Chapter 99.
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 Chapter 99.

There was a brief silence as her elven companion processed the news she had given him. 

“Are you sure?” he finally asked, working his jaw. 

“Yeah, and he is level 300. That’s what Remmel says anyway,” Amber said, frowning. 

She offered the paper in her hand, which Asil took in a haste, swiping it off her. The white-haired elf grabbed it and quickly read it before gritting his teeth. 

“Are you really sure? Also, shouldn’t he have informed us faster?” 

At that, Amber let out a breath. “He… yeah I don’t know, I’ll complain to him about it later.” 

Still, even if she was bothered by Remmel, the self-proclaimed “beloved”, and his slow information she still had to act accordingly. And so, she stood up and put on the cloak she had been wearing again. 

“We should look for Cecile and leave as soon as possible, I sure as hell can’t fight a level 300,” Amber said before taking off her cloak again.

“Agreed,” Asil said, getting ready.

She examined her cloak. It didn’t seem to have anything recognizable that would make it look special, at least not to her eye. Even then, she threw it onto her ring and also changed her clothes to casual one to look as far away as possible from a warrior. Thankfully the storage ring allowed her to basically switch between attire instantly. After doing that, Amber turned to the Ring of the Twin Moons. It was essentially an Essence reserve and also a trump-card, but…

She took it off anyway, but just as she was about to put it away she got an idea. 

“Wear that.”

Amber tossed the ring over to Asil, who barely caught it.

“What is this⁠—” And he froze. “This thing has… Essence.”

“Could you kill a level 300 with it?” Amber asked plainly.

“If I used its second effect maybe, but it does not have enough Essence for me to guarantee it,” he said hesitating. “If I grabbed your hand while doing so, however…”

Amber understood the meaning, he could only buy time at best with the meager amount of Essence inside the ring. And it only made sense, Asil’s destroyed core was the size of a literal planet, whereas hers was non-existent in comparison. Holding hands in a life or death situation was, needless to say, out of the question. 

“Good enough for now, let’s go. We’ll find Cecile, and find a spot to teleport out of the town with your help.”

Asil nodded. “Good, don’t want to deal with the Arcane Council ever again.” 

And with that, they departed. 

While it certainly felt weird to try to leave as soon as humanly possible, there was a sense of urgency that she hadn’t felt before, because this time her friend’s lives were on the line. They were coming after her for the cube, and it was only logical that the rest of the members would be aware of the person who had the cube, especially if Zodos and Ner made reports. And more than that, Asil agreed that they had to leave now. He had first hand experience with the council, and they were ⁠— if anything ⁠— really persistent. And all they had to do was find Cecile in order to teleport out of the town, so it was better to go to her. 

Amber avoided covering herself, given her appearance was actually common enough among other folk that she just looked like a regular town girl ⁠— a pretty one but a town girl nonetheless ⁠— the same couldn’t be said about Asil, however. He had to wear a cloak because being an elf drew even more attention than just looking suspicious. 

Well, Amber was also plenty suspicious when she showed [???. Lvl. ???] to anyone that used Identify on her but she figured it was still better than wearing no cloak and going full armor. Because people wouldn’t identify her out of actual curiosity, she looked normal ⁠— nobody identified every single person they saw on the street ⁠— so since she didn’t call actual attention to herself, she blended in much better even with the occasional surprise. 

Still, being high level calls all the attention to you huh? Amber thought as about a third of all the people that they passed fixated either on her or on Asil. Mostly Asil. 

But either way, after the two of them made some distance it became a lot less obvious, and while walking around the town she used Appraisal on every single person that she walked by while on the way to the city gates ⁠— the place most likely to have merchants. 


[Dealer. Lvl. 42]


Certainly not looking for that. 


[Warrior. Lvl. 20] 




[Warrior. Lvl. 15]


Also no. 



Even then along the way, she made sure to ask about Cecile; mainly referencing her appearance. And with those leads she got a general direction, in which she headed to. Turns out finding someone in a city with thousands of inhabitants was surprisingly hard. But eventually, she found a merchant⁠— not Cecile⁠— but a merchant nonetheless. 

Level 50 too. 

He was a man leaning by an empty cart, and had his eyes closed in rest. Even then, Amber approached casually. They were in an alley, away from the hubbub of the streets. 

“Hey, I wanted to ask about the whereabouts of a merchant.” 

The man opened his eyes looking at her, annoyed. “Can’t you see that I’m resting?”

Amber got slightly irked with his response, but still kept it to herself. 

“This is important, so if you could just tell me if you’ve heard anything⁠—”

He scoffed. “Ridiculous, why would I tell you where to find my competition?” 

