First Time (as a pet)
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I have some free time so I started working on this chapter

3rd person POV


  "Wives?!" Jordan exclaims. She didn't process this earlier in the massive information dump earlier.

  "Yes wives," Mary-Jane replies. "You did wish for them to marry you and each other and so it is done all that needs to be done is turn in some paperwork and you can be recognized as married legally but other than that you have already been 'married' on a magical level."

   Jordan thought back to her wish and realized she did say she wanted to marry them, and because of that sentence, it has now become a reality. "Well that seems very quick to get  married I don't even know anything other than Bella's name and what she looks like."

  "Since you seem like you have gotten some questions out of the way why don't you go and see Cassandra?" Mary-jane seems like she wants to see the pet come to heel soon.

  Jordan agrees and finishes putting on clothes and starts walking out of her room, she went to the kitchen and noticed that no one was there yet and quickly started getting food ready. When Jordan opened the fridge she noticed some raw meat in the back corner Jordan also noticed on the ground by the table there was a dog bowl with the name 'Danny' She had a faint inkling of why the body is speeding up to finish eating quickly, her body knows what it is doing. Jordan slows down a bit takes a deep breath and continues making breakfast.

  "Good morning Jordan," a cheerful voice calls from the kitchen entrance. "You are usually done at this time but I am soo happy you are running a little late today," the voice was recognizable as her sister Cassandra. Jordan sat down at the table and started to eat. "Nah Nah Nah," Cassandra says. "Pets don't eat at the table. You know that so come over here at sit."

  Jordan's body moved against her will and dropped onto all fours and walked over to Cassandra and sat on her foot, there was a sense of nostalgia and the feeling of trying something new when she sat down, after all, it would be strange if something did change and not feel a difference, in this case, Jordan's butt got bigger and perkier. "You're a good girl, oh yes you are, oh yes you are," Cassandra says as she starts to scratch under Jordan's chin. she started to wag her tail involuntarily, it felt euphoric and that was just under her chin if it got anywhere sensit.....

  "Rollover," Cassandra says the next words that make Jordan's mind freeze but her body does it quickly and rolls over and then Cassandra starts the scratch her stomach. 'well that's good at least' Jordan thinks then she started to notice how Cassandra's hand started to slowly climb higher bit by bit and soon she was rubbing Jordan's breast teasing the nipples and pinching and scratching not anything rough or hard just gentle scratches where if you weren't aware of it at first you would not realize anything was happening. because of the gentle teasing, her pants were starting to get soaked and it started to get on the floor.

  "Growing animals need lots of milk so I will give you some milk after the afterschool walk." Cassandra smiles which causes dread in Jordan. "Time for food," Cassandra seems to become slightly devilish in Jordan's eyes as she walks to the fridge and takes out the raw meat and places it into the dog bowl. "Remember pets don't have hands so you know what to do."

  Jordan's mind doesn't remember but her body does as she starts to shrink getting smaller and smaller till she was the size of about 36 inches (24 inches are tails) tails to head and about 10 inches tall with a golden back, light yellow on her undersides and a slightly darker gold on the tips of her tails, all 13 of them. The tails all connected to the base of her butt and were extremely fluffy like a furry cloud, She was a vixen kit through and through. 

  Jordan walked over to her food bowl 'shudders' and starts to bite and eat the meat. a few seconds later she heard a *Click* and noticed a collar on her neck it was bright pink with the tag with the name Danny and it had a leash attached to the ring on the said collar. Jordan saw that the mess that she made on the ground was gone like it was never there.

  "Time for the morning walk ." Cassandra smiled happily. "Don't forget to hide 12 of your tails." 

  Jordan felt that the tails were hidden from sight and nodded at her sister. They walked out the door and with a feeling of dread the first walk as a pet began.



1st person POV (Jordan)



  "Wives?!" I exclaim. I didn't catch this amid the massive information dump.

