'm cramming to finish my compiler, but we'll see how it's look then. I just wanted to let everyone know in advance!

Foxxy · Nov 7, 2021

Any chapters today?

Fighterman481 · Author · Nov 7, 2021

Yup, One each of The New Chimera and Swarming Sovereignty. They'll be coming in probably a couple of hours.

Fighterman481 · Author · Oct 30, 2021

I know this is like...two weeks in a quick succession, but I'm not going to be able to get this week's chapter of TNC out. I got sick in the latter half of this week, and my head is too fuzzy to write. I have 5 (admittedly not the best quality) chapters of SS that are coming out once I feel better, and then the release of those will probably slow from the pace they've been at. This sort of marks the end of an "important" part, so it won't be quite as easy to write for a little bit.

Indream · Oct 30, 2021

Hope you will feel better soon.

Syth_Dracous · Nov 1, 2021

Dude as much as a lack of chapter sucks it's better to not have one and you get better than we get a chapter and you get worse.

Fighterman481 · Author · Oct 17, 2021

Hey folks, I got hit over the head with midterms and a lot of projects, so no chapter of The Outlands this week. I do have a couple of SS chapters from before that happened, they'll be posted...some time in the next week when I'm not feeling so dead inside.

Foxxy · Oct 18, 2021

nya~! hope you feel betterclear.png

Fighterman481 · Author · Sep 20, 2021

So, I have decided to go to one chapter a week, more details are in this Patreon post:

If you don't want to go there, TL;DR is chapters will be New Chimera -> Outlands -> New Chimera -> Outlands, Swarming Sovereignty is (relatively) unaffected.

Fighterman481 · Author · Sep 13, 2021

No Outlands this week, unfortunately. I basically spent three days straight doing nothing but working on AI, so...I just didn't have time.

I'm going to be thinking about bringing my schedule down to one chapter a week this semester depending on how things go this week (I have parsing for my compiler due), more on that if it happens, we'll know by Friday.

Fighterman481 · Author · Sep 5, 2021

Hey folks, I have some bad news. Basically, I got laid flat by a sickness this past week (not Covid, I got tested twice, since my brother tested positive a while before), and have not been able to do any writing. That effort went into Lexical Analysis, since, unfortunately, school comes first. I'm still a bit behind for school, but hopefully this shouldn't impact next week too much.

(New Swarm chapter was finished before being sick and not posted due to said sickness)

Fighterman481 · Author · Aug 22, 2021

So, I wanted to make this post as a sort of preemptive check-in before school starts. It's my last semester of college, and unfortunately I had to take the two hardest classes in my degree at the same time or do another semester.

I'm anticipating that there are going to be weeks where I simply cannot get chapters done due to the workload those classes are going to put on me. I just wanted to let everyone know this in advance so it's not too much of a surprise. Thanks for your understanding!
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