Hero Summoning, with a twist.
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I felt the cold marble floor on my ass.

The next thing I knew, an old man's voice echoed throughout the area.

"O, Heroes! We welcome you to our Kingdom."

He looks really tough, a muscular build hardened by countless of exercises? His stature towered over us, who all happen to be black-haired and harmless.

I was in my casual clothes and boxers, the rest wore their school uniforms. Sadly enough, only guys were present.

I thought, "Am I the Mob now? Is he going to tell us to whack some Demon King?

As if knowing what's on our mind, the King chuckled.

"Worry not. I won't send civilians with no battle experience to subjugate the Demon King. We have our own personnel."

"Then why--"

Before one of the students inquired, the King raised his hand, "I will explain everything. First things first, I'd like to apologize for this sudden occurrence."

The students stared at each other, their faces completely baffled.

"...but you're sent here for a good reason." the King crossed his arms, "Based on the questionnaire you filled some time ago, the four of you were the best candidates to initiate the other world exchange."


You mean that one.

How did you set that up from the other world, actually?

The King continued, "The threat of Demon King was imminent. While other Kingdoms summoned people from your world to directly fight, I don't think it would solve anything in the long run. That means, we're relying on an external force.

We'd like to use your knowledge and abilities to enrich our Kingdom, so we're eventually able to stand our two feet. Of course, you'll be handsomely rewarded for it.

...and for the question--how did we manage to set it up? Ah yes, this is Mr. Touma."

While I was thinking about how long it would take...I was quite surprised they weren't that resigned to dedicate themselves on developing this Kingdom.

Rather, they seem, a bit too excited—perhaps?

The King introduced us to a man wearing a black robe, like a mage. He had thick-rimmed glasses and giving a scholarly aura.

Touma was a runaway Hero from a neighboring kingdom.

He didn't see eye-to-eye with their policies.

"Why should I care about saving your world? What's in it for me? They kept trying to fill in the most dangerous task for us, with the empty promise that we could return back? Do I look like I want to go back?

I roamed for a while until I reached this Kingdom. The King's interested in my talents to access the Internet. I was the one who made the questionnaire and set up the website, to select all of you. Welcome, my subordinates."

"But how do you manage to find us? Are you stealing personal information? That's against the law!"

Touma grinned smugly, "Have you actually read in detail, the 'Agreement' in the Questionnaire?"

"It's so tedious! Are you expect us high-schoolers to read it all and understand?"

"No one forced you to take it. Getting you a chance to go to the other world among millions--shouldn't you call yourselves lucky? Isn't that right, big brother?"

He turned towards me.

I shrugged my shoulders while telling him, as a matter of fact:

"Well...what about our families and friends? Seeing we disappear like that, they'd be worried sick."

"Not to worry." Touma chuckled, "As long you're with me, you have Free Internet."

"What about meeting face-to-face?"

"Video calls exist."

It's followed by another round of complaint from the students.

"My mom doesn't use social media and the internet."

"...then just tell your relatives."

"I don't have their contact info."

"You have their phone numbers at least, right?"

The students nod, throwing their hands in resignation.

"Alright, just do what I tell you—I had that covered up. By the way, all of you are damn singles, right?"


"The hardest part about Isekai people are long-distance relationships.""

The King, who had been observing the entire time, finally spoke, "Mr. Touma, do you have a girlfriend?"

...and Touma cried.

"My apologies...is it your boyfriend, then?"

Touma's eyes turned bloodshot.

"King...have I wronged you in the past?"

"Excuse me?"



"I'm going to get straight into the point."

That's quite a long prologue before we got here, King.

"In exchange for your knowledge about things from Earth and your abilities, the Kingdom will provide for you."

Yes, you said it once already.

That aside, these three students didn't seem to know each other, despite seemingly being in the same school.

One guy was a Gun Otaku. He knew in detail about the production and manufacturing process of guns. He also knew a lot of scientific stuff. He had an innate blessing of [Material Processing]. He can manufacture the prototypes himself by melding metals if he wants to.

The other was well-versed in light novels, especially when it comes to Politics and Kingdom Building. He had the know-hows like implementing the Crop-rotation System, Education, Healthcare, and stuff. He had the [Administration] innate blessing.

The last guy was an avid PC gamer, he's reincarnated with his gaming PC as a skill. He's also a god in programming.

Touma said, the moment we finished the questionnaire, our blessings were already known to him. He also took note of our abilities to decide.

His verdict...

"I haven't played PC games for so long."

The gamer guy was quite critical of this point, "If you can't stand it, why don't call us sooner? Why must wait for years to summon us?"

"At that time, my skill level wasn't enough to connect to the other world..."

"So the entire time, your skill is useless? And that Kingdom actually kicked you out, because of it?"

Touma went silent and lowered his head.

We decided it was pointless to pursue the matter.

As the students were done with their introduction, it's my turn.

"For me...it's nothing much, but...how should I put it?"

"Oh come on, uncle—I want to know!"

I'm not that old.

"Tell us...tell us!"

The King's eyes also lit up, while Touma scratched his cheeks a bit.

"What I did...is nothing special." I rubbed the back of my head, "I just wrote the story."