At that, Amber heard Asil click his teeth and begin to walk forward, but she ignored that and instead just tried to persuade the merchant. They were in a hurry, but not enough to instantly resort to violence. 

“She is a friend so⁠—”

“Now you are lying to me.” The merchant frowned. “You know how many times I’ve heard that?” Then he paused looking at Asil, the cloaked elf approaching. “And what do you want⁠—”

And the elf slammed him by the throat, pointing his staff at him. 

“If you don’t want to die, I suggest you tell us about a level 85 purple haired merchant,” he whispered.

The man gasped. “I⁠— I didn’t she just come into town? I heard rumors, such high profile merchants are rare about these parts⁠—” 

“Then find her,” he said angrily. 

And with those words he let go of the man as he sweated. 

“Right away…”


* * * 


The merchant went on to ask around from some of his friends before finally getting some directions and leading everyone there. Turns out, he was awfully compliant after seeing Amber’s level given it just showed nothing but question marks. 

It took close to thirty minutes from the initial departure but eventually, they found themselves before a large manor. 

“She, from what I heard and gathered, should be with this city’s Head Baron finishing a deal,” the merchant said quietly, he was sweating. 

“Do you swear by your life?” Asil asked, voice laced with venom. 

The man immediately cowered. “I-I swear I did everything in my power to find her.” 

In response the elf scoffed and Amber gave him a weird look. He’s been very stressed about getting to Cecile in time, huh? she thought before turning to the merchant.

“Alright, stay around in case we can’t find her.”


With that command, Amber turned and went up to the guard who immediately tensed at her presence. Then she spoke the simplest words in existence, yet it was only audible enough for him to hear. Given it was only one guard it was fine to do this. Her plan was to get Cecile and get out ⁠— she didn’t want to risk getting tracked to the inn while waiting or something.

“I’m the Duchess Amber, Demonkiller and the hero of Cytel, and I wish to enter this residence.” 

There was a doubt upon hearing that. 

“You can⁠’t⁠—”

And after, there was a pause as the guard’s eyes widened.

“It’s really you, but forgive me I still have to—”

“This is a matter of life and death, let me through.” 

Finally, after a second of deliberation the guard acquiesced and allowed them to pass into the mansion. Not without escorting them and making someone take their place. After explaining that they were seeking the merchant who was meeting here, the knight immediately became serious and guided them to the study where the meeting was taking place. 

Finally, after a moment of hesitation the knight swung both doors open. 

“As I was saying, this would be beneficial to you⁠—”

And Cecile paused, turning towards the door. The head baron ⁠— a man with a black beard and combed black hair ⁠— did as well, and another person who was dressed in a black cloak did so too; they were oddly thin. However, when Amber saw the cloaked person and used Appraisal she had a realization, one that made her shiver. 


[???. Lvl. ???]


Above level 264. 

For a moment she paused, the very same person they were trying to run away from was here, looking at them. She had basically walked into the Arcane Council member. And this time, unlike her other unexpected encounters, she was completely outclassed. The fact that Cecile was in the exact same room as the Arcane Council member was nothing short of incredibly bad luck. 

But even then, she still managed to maintain her composure. 

“The Duchess, Am⁠—”

“No need.” Amber interrupted in a hurry. “It seems that my interruption was unnecessary. You can inform your lord my reasons after the fact.”

The guard stiffened. “Y-Yes your grace.”  

With that, the guard left the room in a hurry. The purple haired merchant seemed frozen, meeting her friend’s gazes for a cue but swallowed when seeing their serious expressions. Thankfully, she didn’t say her name, but this position was bad. The member from the Arcane Council was staring at her, simply examining what they were seeing. 

“Duchess?” the rotund baron from behind the desk asked, rising to his feet with a bead of sweat trailing down the side of his head. “You needn’t concern yourself with interrupting my meeting with this merchant. Please, go ahead with what you wanted to inform me.” 

“That is right,” the female Arcane Council member spoke. “With me here, you can be at ease. I can sense you are tense, so it must be important.” 

Amber shook her head, but even then the remark caught her off-guard. But Asil seemed to think of something to quickly excuse her behavior. 

“We wished to discuss some things in regards to the Arcane Council to ensure this town’s safety.”

At that, Amber sensed a slight shift in the woman’s posture, suppressing a sigh. I got confirmation on what I already knew… 

“It is because of that, that this meeting must wait until we can talk about this with the baron alone,” Asil said. 

“And why is an elf like you involved in the kingdom’s affairs?” the woman asked, intrigued. 

Ugh. Amber inwardly groaned. 

“An elf?” the baron asked, confused. “He is an elf?” 

The woman slightly bowed. “Indeed my lord. But rest assured, even if a pesky member of this ‘Arcane Council’ were to be here, there aren’t many people of my level, and your sponsorship has been greatly beneficial for my endeavors.” 

