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I'm a bit high when I wrote this.

It's that day again. Where you're aware that you're just a damn single.

I was just your ordinary loser in high school. No girlfriend; no boyfriend; no one loves me.

This time, however, the most popular girl in class gave me something in a cute wrapping. It had a pungent smell, similar to...

"It's my shit. You know you wanna eat it, you worthless pig."

My head went blank for a second before the entire class scrambled to get it.

"Give me her shit!"

"No fair, piggy! I have to be the one to eat her shit!"

"I will trade you all the chocolates I got if you could relinquish that shit."

Everything was so chaotic.

In the end, I had to auction the wrapped shit during the homeroom period, since the bell rang already.

My homeroom teacher was strangely interested, as he also bid for the shit.

I thought the girl was supposed to be embarrassed, but she just pouted and turned her face away with a 'hmph'.

The wrapped shit eventually ended up in the most popular guy in class. It wasn't paid with real money, but chocolates.

I, as a generous person, gave away the chocolates to my damn-single friends, but...

"Fuck you! Who the hell want chocolates from a guy! I'd rather have her shit..."

"Go eat it all and fatten yourself up. Nobody wants your chocolates!"

Nobody really cared about the chocolates anymore. They all were curious about what the girl's shit tastes like.

Unwrapping his hard-earned item, the popular guy sniffed at the lump of indescribable, sticky mess with such a perverted face. It caused the other boys and girls in class to give him envious looks.

He dipped his finger to the mess and licked it...

"Hmm? It tasted like...chocolate? What the hell is this? this really your shit?" he turned to the popular girl.

When the handsome guy gazed so fiercely at the girl, her face was so red, she ends up running outside the class, whilst screaming.

"I never said it is my POOP!"

From that day onward, the students in the class were curious about what her actual poop taste like, by going underneath the toilet and opening their mouth wide.

Whenever she went to the toilet, the classes would be a lot emptier. Soon, the entire school was all gung-ho about it, even gaining the teachers' approval.

The moment her first poop entered someone's mouth, the testimony finally came to light.

"Indeed, it tastes like poop."

...and the entire school was finally at peace.