Hello, I'm a big fan, and long time lurker. I created this account hoping to find out if you ever intend to continue writing. I have seen your writing get better and better, from the poems you wrote, to the way you put in real effort for backstories, I love it all! I have also seen how petty people can be and fear you may have given up. I want to post some of my own stories you inspired me to write, but fear the rating sytem that looks easily abused. Should i still post them here?
The wiki of CMDK is terrible there isn't much of anything on there, I wanted to clean it up but I'm quite lazy so...yeah, but you can send me a message if you have any questions about basically anything to do with the story, I've read it multiple times so i know it like the back of my hand ?
ohh god. im reading as i write, for the second time. the furthest i got was them storming heaven or a little after that im not sure. somewhere in the 400's.
i will make mistakes, but this story is just for fun like all my others. if you point them out, ill do my best to either fix them, or work the story around it somehow.
@Chaddts Warhammer seems like it'll be interesting maybe DOOM as well, Faerun (DnD Forgotten Realms) since Lolth has been referenced in some occasions, Berserk might be good as well maybe a full run on Hellboy since Roy stayed there for only a few days
Just wondering, will the cite flag your content for being ai generated or create problems for you with using chat gpt for proof-reading and editing? Because if not then I will most definitely start using it as it has a lot potential advantages.
Chat gpt sucked at editing. I use grammarly now. Besides that, it was my own words that it edited. It's not a.i generated at all. It didn't add any words nor did it take any away.
I never said Jin's goal was to be the top of the class, I never even said he was the top of the class. You're basically asking for an exposition dump of Jin's whole character at the start of the story; you're only on the 3rd chapter, Jin's primary goal at that point is to acquire as much power as possible to survive.