“I see…” the man ruffled his beard. “Thank you for protecting my city.” 

“Any time my lord.” The woman nodded. 

The baron turned to Amber and Asil. “It is as Frei says, there is no need to worry. But if you insist on having a private meeting then I shall agree to it, Duchess. Given your clothes I assume it’s urgent.”

He doesn’t recognize me so he has no name for me, yet finds it too awkward to ask. Amber was glad to have that play in her favor at least.

“Frei’s presence has reassured me deeply, so I think this meeting can wait until I’ve collected my thoughts more.” Amber smiled, putting a hand on her chest flashing a smile. “Besides, I’d like to relax in this wonderful city first.”

The lord smiled at that and nodded. 

“Very well, let us meet tomorrow then, Duchess.” 

Amber nodded in response.

“Then I shall take my leave.”

Cecile was quiet throughout the whole ordeal, and it was for the better. Amber met her gaze for a moment and with a smile, she retired herself. The member from the Arcane Council however, was just quietly looking at her. 

Once they were out of the manor and out of earshot from anyone Asil and Amber mutually agreed to wait for Cecile at the inn before using Essence to teleport out of the town upon her arrival. Given that was within the elf’s capabilities. That way even if the member of the Arcane Council tracked them it would be too late. 


* * * 


And hours passed. 

The meeting Cecile had was important, given she was seeing the head baron of a city, but maybe it was because of their interruption but it seemed to be taking a while. However, they remained ready to leave as soon as possible. All it took was for Asil to take her Essence and they’d be out. 

The main reason for that was that:

She had recognized Amber.

Or at least that’s what both of them thought. Which is why they spent their time inside the inn and did not go out. With Asil’s help, they got back into the inn room without traces. And there, they waited for their friend’s return. In the meantime, Asil tried to teach her teleport, but she remained lost.  

According to him it would get easier once her core advanced a few more times. She still had a long way in the ways of Essence it seemed, and it made sense⁠⁠— all her abilities and skills were straightforward after all. 

Finally, after waiting around and practicing Amber made a decision in regards to Essence ⁠— something that she had rejected in the past before ⁠— so, with new-found resolution she turned to Asil and⁠—

The door opened. 

Both of them tensed, immediately basically getting ready to leave. 

Cecile walked in and she seemed tired, but immediately walked up to them after closing the door behind her. 

Her shoulders slumped. “What happened back there? Care to explain?” 

“It’s better if we leave and then explain later,” Asil said, reaching out his hand for her. 

Asil was already beginning to draw her Essence by the time Cecile was reaching out her hand, but at that moment the door exploded and⁠— Cecile was swept off her feet by a new figure. It happened like a shadow passing through. 

Amber turned following her senses and atop one of the beds, the cloaked member of the Arcane Council stood, holding Cecile with a black knife to her neck. It wasn’t a regular knife but a pitch-black one that reflected no light whatsoever. It almost looked wrong in the world. 

“A-Amber…” Cecile squeaked. 

Both of them tensed and the woman spoke⁠. 

“Elf, I suggest you stop doing whatever you’re doing before I decapitate her,” she warned. “Not even her artifacts will save her.” 

At that, Asil shared a glance with Amber, and she shook her head. It wasn’t something that could be risked. 


The elf snorted and let go off Amber’s hand, and at that, the member of the Arcane Council threw Cecile over to Amber. She barely caught the purple-haired merchant, drawing a squeal from her. 

“So, try that shit again and your head will fly right off, understood?” she pointed her dagger at Asil, before turning it to Amber. 

Amber said nothing in response, she simply frowned. But that was enough for the Arcane Council member to smile and with a swing of her legs, land on her butt on the bed.

“With that out of the way, I won’t ask about why you people are running away from me.” she said. “Maybe you two are little bitches and think the Arcane Council will hunt you for merely knowing something like the name of a Primordial Spirit, but that is not the case. Not only can the names of Primordial Spirits even be learned by those not trusted, but we know a lot more shit than you two morons think.” 


So, she has no idea of who I am, that’s good… Amber relaxed at that. 

“Good, I’d rather ya be at ease than think I’m about to split your skull open.” The woman smiled at Amber. Then she turned looking at Asil, or more importantly fixated on his hand. “You killed a trusted member?”

Her words lingered inside the room, and for a moment nothing was said. Asil was gritting his teeth, and Amber wasn’t yet panicking, Cecile on the other hand ⁠— she was trembling and shaking on her spot.  

“Got it from that guy that died outside the capital a year ago,” Amber said.

The woman smiled. “I’d believe ya but that guy did not have one.” 

