Mary and I stood in a white void—a product of my spell. Her demon features remained on display, in contrast to the blankness in all directions. She walked over to me and hugged me.
“Was that your doing?” Mary asked. “I remember things I shouldn’t have forgotten.”
My mind reeled. I would have loved to tell her I did that on purpose, but I wasn’t even sure of myself. I’d also forgotten. Instead, I returned her hug.
“Thank you, Eerie...No...”
I put my hand to her mouth. “Don’t say it. I wish to remain Eerie.”
Mary nodded before looking around the place in all directions. “Where are we?”
“I don’t really have a name for it, but while time is suspended, I am healing that monster.”
“Time is suspended?” She asked.
“It’s a simple spell, really,” I said with a grin.
“You know that’s not true. Why do you always do that?” Mary asked. “Even before, you did something similar.”
I put my hand up to stop her. I remembered the memory we shared. And I smiled at her. “What was it again?” I exaggeratedly put my hand to my chin. “Don’t get all sentimental with me.”
“You’re so unfair, Eerie.” She sighed and sat down on nothing. “But this memory is a small piece of me. I’ve lived for much longer as a demon.”
“I really didn’t intend to pass on the memory to both of us. It was triggered by the reading of my grimoire.”
“In other words, it was a side effect of this spell.” Mary sighed again. “I wish I could remember more about it—Earth. As it is now, it feels like some alien concept. It’s impossible for my mind to reconcile both lives without having more.” She giggled after a short pause. “But it seems that even in this life I’m still protecting you.”
“I think my mind struggled with reincarnation, so I probably buried the memories in my writings. I could only remember small amounts. Even in this life, some memories of the forest are lost. I think I was lonely.”
She stood back up and hugged me again. “Well, you won’t be lonely anymore. You can have all of us to lean on. Your life as an actress has only just begun.”
For the first time since I could remember, tears filled my eyes. Through everything that happened, I didn’t cry. I kept going. I clung to this identity. I found friends in this new life, but my tears never flowed as they did now. Mary patted my back while my eyes released little droplets, one after the other.
I smiled at her. “You’ve known the life of a demon. What was that like?”
“It’s not that much different from human civilization. I suppose, the biggest difference is the demon’s focus on strength. We’re brought up from a young age to think that strength is everything.”
“Is that how you became a Demon Lord?”
Mary nodded. “It wasn’t easy. For starters, there are many wrath demons, and wielding your nature isn’t simple. Many are consumed by what makes them a demon.”
“It sounds like you had a rough time.”
“Hm, it’s not all bad. Like I said, the civilization is not that much different from a human’s. It’s inevitable we’ll end up there at some point. I just hope an understanding can be reached at that time.”
“Can I ask why you left?”
Mary frowned. “I didn’t want to lead anymore. I don’t think what I did had ever been done in the history of demonkind. I passed the torch. Normally, the torch would be passed by someone who surpasses the incumbent through might alone.”
I nodded as my spell finished. The white void slowly faded away, giving way to the sight of a lush forest. The adventurers stood around in shock. No door stood in the clearing, and they’d all been transported from a ginormous boss room.
The only remnant was a small candle floating at the center of the clearing. The flame around on the top of the monster dimmed to a small red.
Sine broke me out of my stupor with a hug. “Witch helped him!”
I patted her head and raised my other fist triumphantly. “That’s why I am the greatest witch!”
Her eyes seemed to sparkle. But while we were having our moment, the lion man walked towards the candle. However, before he could touch it, I sent magic into the ground. Vines shot out of the soil and wrapped around his limbs, stopping him mid punch.
He struggled against them. “Let me go! Even if you are my future wife, this kind of obstruction to our quest can’t be tolerated!”
Soon, the axe hero was siding with the lion, rushing towards the poor candle to deal the last bow, but he met the same fate as the big cat.
Before long, anyone that tried to deal with the candle was wrapped in vines. In reality it was only one of the other heroes.
The king cleared his throat. “Let’s listen to what Eerie has to say. She did take care of our problem.”
I nodded, taking Sine’s hand, and walking towards the small candle. It didn’t speak even as we got close, but it didn’t move.
“As I am sure everyone can see, this candle is no longer a threat,” I said. “My wish is to unite this one with Sine.” I looked towards Sine while she nervously put her fingers together. “Do your best!”