  "Yes wives," Mary-Jane replies. "You did wish for them to marry you and each other and so it is done all that needs to be done is turn in some paperwork and you can be recognized as married legally but other than that you have already been 'married' on a magical level."

  I thought back to my wish and realized I did say I wanted to marry them, and because of that sentence, it has now become a reality. "Well that seems very quick to get married I don't even know anything other than Bella's name and what she looks like."

  "Since you seem like you have gotten some questions out of the way why don't you go and see Cassandra?" Mary-jane seems like she wants to see the pet come to heel soon.

  I agree and finish putting on clothes and start to walk out of my room, I went to the kitchen and noticed that no one was there yet and quickly started getting food ready. When I opened the fridge I noticed some raw meat in the back corner I also noticed on the ground by the table there was a dog bowl with the name 'Danny' I had a faint inkling of why the body is speeding up to finish eating quickly, my body knows what it is doing. I slow down a bit takes a deep breath and continues making breakfast.

  "Good morning Jordan," a cheerful voice calls from the kitchen entrance. "You are usually done at this time but I am soo happy you are running a little late today," the voice was recognizable as her sister Cassandra. I sat down at the table and started to eat. "Nah Nah Nah," Cassandra says. "Pets don't eat at the table. You know that so come over here at sit."

  My body moved against my will and dropped onto all fours and walked over to Cassandra and sat on her foot, there was a sense of nostalgia and the feeling of trying something new when I sat down, after all, it is the first time with male memories to have such a bubbly bigger and perkier butt it would be strange if I did not feel a difference. "You're a good girl, oh yes you are, oh yes you are," Cassandra says as she starts to scratch under my chin. I started to wag her tail involuntarily, it felt euphoric and that was just under my chin if it got anywhere sensit.....   

  "Rollover," Cassandra says the next words that make my mind freeze but my body does it quickly and rolls over and then Cassandra starts the scratch my stomach. 'well that's good at least' I think then I started to notice how Cassandra's hand started to slowly climb higher bit by bit and soon she was rubbing my breast teasing the nipples and pinching and scratching not anything rough or hard just gentle scratches where if you weren't aware of it at first you would not realize anything was happening. because of the gentle teasing, my pants were starting to get soaked and it started to get on the floor.

  "Growing animals need lots of milk so I will give you some milk after the afterschool walk." Cassandra smiles which causes dread in me. "Time for food," Cassandra seems to become slightly devilish in MY eyes as she walks to the fridge and takes out the raw meat and places it into the dog bowl. "Remember pets don't have hands so you know what to do."

  My mind goes blank and I don't remember but my body does as I start to shrink getting smaller and smaller till I was the size of about 36 inches (24 inches are tails) tails to head and about 10 inches tall with a golden back, light yellow on my undersides and a slightly darker gold on the tips of my tails, all 13 of them. The tails all connected to the base of my butt and were extremely fluffy like a furry cloud, I was a vixen kit through and through. 

  I walked over to her food bowl 'shudders' and starts to bite and eat the meat. a few seconds later I heard a *Click* and noticed a collar on my neck, from memory it was bright pink with the tag with the name Danny and it had a leash attached to the ring on the said collar. I saw that the mess that I made on the ground was gone like it was never there.

 "Time for the morning walk ." Cassandra smiled happily. "Don't forget to hide 12 of your tails." 

  I felt that my tails were hidden from sight and nodded at my sister. They walked out the door and with a feeling of dread the first walk as a pet began.

so keep in mind that if Cassandra oversteps her boundaries as a pet owner Jordan becomes the owner and Cassandra is the pet and by definition, a pet is a domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure. please keep this in mind

which POV did you like better let me know and I will change previous chapters and use the POV going forward


Edit: I feel so done right  now just wrote about 2k words for the next chapter and just as I was about to publish I accidentally refreshed the page through key binds and lost all of the words I wrote and so sorry but no chapter 4 tonight maybe tomorrow but at least siblings are coming tomorrow and going to have a fun time

After having a late night talk with my sister I realized her middle name as Catherine...... so I changed it to cassandra

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