She stood up, flipping her dagger into the air and catching it repeatedly. 

“Well I’m not one to avenge bastards, I’m not even here to deal with things regarding the Arcane Council, Amber.” 

Amber tensed. “You knew?”

She snorted. “I fucking knew the moment I saw you, I’m not stupid. While Zodos reported your name and level, the most obvious giveaway was the fact that ya are the stupid hero of this kingdom.” 

She shook her head. 

“Do you think I see: Amber, relatively high level Cursebearer. And then see: Amber the hero and think; must be a different one?” 

She mocked. 

“Though I’ll say that some morons out there may not recognize you because they can’t be assed.” She sighed. “Whatever happened to Zodos? Wasn’t he chasing after ya? Did ya manage to kill him by the skin of your teeth?”

A sigh left her. “I killed Ner and Zodos.” 

“Impressive,” she praised. “But not unexpected, given ya are a Cursebearer and shit.” 

“Is your name even Frei or was that some disguise?” 

The woman paused at Amber’s question before replying simply. 

“Oh it is, I don’t care for small things like that.” She waved her hand, and her other hand caught her knife. “I don’t even care that ya have that cube or whatever, so calm yourself already.” 


Amber now felt more confused than ever before, and finally completely relaxed ⁠— the woman  wasn’t even exuding bloodlust to begin with. 

“So even though you had no ill-intent whatsoever you chased after us?” she asked, raising her brow. 

“Well yes, I just felt like it. Of course⁠— fucking not, I have a motive,” she said evidently very annoyed before snapping her gaze towards Asil. “And you elf, stop whatever the fuck it is you’re trying to do!” 

Asil tensed, even though he was standing there. “Your senses are⁠—”

“Sharp yes, now shut it, I’m talking with Ms. Noble over here.” 

Frei turned back to Amber. 

“So, anyway, since I want to fester trust and whatnot I shall show you my glorious face, for you to eat up.”

Glorious? Amber immediately frowned, but Frei clearly couldn’t care less as she removed her hood. And Amber paused, Asil did too, and Cecile as well. Amber stared at the woman’s elongated ears.

“You’re an elf…” Asil said in disbelief. 

“What did you think I was, some kind of fairy?” she refuted, annoyed. “Of course I’m a fucking elf.” 

Amber stared at the elf, she had light orange hair, bordering on white at the top and gradually becoming more saturated towards its tips. Her eyes however were silver like the moon, not having any other color, in their darkest parts they were a deep gray. And of course, needless to say she was indeed good looking like she claimed. 

“Ha, blown away?” She laughed. “Anyway, the reason I tracked’cha here⁠ is because—”

Amber felt danger like never before and a flash of light went off, there was a swing of darkness and⁠— the roof exploded. Pieces of ceiling blew into the room and a yellow projectile went flying through the roof. Amber stared through the blown off hole as it disappeared into nothingness before a loud explosion went off, one that radiated a blinding light. 

The entire inn shook and Amber blinked as Asil lowered his hand, outside screams ruptured and the white-haired elf had an awful frown. Frei on the other hand just looked his way and teleported, before stabbing him with her black dagger, yet it didn’t carry any bloodlust. But even then Amber tried to stop it. 

She appeared as the elven woman plunged the dagger, and then with a sweep her hand was held and she was thrown right onto the ground.

“Be a good girl and relax, ‘kay?” she said, somewhat annoyed. “Your imbecile friend is alive. He thought he caught me off-guard or some shit.”

“What do you even want?” Amber said, blue flames wisping off her body. 

Amber heard the sizzling flesh of Frei’s hand as she was engulfed in blue flames, and yet her grip did not let up. Instead, she laughed as if Amber had just told the best joke she’d ever heard. 

“God are ya stupid? I’m not here to hurt ya.”

She let go and spun around, whipping her hands in the air as if she were drying them. Amber slowly stood up as Asil growled from the ground in deep pain, Cecile meanwhile was trying to desperately remove the black dagger. 

The elven woman chuckled.

“Cursebearers as good as you aren’t easy to come by after all. Even at your level your capabilities ⁠— from what I can sense ⁠— are very impressive.” 

Amber blinked. “What?”

“While the council does want you dead, killing you would be a waste because you have potential and I’d hate to snuff it over a stupid and meaningless reason; given I don’t really care ⁠about how you killed Zodos.” Frei waved her hand dismissively. “I can just pretend I never even met you and just say I heard rumors about you visiting in my report or some shit and go our separate ways, but I want to offer something else instead; seeing your potential and all.” 

Amber in return looked at her incredulously. What are you even saying? 

“Help me leave the Arcane Council, and in return I will train you.” 

And hearing that, Amber paused.

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