Gym Trainer (1)
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After eating breakfast, Xiao Shui brought some sweets that her daughter liked back to give to Xingxing, her daughter. Su Bian has brought some steamed buns back with him.

Yunzhi is the kind who is a foodie. It would be better if Su Bian got her some steam buns to feast on.

Su Bian quickly went back to his room along with the steam buns. He fed them to Yunzhi and told him his plans for the day, grabbing the nearest bike and heading towards the gym.

Looking inside the gym, Su Bian saw new posters on the wall and stepped forward to take a better look.

On the left of the posters, there was a female gym user who was lying down, bench pressing small weights along with advertisement incentives for gaining memberships.

'Membership? I already got one from Jing Wei. It's more than enough for me.' Su Bian glanced and threw away his interest in the left poster.

The poster next to it, on the right, shows a person with stronger muscles. It was trainer Ye. The poster advertised trainer recruitment, with food and accommodation included and a salary of 750 USD.

"This job pays better than security work!" Su Bian was delighted. He is now stronger than at his peak, with more energy to spare. He thought he had the potential to become a trainer.

Su Bian walked to the front desk where a female in her mid-twenties was clicking away. 

She has an average appearance and a well-built figure, the biceps outside her sleeves aligned perfectly with a little more muscle than ordinary girls. Her sweater covers her small breasts.

Su Bian had no sensual interest in the girl at the front desk. He shrugged off his thoughts.

"Is something the matter, Mr. Su?" the girl asked

"Eh? How did you know that my surname is Su? I don't think I have gained this much fame. I don't think I was this famous." Su Bian asked, he was surprised because this was the first time they met but she gave him a poor impression.

"Well, you're famous in our gym, so I indeed know you," she said with admiration.

"Famous? Can you tell me what happened?" Su Bian expressed he was confused as to why he became famous suddenly. He recalled he didn't do anything of merit at all.

'Could it be the scene of me kissing Jing Wei that was secretly recorded?' 

'Could Jing Wei's spouse offer a bounty to screw me over?'

Su Bian rapidly thought of these. He was a little scared, but he nervously waited for the answer from the girl.

"Yesterday, I saw a video of you with our trainer, Coach Ye. You were very strong in that and could deadlift 250 kilograms! You're known as a powerful person in our gym. In our circle of friends, you're well known."

The girl kept praising Su Bian with no hesitation and even began to touch his biceps and all over his body to check his muscles.

"Oh, that's why," Su Bian said with a sigh of relief.

He patted his chest to calm his heart and said, "I'm here to ask about the recruitment of trainers. Can I apply for it?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Su. If you want to apply for a trainer, I can't make this decision. You can discuss it with Coach Ye. He is the interviewer."

"Oh? Is Coach Ye upstairs now?" Su Bian turned his head to the stairwell.

She shook her head and replied, "Coach Ye hasn't come back yet. You can go upstairs and wait for him. I will let him know you're here."

"Thanks. Sorry for bothering you." Su Bian said. 

Just as he was going to walk upstairs, he suddenly remembered what the words of the girl at the front desk said. 'Circle of friends.'

He has considered a plan, that could be the potential for Yin Qi harvesting.

Su Bian stopped, turned around, and asked again, 

"By the way, little pretty girl, what's your name? Maybe we can get to know each other first."

" name is Anna." She replied.

Anna stuttered with some happiness. This was the first time someone called her a pretty girl. She had always been average as a child until now. She was the kind of inconspicuous loner.

"Oh? Anna? By the way, that circle of friends, can I join it? Does it require a member's card?" Su Bian said, flashing out his membership in front of her eyes.

Anna knew about his membership card. Jing Wei gifted it.

"Of course, Mr. Su" Anna nodded, and took out her phone,

"Add me as a DM friend first, and I will invite you to the circle of friends."

Su Bian also took out his phone, added to each other, and said with a smile, "There isn't a need to add a title to my name. You can call me something else like 'uncle' or 'brother'"

Su Bian wanted to consider this after looking at his appearance today when he woke up. Not only does dual cultivation with Yunzhi make him appear younger. He has grown in height. He looked like a man in his late 20s when he was in his mid-40s.

Anna considered not calling him an 'uncle' because it made him seem older. It wasn't respectful.

"Well... I can call you, brother Su."

As the two are friends with each other in DM, Anna sent him an invitation.

Su Bian clicked to be invited to the chat circle.

He took a hasty look at the group members. They totaled more than a hundred people, and there was a good female ratio.

"I will be going first. See you later, anna!" Su Bian said, waving his hands with satisfaction, and walked towards the stairwell.

"See you soon!" Anna replied, looking happy as she glanced at Su Bian back in a romantic trance.

Anna likes sturdy people. She used to admire Coach Ye, but yesterday he was utterly defeated.

Su Bian was the one who defeated Coach Ye.