Sovereign of Selene chapter getting delayed again. Sorry this keeps happening; it's mostly an artifact of my current class schedule making Thursdays a serious hassle.
Remember dear Abby's reply to the Reverend's wife who wrote her asking what to do because he was very organized and wanted to have sex every Sunday night, which made her too tired to do laundry on Mondays. Dear Abby's solution: be kind to herself, and do laundry on Tuesday.
Maybe Thursday isn't the right day to post chapters for now. Life's too short to create extra hassles for oneself. I don't know why you want to post on Thursday (get it done before the weekend?), but be kind to yourself and pick what's best for you.
You are a Master of the Craft!! You have earned it and will be placed in my Personal List of All Time Great Authors amongst names like Heinlein, E.R. Burroughs, Asimov, Eddings, Moon, and SaffronDragon. May your stories survive Millenia!
I first caught your stories with the Selene series and thought then that that was a very amazing novel. Then read Earthborn Emissary and was equally impressed. Now I am reading your Bladethorn novel. I know I have mentioned it before in multiple other places, but the Love Story at the end of Chapter 10 of Bladethorn is my second favorite Love Story of all time.
I am going to go back and make sure I dont miss your other stories, like your shorter works while I wait for more Bladethorn to come out. (Scribblehub and their 500 character message limit, sheesh)
More delays with Wolves of Selene. I'm really sorry that the release of this book has been so nightmarish, but hopefully in a couple of weeks the book will be done on Patreon and I can release the last few chapters on a more regular schedule
Due to serious fatigue with the series, I will be putting Wolves of Selene on hiatus for at least one month, possibly longer. I'll still be uploading new chapters of The Chained Flame along the usual schedule, and if you want to read the next couple of chapters of Wolves of Selene, they'll still be on my Patreon. Thank you all for supporting my work; I promise that I'm not abandoning the Selene series for good, and I do plan on carrying it through to the end.
It's up in the air whether I'll be able to get the next Wolves of Selene chapter up today. It might go up late tonight, or it might go up Friday morning.
Stressful holidays combined with general burnout have gotten me to the point where my girlfriend has forced me to go on break. The next Chained Flame and Selene chapters, scheduled for the ninth and the twelfth, are being postponed to the twenty-third and the twenty-sixth, respectively.