purple bunnies.
Nerdcam Chapter 13 up. For anybody interested, sorry about the crazy long wait.
Nerdcam Chapter 12 up
Nerdcam Chapter 11 finally up
Started writing Nerdcam Chapter 11.
Nerdcam Chapter 10 up
late mentioning - Nerdcam Chapter 9 up
Nerdcam Chapter 8 up
Nerdcam Chapter 7 up
Nerdcam Chapter 6 posted.
Nerdcam Chapter 5 posted.
So... finally got that next chapter of Wyrm's Curse up.
(Been writing on an actual novel, so haven't been doing the smut thing so much.)
Good luck and looking forward to the novel.
Wrote a little on Wyrm's Curse... think this one is going to be a long chapter, but maybe it just seems that way.
And, bc I didn't feel like sleeping yet, new chapter of Succubus Sabbatical up. If anyone reads it, lemme know what you think.
Sorry so slow... making some progress on Wyrm's Curse after all this time. Also, a second chapter of Succubus Sabbatical.