Hello author, hope you are doing well. Haven't seen any activity, so just wanted to check in.
Fyi, no need to respond. I don't mean anything by this message, I just wanted to send well wishes and send you virtual support since I loved your works
Gosh guys I am alive, sorry I haven't logged into scribblehub in a while. I've got my final exams coming up next month on top of a lot of stress and mental health probs (im ok im ok)
I'll hopefully find joy in writing after my exams but currently I'm gonna have to pause this for a while. I should've let my readers known ahead, that's completely my fault. :(
But thank you so so much for ur support all this time and I am so glad people read my stories. I cant express enough how grateful I am!
Sorry for the hiatus, things have been a bit hectic on my end lately. I've got a few chapters drafted, need to edit them a bit and will publish them over the next few days. Just making an announcement to tell yous I'm still alive. Thanks for the continuous support!
I forget. I thought I offered to help "ghost write" a few ideas for you, but I don't remember if I sent it, or you replied, or what was happening. I have damage to the hypothalamus. I forget crap all the time. Anyways, offer still stands if it would help out:
I write something, send it to you, you re-write it to fit your vision of the story. I would just need to know where to send the text file.
@TheEldritchGod Sorry, I haven't been checking my inbox and forgot to reply. I appreciate the offer, your writings and ideas are honestly amazing, but I've kinda got a vague pre-planned plot going on, just waiting for me to write it. Again, thank you so much for the messages.