Will there be a physical copy version of The Oscillation available?
I'm going to slowly work on that formatting. I'm currently working on TO Vol. 2 for Kindle to release within the next month and a half or so. I also need to work on editing UE Vol. 2, 3, and 4 with how big it currently is (like 450k words so I need to split it). Then I also just finished ATM Vol. 2 and am planning Vol. 3 this weekend. Lots to do xD
Im new here,
So your Hare lady MC, fox lady MC, and some Queen(?) is in one universe or different?
Im kinda confuse rn since at the start of plot is almost same like in The Oscillation
Yes. In fact, two characters from UE and TO will meet and have been referenced to have met in the series thus far. We're working toward there in both. Volume 3 of TO will have that meeting while the end of UE Volume 3 will mention it (I'll probably split volume 2 of UE due to its length).
Butter, Elinor's little sister in UE, will meet Rachel from TO.
Alright, thanks for the answer
Now im not confuse anymore
For the romance in pokesync will it be GL? Just asking for a friend don't mind me.
No. not GL. Sorry if that disappoints.
It is alright it was the expected answer. Still sad though.
A somewhat important question for me and others that what to reread your books are the first drafts going to stay or are you going to delete them at some point @AuthorSME
No, they'll stay. I don't plan on deleting them. That would be a ton of work down the drain, and the rewrites are a decent bit different from the 1st drafts. Well, there are a lot of similar characters, but there are quite a bunch of new content and changes for, what most people tell me, the better.
I hope that quells your fears. I do NOT plan on taking them down. o7
@AuthorSME yes it does
Quero começar a ler The Oscillation mas não sei qual é o primeiro pra começar
This one: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/690640/the-oscillation/
I have a question. Is making a 2nd draft a thing so you feel more content with the quality of your work. Because as a reader its nice to get better quality but I would also be put off reading up to a certain point if I roughly know the events that happen. This is how i think about it cant say for other people.
I cant lie having the name Rachel AND having them being Korean is giving me ToG flashbacks. That alone made me dislike the name Rachel.
It looks good. its late so ill read it later. But you have a god dam google doc spreadsheet as a system xD that's the most work i've seen any author put into a system. Love it though.
I did enjoy doing recaps, but unfortunately, I learned that people just skip much of the chapter and miss key details. In UE, I had people that would just read the heading and skip the chapter. People got angry because they didn't see something coming... when they didn't read the content in the first place.
I don't know of any other series that does recaps either. =( It's something I tried, and it turned out it had a negative incentive for people to just skip stuff and then get upset.
Ah i see. Tbh i too kind of skimmed a bit during UE because of the recap but that's coming from a very late night read. When something unexpected happened i just assume it was explained in detail and i missed it so i check back to see what happened. I understand why you got rid of it though. its like when you're little and you get asked to read a book give an review on it and you just copy the glossary. (Something i also did :P)
Gratz on getting trending.
Ok here's my question: How r u able to write 21k+ words each week?!
And without feeling too burnt out? Cause lets be honest, writing 3k or more words a day can get tiring FAST.
So here's my other question: how do u deal with that? As an aspiring author (not publicly yet) I would like to know how ur able to keep such consistent releases for most of ur stories even though each chapter usually has 3.5k+ words (did the math) even when ur burnt out (u do feel burnt out at least sometimes, right?) ?
You can say I take breaks from each series by spacing them out one chapter a week so it gives me time to process other things. It is a solution I’ve found.
Yes there are days I do feel blah but the expectation of people wanting to read more gets me going and music helps me with inspiration. I’ve said it many times, many people get their inspiration from movies or anime or other books but mine comes from music which is why I often link to music in chapters. I also don’t write on Monday or Saturday and give myself Wednesday to do random things or not write at all
Oki ty!
Have a cookie
Hi, author sama, love your novels, I know you won't reply, checking my profile, I'm not a rising or well-known author, I just wanted to be friends with a famous author, so if you did want to reply, drop your discord, I'm not active here, since I just post my novel and bounce. At least thanks for reading this infamous author's message.
I assume you're talking about ATM, and they are happening in somewhat sync, but really ATM happens a year or so before The Oscillation and Maelstrom of Existences. You'll be able to see a few beings between certain series like Gloria from ATM in UE or hear about the eldritch beings.
All of my series take place in the same 'Reality'
Think about Reality as the 16th dimension
Existences 13th dimensional
Omniverse 10th dimensional
Multiverse 7th-dimensional
Typical earth 3rd-dimension
You'll learn about how dimensions operate, but I generally follow the scientific understanding of them; here's a good educational video on it, even if it's quite long, but it's only for extra homework since I explain things through each series when it becomes relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gg85IH3vghA&t=3579s
Same reality even pokesync?
Technically, yes, it could be, and I have done a Halloween crossover between a lot of the series I write on patrons where they all meet. Lol.
Just read pokesync and I gotta say, even though I never really got into pokemon this made me want to and easily made my list of favorites
Aww, thanks! =) It's nice to see people enjoying the series.
I also just started reading ATM and am quite liking it so far
even if i hate when the mc gets captured in any story
Yeah I do plan on making a lot of changes to ATM as I put it on Amazon…. If I can get the cover art ? been waiting for like 2.5 months
Wow reading a tails misfortune and I'm just starting book 4. Wow it got sad a little there when Inari and Alva left.
Oh, yeah =( ATM's whole thing is a roller coaster. It's goes up and down on the emotional ride. Volume 5 is turning out to be pretty wholesome, though. Sometimes things take a turn that even I wasn't expecting since I do a lot of planning and foreshadowing but sometimes the characters, to stay in character, will make what I'd call 'executive decisions' that I have to work around haha!
Why the oscillation didn't have female protagonist tag? I miss that good novel because i only put in female tag ;-;
I had tomboyish female lead ... I'll change it to female protagonist
All your novels have female MC's and that's nice and all in fact I like it... If it's Yuri that is.. so which of your novels has an MC that gets together with a female too? Or is there no romance in all ur novels?
Welp too bad, Yuri's my kind thing so.... Won't be reading ur novels sorry I'm so biased
No problem. If all you like are novels with yuri in them, then it can't be helped. =) We love what we love.
Well not all Yuri only if the MC is female and action if male
Haha, too bad. Plenty of action and fun but no yuri A group of fans that love to think of it as if it is there, though. I'm also perfectly fine with fanfic. =))
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