why the fuck do you have a fallout + my little pony fanfic? what the actual hell? those things are like spaghetti and an RDS-220 Triple Stage Hydrogen Bomb. One of them is lighthearted, the other involves Uranium.
Prologue for Fail Summon (what I'll be calling 'My Summoned hero is Doomed to Fail' for short) is nearly done with editing for fixed version, while Chapter 1 first draft is done. Will get both up at the same time.
Hi there, I'm InLucidReverie... and I'd like to temper your expectations somewhat: Fact is I have quite servere ADHD and will likely not be able to maintain any reasonable update schedule.
If anyone wants to help me manage my time and ensure I get my work updated in a timely manner, I could kill for a bossy editor.