Just a trans author trying to do right by her community and create lots of awesome affirming content. She/Her
Hey everyone! Just scrolled down my page to double-check -- it's been a year (ish) since I mentioned I'd finished the first Ricochet novelization draft.
I'd passed this draft out amongst folks I trust dearly, and in return got quite a bit of feedback for improvement! So I spent the last year tinkering and editing until I was satisfied, including cutting 24k words from the overall length. I know! Turns out I have a tendency to ramble...
So why the new post? Well...
Wonderful to hear I will wait as long as needed to buy a copy. Fortunately since our DM conversation I am in a much more stable situation and able to buy books :)
Still eagerly looking forward to the release even after all these years.
Good luck with all the publishing stuff! <3
for self pub, ingram spark still makes lovely physical copies and will put the ebook out there. when i published the wisdom was "ebook on amazon, ingram for everything else"
both of their book building tools are great imo.
oh, but netgalley. netgalley is the absolute best promotion platform i found. 1000% better than anything from fiverr, tiktok, or instagram.
Just made an account to be able to comment. I stumbled across ricochet earlier this year and have already come back to reread it twice! It’s kinda ruined other fiction for me haha - nothing else so effectively taps into my feelings, fears and memories growing up as a confused trans girl, and delivers pure unadulterated gender euphoria, all packaged up in a compelling story and fun cast of characters. Thanks for writing this. If you ever release a physical version I would love to buy a copy.
Are you thinking about putting it on Amazon to be purchased? I want to have it for my collection just in case something happens to scribblehub or tg stories. Plus it’s convenient if I want to read it offline
Yeah same, i wanna know what the progress is at, I adore this story. And I know she said she was remastering it or something
Just posted a new update! Tl;dr -- finished my most recent edits! Looking at publishing options next!
Hey guys! You may not realize it, but it's been five whole stinkin' years today since I first posted Ricochet anywhere (that original site is no longer operational). That's... a whole lot of life to have lived while this story's been kicking around in my noggin. I just wanted to check in and tell you guys that I still re-read your comments even now -- they're all so meaningful and help push me to keep going.
Thanks for sticking around, even now after such a long drought of content!
I only read it recentlyish, but it's an amazing story! Keep up the good work!
I remember reading it back on tgst as you were posting chapters, it’s kinda crazy to realize it was that long ago. I’ve reread it several times since then but the first is most memorable to me. I remember I had to stop and take a break when
Kayden dies and Gabby sees them in the other timeline
I think I actually cried. I can’t wait till you properly publish it!
I just re-read Ricochet (and am also re-reading Well Wishes) and it still hits just as hard as when I read it originally. Your stuff is fantastic! Whether it's the Ricochet novelization or something new, I eagerly await anything from you that comes next.
Ricochet is one of my favorite works of fiction. Your writing helped me through a really tough time in my life and I can’t thank you enough for sharing your creativity with the world ❤️
Marking today, June 26th 2023, as the day that I finished the full draft of the Ricochet novelization. A little over three years later isn't too bad, right?
That's amazing to hear! Excited for the things to come!
I'm so excited for this!!!
Only finished reading the online version 2 days ago but I'll gladly buy it in book form when it's ready.
Hey do you have like a Patreon or something? I love your work here (literally reading Ricochet for like the 3rd or 4th time lol) and I’d be willing to support it!
Unfortunately I don't, but I have many author friends who do! Currently, I'm the "breadwinner" for my wife and I while she finishes medical school, so alas a Patreon probably isn't in the cards for me at the moment. Maybe in the future, though!
In the meantime, I'm gonna try to publish a novelization of Ricochet in one way or another, so keep your ears peeled here for updates!
Hi everyone! Not dead! Still writing! Almost finished with the Ricochet novelization, just takes forever when you're a perfectionist and have a 40-hour a week other job that sucks all the creative energies away. Thank you for staying around and receiving updates like this well, I greatly appreciate it!
Nice! I'm looking forward to it'll definitely be good
Lookin forward to it!
girl you got married!?! thats so awesome! i hope it goes super well! you've been a massive inspiration to me as a writer for years now. Its a dream to one day write as well as you do. Keep it up, looking super forward to the physical release! gonna put it next to my copy of Dreadnaught :3
Still looking forward to anything you might have planned!
- local critic, Mira
Thank you for staying interested! I promise things are still planned, and I deeply apologize for how long it's taking! But things are still afoot!
That's amazing to hear!
Who did the cover art for Ricochet? It’s really good.
Oh! @Inesmbravo on Twitter / inesmbravs on Instagram did it!
Hello! Not dead. Still doing the novel thing. It's... taking a while. BUT I've pledged to get this thing done by August of this year. So that's something.
In the meantime, I've got a short story that I've been sitting on after I submitted it to Shoreline of Infinity last year. It was rejected, alas. I'll post here soon, but be warned! It leans a bit harder on that thing I tend to do with my poor, sweet characters. Thanks for sticking around!
Sorry to hear the short story was rejected. You are a fantastic writer!
wow a new story! can't wait to read it!
I can't wait! I read Ricochet about a week or two ago, and got so excited when I realised that the theoretical release was gonna be sometime in the next couple of months! :D
Hey maybe I missed it but is ricochet already published or not? Just checking . Also really liked your work. I'm a little sad that you have to shorten it bit I will read it again
Nahhh I’m falling victim to my perfectionist ways so not quite yet. I’ll update across all my pages when there’s more on that front. Thank you so much for keeping an interest!!
Nice thank you
you're alive) this is already a reason for joy, I look forward to continuing your wonderful stories.
Soon!! Should be more stuff soon!
Hello everyone! I wanted to give everyone a status update on what I've been up to since finishing Ricochet and Well Wishes. Currently I'm in the throes of turning Ricochet into a publishable novel, about 100k words instead of its beefcake current length. That's taken a lot longer since I started college courses again, unfortunately.
Thanks for the update.
That's quite a significant reduction in content. Hope that it all works out for you. I really enjoyed reading the story :)
It is, but I don’t believe I could’ve gotten it published otherwise. On the bright side, the result should be far more focused and concise!
Let us know when it gets published. Ricochet was absolutely fantastic and within the top three favorite stories I've ever read. I'm totally buying a physical copy 0_0
Can't wait to see Ricochet as a novel! I cried my eyes out reading it on here, and I'd love to be able to donate a physical copy of it to my local queer group's library so more people can read it
...Unfortunately for all of you patient people, that sequel will need to come after the novel instead of to the story here. I hope that you'll stick with me through that, though I understand if you don't.
Har/py will get picked up again at some point, though I need to clear my schedule for it. There's still much to tell of Harpy's time with the spear and Miracle Maiden, a character for whomst I very much am a simp for.
Thank you for your patience! I really appreciate it!
Wow it's a super cool girl!
Hello other super cool girl!
Last Active: | Nov 17, 2024 02:56 AM |
Birthday: | Nov 3, 1995 |
Gender: | Female |
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Just a trans author trying to do right by her community and create lots of awesome affirming content. She/Her
Series: | 4 |
Total Words: | 367,191 |
Total Pageviews: | 201,801 |
Reviews Received: | 23 |
Readers: | 2,270 |
Followers: | 309 |