Hiya everyone! So I’m gonna be out of state for a week and a half to go to a wedding and then see some friends, which will mean no posts for the next couple of Fridays unfortunately. ❤️
Have fun!
Have fun
Enjoy, relax, and ignore nonvacation obligations. (they probably aren't current obligations - like writing.)
Take care+
Have they posted anything anywhere about the “pause” in writing? There hasn’t been any posts here in a year, and I didn’t see anything.
I'm currently working on the Succubus Tail rewrite, as well as a couple of other stories. But I will be getting back to Lunar Marked eventually, if that's what you're wondering about! I've just been working on too many other things atm
I was considering picking up Succubus Tail, and I wanted to ask: Do you still endorse the original ST as a writer? I know the two are separate works, but I don't want to comment bomb one of them for you to get embarrassed at old writing or anything like that.
I seem to have missed this, sorry! Umm, I suppose you could say I still 'endorse' the original. It's a rather different story and much more focused around the smut. While it does have some major content warnings, I don't think that necessarily makes it a bad story or anything. Though its definitely not for everyone.
Ah, okay! Thank you much! And glad you're still around! :)
Does the new Succubus Tail have the same CWs as the original? Especially with respect to consent and mind control.
As of right now, it doesn't. Though I admittedly haven't fully decided where I wanna take it in that regard. At the very least, I know it'll be far more consensual than the previous one, but may have some hypnosis type stuff eventually.
Fantastic, thanks for the info. I'll definitely check it out then, (almost) anything consensual is fine with me.
Lunar marked is so good! I really enjoy reading it, I binged the whole thing and started reading Succubus tail right after. I hope your dream of becoming a full-time writer comes true and I hope you will see it through to the end because you are definitely talented! I enjoy how you aren't afraid to explore trans characters outright, as well as sexual stuff.
Thanks! I realize this response is a tad late, but I appreciate it. =3
Thank you so much FlitterPuff for adding Astraology to your currently reading list. Please feel free to follow, favorite, comment, and rate. Let me know what you think so far. Also do you know Luna? Isn't she epic. I need to catchup on her book Solstice. Anyway thanks again!
I’ve been enjoying your characters and setting a lot. Looking forward to where the story goes. =3 And I do know Luna! We’ve chatted a bit here and there. I guess we’ve kinda traded stories to read xD
Hey apologies for the delay. Thank you. I will be resuming the story soon, life things just made it difficult to write. Let’s chat soon. Send me a message here and Ill give u my discord info.
Oh hey! You found my book, and apparently blitzed it inside of a day! That's... honestly crazy impressive!
Thank you so much! I'm glad you were able to find something to resonate with! I might give your book a check-out as well, though normally I'm not much of a smut reader (Says she who wrote Chapter 15.5 of Solstice)
I will say I do. It's been wild, but I made it to Chapter 42 so far, and saw the crossover chapter ahead. I wanted to ask about its status as canon to Lunar Marked.
(Hi Lilly!) I'm glad you found Lillianna. She is my inspiration to reach out and be social and not an angry recluse.
As for Solstice, I have a feeling you might like Vanessa when you finally meet her.
Crossover chapter isn’t cannon unfortunately. It’s a fun little story though. =3
Also if you’re looking for places to be social, feel free to stop into my discord server!
Just finished Book 1 of Lunar Marked, and, well, it was good. It will take me some time to just let the experience percolate.
(also I just checked, I um might have kicked your heart count to 9000 exactly. I would go like another random chapter to make it OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!! but I like round numbers too much )
Salut d'un fan français j'aurais une question sur Lunar Marked j'ai bien compris le Gender Bender mais je voulais savoir je suis au chapitre 40 et camilla est un futari ou juste elle c'est magiquement fais un pénis merci d'avance et j'adore votre histoire pour le moment ^^
Hello there! I don’t really ascribe to the idea of “futinari” personally, at least not as it is portrayed by most of the internet, given that most people view it as a fetish. I would rather label her simply as a trans character instead.
I've added a discord link at the end of chapter 9 in Lunar Marked. You won't get access to as many channels as patrons have, but you can still hop in and chat if you like. =3
Apologies for not having the chapter out yet! I've been having migraine issues the past few days... But! Tomorrow is the beginning of NaNoWriMo. I'm hoping to up my writing amount, hopefully to where I'm doing two chapters a day. Wish me luck!
NaNoWriMo 2021 was literally what started me writing on SH.
So sadly there won't be a chapter of Lunar Marked tomorrow. I've been sick this week, which means I'm not really up to doing much writing or editing right now, and I like to do one last editing pass through a chapter before posting it. Hopefully by next weekend I'll be all better again!
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Thank you for prioritizing your health over writing. Without your health, you can't do a whole lot (like living ). Rest and get well.
For those waiting for Succubus Tail, I have to apologize. Work is kicking my *** this weekend (for reasons that aren't worth going into,) so I'm gonna put posting updates on a brief hiatus until Thursday, the 12th, where I'll start posting chapter 6. I'll have Wednesday off to get it all edited and ready! Hopefully the days will go by quickly!
Dam August, too many tourists ...
Venatus Maleficarum is back! I know at least a few people have missed it. I'm still working on The Quest for World Domination as my main series for now, but expect the occasional VM chapter as well. Also, if you haven't seen my Patreon account yet but want to support me, check it out: https://www.patreon.com/FlitterPuff
UPDATE: I've been working on chapter 5 for quite a while now, and something about it just hasn't satisfied me. I've ended up deciding that it needs a rewrite, which means that there won't be a chapter tomorrow, unfortunately. Sorry! Perhaps I'm trying to be too much of a perfectionist, but I just don't like the chapter as it stands. My hope is to have chapter 5 up on Monday the 17th now, since I was considering switching to Monday releases anyway.
Take your time to get the chapter right - but don't overthink it too much. That's my advice, at least. The difference between a very good chapter and a perfect chapter is in the eye of the beholder and your readers won't complain. Also, good luck with the new meds! An odd effect of many antidepressants is that motivation often comes back quickly. Well before you start feeling better mood-wise, in fact.
May I ask if you intend to bring your Kammiverse stories here as well?
Thank you for responding and answering my question. Right now (ironically), it is very stressful for any work to be completed. I had expected this much time at home (self-isolation) would motivate me to write, but, nope. I understand where you are coming from (I believe?).
I hope your days become better and more comfortable.
In a way, I've had the opposite problem. My time off I was writing quite a bit. I think one day I wrote like 2k words (which is a ton for me at least.) Then I started back work and it's been just chaotic there. Too mentally exhausted to write even on most of my off days.
In that case, I think you are doing the right thing listening to what your body tells you and resting (at least, I hope that is what you are doing?). As I've been told a million-and-one times: real life always takes precedence over everything else. I'm sure you've heard the same, but it is true. Rest well!
Yeah, I'm hoping that things will be a little better this week as I have a few less hours
Last Active: | Feb 9, 2025 06:35 AM |
Birthday: | Dec 22nd |
Gender: | Female |
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Homepage: | https://www.patreon.com/FlitterPuff |
Series: | 5 |
Total Words: | 445,477 |
Total Pageviews: | 1,284,301 |
Reviews Received: | 19 |
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