This is just an update as to what's going on. Unfortunately there won't be a chapter released today. However on a much better note, I seem to have gotten over the worst of whatever bug I ended up with last week and am on the mend, if only a little slower than I would have liked. Either way, if things continue as they have there should be a chapter released on Friday.
Oh, and thank you for all the good wishes over the weekend
I'm sorry but there won't be a chapter released today. During the week I seem to have picked up a pretty nasty bug and just haven't been in a state to concentrate, let alone write. Hopefully I'll be over the worst of it by Monday, however, as I hope you understand, I can't make any promises about that.
As was mentioned in the last chapter there won't be any chapters released this week. However, I still want to wish everyone a Happy Holidays, and if it comes to it, a Happy New Year.