She smiled back with a newfound strength, walking forward towards the floating candle. As she got to it, magic left her body and entered into the remnants of the colossal.
“His name is Cerumen,” she said, “and he says thank you for freeing his mind.”
I grinned at Cerumen. “This is just one of the many talents of an aspiring actress.”
There was a certain feeling that came with watching Sine take another monster under her wing. I watched the small flame of Cerumen grow a tiny bit. It felt like the flames of a new adventure sat into my lap, and the new candle brightened with the changing of seasons.
Romance Votes: 169 58.7%
No Romance Votes: 45 15.6%
I don't care one way or the other Votes: 74 25.7%
Shared flashback, interesting.
Together in both lives
At this point Eerie should just adopt Sine
Why the poll? Wasn't there ship of Eerie&Mary already?
Thanks for the chapter
Thanks for reading! Also polls are fun!
It would be interesting to have a poll for asking if the Yuri relationship should be between 3 or 4 lesbians or maybe more.
Oh mary, you cant do simple spells, lile turning blood in rose or making black hole, also just stoping time.
Truly miss witchhat is a normal weak witch.
Ah yes, she is truly a normality.
Everytime mc calls something simple, I can't help but to remember Mumbo Jumbo saying 'simple redstone really' to every complex build he does, heh.
That was a nice surprise that not only Eerie experienced it


I really hope Sine gets adopted by Eerie... she is far too adorable to just remain a side character... and far too innocent and young to become a romance partner... We must protect baby Sine...
I like the way you think, MagentaFox!
As I voted, You do you! Do whatever is right by the story.
I've really enjoyed the story so far, and look forward to future chapters. However, if you are asking for feedback, I do have one. I hope that Eerie has some more character development. Having her be constantly delusional about how powerful she is was fun for a while but was getting a bit tired. Seeing this chapter and there being some movement in that direction is great.
I do hope that she doesn't lose her whimsy, I would love to read of an Eerie that has become some sort of Fairy Godmother, bringing magic and whimsy into people's lives, working towards happy endings, utterly destroying 'common sense'. But that is just one direction I would enjoy, I'm sure that there are plenty more you have in your mind that I would also enjoy.
Thank you so much. It really makes me feel better about these latest chapters. I've been wanting to introduce more development for a while. All of this while maintaining a lighthearted reading experience.
Having Eerie grow was always in the cards as the story progressed. I don't really like flat arcs for main characters. They can work, but predominantly I love watching them grow.
Hmm. With the romance thing, I think I'd like it as long as it doesn't introduce (too much) drama.
The vast majority of this story has been lighthearted fun. The rest has been rich storytelling. I really enjoy this balance, and although conflict between characters can be a very interesting thing, I feel like it would be detrimental to the overall quality and depth of the work if the interpersonal conflict feels shallow.
Even with the whimsical overtone to the story, the characters have exhibited complex relationships and purposes, albeit usually only in short snippets. Which would make love drama feel out of place if not done properly.
And with that, you already have a springboard to use. The lion prince has proposed multiple times to comedic affect. If you took this to trouble Eerie(not threaten, just trouble. I still want to see a fluffy kingdom arc) then it may push other things along. Or have the yuri simmer in the background, with snippets of fluff falling to us readers from time to time. These are just thoughts and ideas.
My point is simply, if you do decide to include romance, don't overcomplicate it. While you can certainly use plot to stir it up a little(or it to stir up the plot a little), be careful as drama is a blade that can easily dull quickly.
Anyway. TFTC.

Also Sine best girl. (In general imo, not necessarily as a romantic partner)
Thank you so much for your detailed thoughts! I am already considering how to make it interesting and fun. I don't want to be too one note on anything, so I like that there are chances to pivot to different things.
PS: There will definitely be a Snuffle Empire arc.
New Headcanon: the reason Eerie kept calling Mary, Mary is because she subconsciously recognised her; Mary being the name she had in her previous life. Meanwhile Marcy was only either a fake name or the name she was given by her parents of this life
How the turn tables!
Holy shit, what is this?!?! There is ACUTAL plot happening? Character development? WHAT IS THIS WITCHCRAFT!??!
It surprised me too!