Nice thanks for the reply. I just had a thought I just finished reading a story where the main character was in dc world with hollow powers. In one instance, he went into the Fay wild.And acquired a Mundane Egg. If Lash were to acquire one.
Would it It created a third world for him Or what it strengthen his fist two and give him more abilities?
I just have a few questions Is there a reason gordon is such an asshole, Is that just how you put him in the story Or is there a specific reason? Cause I feel that his hate goes beyond even j. Jonah Jamison at this point? I'm on chapter one thirty I thought Miscounted the days I thought he had a couple of days Till he went back to work? Do you think you would make lash go to game? Worlds like mass effect, destiny, or Halo?
I did a lot of research on Gordon. Comics are of all kinds; his behavior changes depending on who wrote them and how Gordon meets Batman. In Gordon's eyes, Lash, aka Wraith, is a corrupt government spoof with a license to kill. Gordon, an veteran (SpecOps) hates the idea of a corrupt military spook. It's not that he's an alien or looks like a monster. Gordon fears and hates corruption.
The current Arc / Rift Lash is in Star Wars. I've lost my plot, and I forgot where I was headed. Recently, I've taken the advice of Authors and Readers alike, and I'm writing a short story about nothing to get my creative juices flowing again. So far, it's working. I hope to return to the Dream Engine and finish the story. Will Lash be visiting any other Rifts? Yes. Do I plan to write other fan fiction games and books as an author? Yes.
Slow is steady. Steady is fast. Don’t be in a rush and don’t push yourself to hard. Remember that while you do write this story to be read by others, ultimately you write for yourself because you have a tale you want to tell. Don’t let your fears bog you down and take your writing one step at a time. Also I remember seeing a lot of doubt about the quality of your chapters before your hiatus to that I quote another author, “A bad page can be rewritten an empty one will not fill itself”.
I'm up to chapter seven on my goofy silly story. When I hit ten, I'll start posting them. Again, I don't think this particular story will last very long. It's just meant to motivate me to get back to the Dream Engine.
No worries, we're a patient lot (most of us at least). Better for you to be happy with the work and continue versus caving to (unreasonable) demands and dropping it all together cause you can't recognize it. If you are still looking for motivations, find a local anime/D&D store near you. They typically have some gaming/discussion section where people bounce ideas around a lot.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognisable characters, settings, etc. are the property of (their respective owners). The original characters and plot are the property of Galen. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
Not sure but I don't think you can copyright fanfics. As the story tends to be based around an already existing work the likes and likenesses of said charecters are likely copyrighted unless they have entered the public domain then all you can do is copyright your own unique charecter
So update on my little story, I'm up to three whole chapters. Each one is about 10k words, and I'm using the grammar online fixer thing to help edit. Now, the question is do I wait till I have 10 chapters then post. Or just post now?
In my opinion you should wait until you have 10 then gives us a chapter every 5 to 6 days if that IS not enough then every week or bi-monthly until you have no more that should give you time to write more and give us a regular schedule for reading.
Hello people! So I'm following the advice of some of my readers, and Authors. I've started to write a little fun story just to get my brain pumping. I'm going to get 10 chapters done and see how I feel. I don't think I'll actually finish this fun story as it's just meant to help me get back on track. But I plan to post it either way.