Sine clung tightly to her witch. A large door sat in front of the group. It was no doubt the boss room, but she wasn’t worried in the slightest. She looked up at her witch’s unfaltering expression. It only reinforced Sine’s belief that her witch was the strongest. The only issue for the girl now is how she herself would be useful.
The girl had gotten her wish. The fact that she was now being coddled by a witch only proved that the Goddess was correct all along. However, she felt something was missing. Even after being granted the thing Sine wanted above all else, there was still more to be gained. She couldn’t sit around on the witch’s lap forever. The thing she wanted to do the most was exactly that, but was that really alright?
She was stripped from her thoughts as Mary’s voice echoed in the hallway. “This seems to be the boss room. Remember to stay calm, everyone.”
“I am always calm!” The witch gripped Sine’s hand just a little tighter.
“You are also a problem! Remember not to do anything unless I say so, okay?”
Sine giggled as the witch preformed a salute. Her hat flopped around on top of her head with the swift movement, never quite falling off. It did beg the question if Eerie was using some magic to keep it there at all times.
The more Sine observed the witch, the more ludicrous everything she did became. There were the obvious things like splitting reality into a portal to enter a domain, or casting a spell that was beyond even the Court Wizard with ease. But, the real crazy things were the ones that Eerie did without even noticing.
Sine never noticed before, but there was always an aura surrounding the witch, spreading out into all directions and grasping at things unseen. Sine guessed that the only reason she picked up on this was her obsession. An obsession that was relegated to her subconscious as they passed the barrier of the boss door.
As she made out the drake on the other side, Sine paid closer attention to her witch. Eerie’s aura encompassed the creature.
The drake had been in a transition phase. It’s top half still held rock drake features, but the lower half was a candle wax, slowly spreading up to the head.
“Sine, your eyes are glowing,” Sumire said.
Sine turned to her classmates, and Riri stared deeply into her eyes.
“It’s true! They are purple!”
The drake let out a growl, cutting off their musing. “This damnable wax!”
It stomped on the floor in agitation. Its voice sounded pained. Sine was in momentary awe that a monster could even speak.
Mary readied herself for battle, but Sine would not have it.
“Wait! Can’t you see it’s in pain?”
Sine didn’t wait for someone to answer her question. She started walking forward, still clinging to the witch’s hand. She grinned when the witch didn’t try to stop her, instead, walking forward with the girl.
“Humans grace this floor?” The monster asked. “But you are too late.”
“What happened to you?” Sine asked, gently placing a hand on his snout.
“My lord bid this place farewell, and this is the result.” The drakes eyes lit up for only a moment before he shook his head. He seemed to think for a while, until his eyes lit up once more. “You are a tamer. Are you not, little girl?”
“I am.” Sine nodded.
A momentary grin flashed over the drake’s face before it was riddled with a pained expression. Sine could faintly see its mana and how it tried to repel the wax.
“Well, if you can form a contract with me…” He groaned and his body shivered with renewed pain. “If not, I ask that you kill me.”
Sine shook her head. She wouldn’t kill the monster, but neither did she know how to tame it. She had only managed to summon a single bat monster by chance. As her hand started shaking, Eerie gripped it tighter. Sine looked up at the smiling witch. Even in this situation, the witch still smiled.
“You can do it,” the witch said, lifting Sine’s hand. “Put your palm out and breathe.”
Sine nodded and did as the witch said. She felt the warm breath coming from the snout of the drake. She took a slow breath herself, until there was a breathing resonance. The feeling brought with it a warmth. Sine felt the drake’s mana warmly touch her own.
She pushed a large amount of her mana into the creature. She wasn’t sure if that would help ease his pain, but when her mana entered, she sensed it fight off the invading wax. With another push, she opened her eyes. The last visages of wax washed away into the floor. A steady pulse resounded in her head, connecting her mind to the monster’s.
The drake slowly bowed its head. “I thank you, little girl, for freeing me.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Before the monster could speak, Mary walked over. “That was definitely interesting. You made it look so easy, too.”
The monster’s eyes widened, sinking its head even lower. “Forgive my insolence.”
Mary shrugged. “Before we continue, can you tell us what happened here?”
“Yes, but…” He looked pointedly at Sine.
Eerie giggled, placing a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “I think the lizard wants a name.”
Sine momentarily panicked. She had never really named anything. The closest was the small witch figure she’d bought from an event. But, that was a girl. She couldn’t give this Drake a girl’s name. Sine stared at the creature for a moment who seemed to be waiting eagerly.
“Um…are you a mister or missus drake?”
The drake huffed, blowing a ring of dust from its nose. “Of course, I am a lady. Can you not sense it?” The lady lizard sighed.
“Oh! In that case, you will be Toka from now on!”
“Toka? Hmmm….Yes, I can work with that! Toka! Toka!” The way it jumped and shook the ground was endearing to Sine. It became even cuter as it shrunk and jumped into her arms.
Of course.
Toka (ge) --> とかげ --> Lizard
The poor drake doesn't even know.
Hehe, you are the first!

Well I saw it means child/newborn, type of bamboo instrument, and iceburg
IIRC, The summoned heroes are students from Japan - as is the cliché in such settings.
As I see it:
Sine was lazy to come up with a decent name, so she just took the Japanese word for lizard, "tokage" and dropped the last syllable.
Sine probably had "lizard" stuck in her head after Eerie called her as such:
"I think the lizard wants a name."
['Okay, "Lizard" it is then...'] (She'd have been named "Liza" if Sine was from an English-speaking country.)
Sine can get away with it because this is another world where the natives don't understand Japanese.
I'm sure a drake would find it demeaning to be called as a mere lizard and she'd be in despair should she ever learn of the origin of her name - even more so after she herself accepted it after taking a liking to it merely for its sound.
Her name is both an insult to her species and a reflection of Sine's lack of effort in naming her - and Toka is blissfully unaware of this.
I'd imagine that if the drake was male, Sine would've just cut it from the other end for a more masculine sounding name: e.g. Tokage --> Kage (i.e. Lizard --> Zard)
@Nyaa yeah I figured but still looked up different languages anyway