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Rising Author
Dec 24, 2018

Rising Author
Joined: Dec 24, 2018
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I Like Cats

expentio · Mar 21, 2024

Is everything still okay? Didn't seem like there was any kind of activity in quite a while. I hope you're still there.

lnv · Author · Apr 2, 2024

Sorry for the delay in the response, I thought I responded a few months back but it seems not. My delays are purely due to work, we have pretty much been recoding everything from scratch for the past year which has left me with little free time as things got delayed :(, once it is finished I'll have much more free time

expentio · Apr 2, 2024

No problem. The response makes me glad. Already thought you'd be completely gone for whatever reason.

expentio · Nov 27, 2023

Recently, I had the idea that the space in the title seems to confuse many readers trying to use search to find it. Might be something to consider.

expentio · Nov 27, 2023

Is everything fine? I still hope you find time to pursue your hobby once in a while or that you're at least healthy. Still occasionally looking. Really hope I can one day see the release. Sometimes it's only about getting started writing a bit. Especially if you know what you want to write. Though, it must be hard having a story in your head and not the time to bring it out. Hope that I can see one day the finished story.

expentio · Sep 18, 2023

Hope things arebstill going. In my case, it helps writing a bit with the tablet during work breaks. I'm kinda glad I can still maintain that. Just don't get discouraged. As you see in the last chapter, there are still readers who'll be waiting for you.
Till then I'll occasionally check it in my reading list and each time hear these words in my mind:

"I have a dream! One day..."

expentio · Jun 11, 2023

I hop everything is still alright. Did you make progress? Even small steps are good. Hope you're still into it.

Well, till the fated day of new releases comes I'll continue looking over it in my reading list while hearing every single time Martin Luther King saying "One day...". (if I hear the rest of the speech variesclear.png)

lnv · Author · Jun 26, 2023

I am making small steps but did not have much time the last few weeks due to work :(

expentio · Feb 26, 2023

Hey, how's it going? Hope I'm not pestering too much.

Still making progress? I was wondering if there's a reason for giving up on the profile picture.

lnv · Author · Mar 6, 2023

Still working, as I mentioned my rate is pretty slow, though I didn't get much done in Jan due to everyone getting covid. And Feb was mostly catching up on all the work I missed

And no worries about bugging me

As for the pic, I never had one here, NU or RR. I did add one in the forum cause I was bored at one point, but I've never been one for them cause it's so hard to pick, and I'd waste a day or more on changing little things non-stop. Even the cover I get the urge to redo multiple times

expentio · Mar 6, 2023

Weird, mine was automatically taken over to the forum after I used it as an author.

lnv · Author · Mar 6, 2023

I added it to the forum first, and I did it first day, which was back when the site just came out so such a feature may not have existed back then.

Diabolin2018 · Feb 17, 2023

abandonou core001 

chat gpt e ai pode ajudar a ter inspiraçao.

expentio · Sep 24, 2022

Hope that's not too bothersome. I would just like to ask if there's any progress for our little catgirl story or if there's any way to say if it's going to come this or next year. Or sometimes later.

lnv · Author · Sep 27, 2022

I generally write on weekends due to catching up on all the work. So it is highly dependent on if unexpected things get in the way. I am trying to hopefully get it out this year. But it isn't the first time my plans were completely derailed :(

expentio · Sep 27, 2022

So maybe I'll have a beautiful Christmas present.clear.png

Though, no pressure.

expentio · May 20, 2022

One day there will be a new chapter and I will wait till that time comes.
(If it just wouldn't be so hardclear.png)

Though, I basically started on webnovels with this one and am so hard looking forward to its continuation.

sezrxdgfvbhjnmlkjnubhymgfd · Feb 21, 2022


Am too a fan of the work. The crafting and power/rpg systems stand out, namely the material/item quality one, with how creations don't acquire (to my memory) op enchantments out of nowhere. Here, based on the material, skill, and how much heart was put into the work, one can expect appropriate quality. Crafters can even gain xp via their works being used. Though watch out for status creep.

overall, well done

lnv · Author · Sep 27, 2022

Sorry for the late response, and thanks!

I wouldn't worry about status creep, because it isn't a problem with how the story is planned to go

expentio · Dec 17, 2021

I really hope we will see one day the new chapters, though it seems unlikely that they're going to be my Christmas presents.

But maybe when we slowly get closer you might start to release the rest of book 2 weekly, so readers have time to take notice that something happens.

lnv · Author · Dec 21, 2021

Yeah, Christmas is definitely a no-go, as it is one of the busiest time for work. Cause that is when all the server upgrades happen.

And this is all technically Book 1. Book 2 would be volume 6.

TromJH230 · Nov 6, 2021

I’m so excited to see that you are active on scribblehub! I started reading your novel Core001 almost 2 years ago now and it is still one of my favorite novels. I can’t wait for you to start writing again! Maybe start a Patreon account for advance chapters, because I would totally sign up!!!

lnv · Author · Nov 7, 2021

Thanks. I'll try the best possible to get more chapters out as soon as possible

As for patreon, I doubt I will go that route. I mean end of the day all patreon does is lock up chapters for people. I don't exactly need the money. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I would rather the extra cash would go to other authors who need it more

lnv · Author · Nov 7, 2021

What I might do in the future though is put up the rewritten volume 1 on Kindle Unlimited, and that money would go towards art and professional editing without costing anyone a penny. And then once the exclusive period is up, I would publish it for everyone

Diabolin2018 · Sep 20, 2021

esta  vivo?

Morreu de corona viruz ?

Core001 ?

lnv · Author · Sep 27, 2021

I don't speak any language that isn't binary, sorry... and yes the delays are semi-related to sickness/health issues but not exactly due to corona.

Gacitua · Aug 30, 2021

Regular checkup. Still writing?
Love your novel, hope it can continue. Don't feel obligated to release the whole book at once.

lnv · Author · Sep 27, 2021

I am not releasing the whole book at once, just the entire volume. And doing so is  better for me cause then it is less stressful as I can do consistency checks easier without trying to wiggle myself out of mistakes.

Gacitua · Sep 27, 2021

By book I meant volume, sorry. If it's better for you then keep doing so, I just commented since some authors benefit from the feedback of posting while writing.

lnv · Author · Sep 28, 2021

It's not like I don't take feedback and make adjustments, but I technically already have pretty much the entire story planned. The feedback simply lets me add polish and fill in stuff here and there

lnv · Author · Sep 28, 2021

The plan is once I finish a volume, I would still be releasing a chapter every 2 days or so, maybe some days more. And that would give me the time for final edits. Just before, I used to release things which half the volume done, and I entered volume 3 with only a dozen or so chapters done. I don't like going hiatus in the middle of a volume. If there is a reason for hiatus, I'd rather it be once a volume ends

Wintera · Jul 24, 2021

Are you still writing this story? 

lnv · Author · Jul 25, 2021

Yes I am, but I will only release it once I am done with volume 3 fully.

expentio · Aug 2, 2021

I really want to ask about progress and possible release date yet I don't want to be pushy.
But it would be nice.clear.png

lnv · Author · Aug 5, 2021

@expentio - It is hard to give progress cause a lot of the delay has been due to health issues :(, and then work taking up a lot of time. So the pace I write varies. I am getting better overall, but 95% of the time goes to making up on work, and 5% on writing but I am getting on track little by little.

I know the frustration :/, but I don't want to make any promises only to disappoint people.

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    I Like Cats

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