Hi,BLuU are you planing to continue the story?maybe you,change and move on,or maybe you dont like this tipe.of story anymore?,i really like to see an ending to the story
Your female characters cheat on their long suffering boyfriend/husband but because the husband loves them sooooo much they forgive them everything and anything. ?
Very simply this isn't love its abuse and the only reason either person stays in the relationship is because both of them are fucked up. ???
I think you have a decidely perverted view of 'love'. Your presupposition that love cures all irrespective of how foul or how disgusting makes absolutely no sense.
Love is an emotion very simply biochemicals in our brain react to stimuli making us 'feel' a certain way. Sociopaths have a disconnect where they literally feel nothing hence their habit of mirroring other people to appear normal.
Hello BluU sometimes i wonder if authors,get tired of his creations or is just that in some point,You don't know where to take the plot,maybe the inspiration just don't come,a sad option for me as a Reader is think that the author get bored of the novel,most of the time i forgot the simple fact,authors live in this world and live with is own pack of problems
I get to know good novels and good authors here i hope You been doing well and i hope to read some more of your work
In R18 jp syosetu, there is an author that wrote 2 novels about preventing the NTR, both cases because he knew the plot (of incoming NTR) => Get stronger, Get op sex skills, Get big "stick"
A slightly more popular plot is "Reverse NTR". Usual morality-switch-world cliche but that means NTR fetish also can appear in women (but MC is from normal earth so he is fine with it)
One was dark because MC truly left the girl bc her fetish surpassed her love for him
another novel was vanilla because they stay together, swearing he love her and it was fake of abandoning her (for her sister) at last sex scene
Very interesting. Now reverse NTR when the man is the target, it hits different because men's chastity is not seen as equally valuable as a woman's is most people's vision. And the risk of pregnancy makes allowing another man into you, harsher then the opposite.
Also i forgot where i seen it, if it was novel or a comment on NU forum, but someone said "There is a big difference between a master key that open dozen, and a hole that can be opened by dozens of keys"
Author-san, as a Brazilian person, who reads the translated novel I end up dropping some points in the story, because the translation is not very faithful to the original language, I have 2 questions.
1° About rika would she be from Portugal or Brazil? (because in the translation she is sometimes called Portuguese and Brazilian)
2° What would rika's neme be in her father's country of origin? (as it was in the translation, apparently she was not born in her father's country)
O pai de Rikas nasceu no Brasil. Ela fala português e espanhol, mas é muito melhor em português.
O nome do avô de Rikas era Ricardo. então Santos quis dar o nome dele ao filho, mas acabou tendo uma filha. Então, ele comprometeu o nome com a esposa. Rika em japonês significa ciência, porque Rika é uma mistura de Suzie e Santos e parece o começo de Ricardo.