Real-Life issues. The novel had originally been born due to my excessive boredom during the veeery harsh lock down measures in my country. Things kinda got busy when the measures eased, and I just couldn't keep up. This novel just absorbed all my mental RAM all day long due its myriad plot points and possibilities. As an example, I had to keep over 30 tabs active in my browser just for the early technologies...
I just added your story to my "to read" list after reading the description. Knowing you great love for Russia and it's leaders, what are the odds that your story might include an aging character who likes to appear publicly without his shirt, repeatedly tranquillize animals so that he can track and keep them alive, and a has a deep and meaningful urge to cuddle with bears?... while also ordering around troops and not giving a @#$% about .... while his troops... (you fill in the blanks)
So very glad to hear it. I like to keep tabs on the authors I follow. It won't buy you a cup of coffee, but hopefully it is encouraging to know that someone is thinking about you (in a sincere and heterosexual way) and wishing you well. ... Out of curiosity, I note the avatar change to a uniformed character; you weren't re-activated or re-conscripted, were you?
Yes, it is good new for us. The sooner this whole debacle ends, sooner peace can return. Also, FYI, its a 4 way treaty with Turkish forces joining the Russians in peace-keeping. Russia has the historic tendency to not to vacate their troops when the deals are up. :/
I really enjoy your "Lone Man Among The Elves" and I even think it's one of the better ones on Scribble Hub. I just wanted to tell you that and express my gratitude and wish that you continue writing.