Chapter 78: A Summoner Joins a team.
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The minute Veronica carried Ritalassa into the tower. She found it felt strange to her. The magic in the tower tasted off, as if it had gone bad somehow. Inside of the tower, she could feel a massive amount of energy had been stored, and the hum of it made her blade ache.

When they had climbed back down after activating the tower, Maetrin walked up to Jack. He then said "The pregnant monsterkin are doing alright, but Alice is not doing so well."

Jadai came up to them and said "I will speak with her." He walked over and sat down next to the grieving Ogrekin. He wrapped his arm around her, and she began to cry.

"Lets go down and check on this teleporter Lord Attomas mentioned." Jack said.

They continued down the other set of stairs and reached a strange spherical shaped room lined in purple plates. There was a pathway to the center on which was a platform surrounded by rings that have been carved with runes. As Ritalassa was looking at the rings, she noticed Jack staggered up to them and braced himself against them.

After a moment of him just looking at the device, he turned and asked "This is a teleporter?"

Lord Attomas rolled his eyes and said, "Of course, it is. Behold one of the greatest discoveries of the Kingdom of Sevaris. The ability to transport a person across great distances!"

"They had no hand in discovering it. They took it." Jack said, annoyed. "Then they modified it to work with magic. Though this doesn't feel complete, like it's missing something. Will it be able to transport the group?"

"It should. Look at the control, it's active, though we only have two destinations at the moment." Lord Attomas pointed at a control panel near the rings."

Megan asked "How does it work? Is it safe?"

"We don't know how they work. Only one working teleporter has been found to date, well other than the ones in this city. It was only able to transport a person up one floor. Unfortunately, when they took it apart, it exploded killing all the researchers in the room. So it's safe as long as you don't take it apart."

Alexia walked up to the rings and ran her hands along it. "I can feel the magic wanting to move these rings. Lord Attomas you said the teleport won't take us directly to the towers, do you know exactly where it takes us?"

"Somewhere near the tower you selected to transport too. Once you get the tower up and running, however you should be able to transport directly to an active tower."

Princess Falaen addressed Jack, "I heard you talking with Jadai about sending a smaller party to the towers to try and sneak past the goblins. Here is my practical suggestion, we send two different parties out, and they each activate two towers. Thus, we get out of here faster."

"Speaking of activating towers, when we were trying to get into the tower, I noticed Lord Attomas pulled something out of his pouch and opened the tower with it." Riley interrupted them.

The group looked at Lord Attomas who grinned and said "I have the keys to each of the towers, yes I do. Gotta make sure they are all unlocked." 

"Where exactly did you get the keys?" Jack asked advancing on him

"Not telling you!" Lord Attomas sang and did a twirl. Jack reached out and grabbed him. "Unhand me!" Lord Attomas yelled and struggled in Jack's grip. Jack then ripped the pouch away from Lord Attomas side, and tossed him to the side. For several second's Ritalassa watched Jack look through the pack before he pulled out four rods.

"Are these what you saw Riley?"

"Yeah, he jammed one of them into a hole in the side of the tower." Riley replied.

"Good, we have the keys to get into the towers." He tossed aside the pouch and then looked at the group. "I have thought about Princess Falean's plan. I'm getting the feeling it will be a really bad Idea to stay here too long. As a side benefit if we split into two parties, it will naturally force the goblins to split their attention."

"I have to disagree Jack." Megan said, then continued "If we split the force, we will have less ability to defend ourselves against the goblins."

"It would be easier to be stealthy with a smaller party size. Being able to fight is meaningless if we encounter a general. They would either tear us apart or make us an incubator for goblin spawn." Lady Niadas said.

"You make a good point Megan, if I genuinely thought we had time, I would go with that one. But I am getting the feeling we are running out of time."

Megan sighed, "Very well. What is your plan Jack?"

"Megan and Riley will each take the head of a team. Megan, you will be in charge of choosing who goes with each party. I will be staying behind, the messaging function is still working so if you encounter a general let me know, and I will come to your aid."

"What of Lord Attomas?" Megan asked.

"I don't like him wandering around, I don't trust him. So he will remain here with me. Jadai will also watch over him with me." Jack said.

"For the record, I absolutely refuse to stay here with Lord Attomas. I do not feel safe around him, and would rather risk facing a general then remain here. So it doesn't matter which team, but I would like to go with them."

"You may have to fight Lady Niadas, if you go, the others will be too busy to protect your life." Megan said.

Lady Niadas pulled out a metallic device from her pink purse. It had a handle by which she gripped it, and what looked like a barrel attached to the top of it. She flicked a switch on it, and Ritalassa could feel Magic begin to flow within it. Lady Niadas said "This is a weapon developed from some schematics from the kingdom of Sevaris, I can adequately defend myself with it if necessary."

"Very well, you may go with us. How about you Yukali? Will you stay here to watch over Lord Attomas or go with us?" Megan Asked.

Yukali glanced at Lord Attomas then said "I will go with you. It is quite evident that we need to leave as fast as possible."

"Oh yes leave me as well, I'm sure I'm going to be fine." Lord Attomas said looking a bit annoyed.

"I have formulated the groups. For my party I will take Telvin, Yukali, and Maetrin. As for Riley group, you get Alexia, Veronica, and Lady Niadas. Did you wish to go as well Marden?"

Ritalassa looked at the Empire outcast, he shook his head and replied "Are you mad? No, I will wait here with the others. That seems the safest option at the moment."

Ritalassa sent a mental communication message to Megan and asked "Did you forget about me?"

"No, I ask that you remain with Veronica. I need you to keep watch over Lady Niadas." Megan quickly replied.

"I will remain here along with Snort. I feel there are several questions that I must ask Lord Attomas." Princess Falean said.

Veronica sighed and said "While I would prefer to stay here and guard My Lord, I will do as you say Megan."

"If this is going to be a stealth mission, how noticeable is this teleport?" Riley asked cautiously.

Lord Attomas was playing with some glossy feathers of his last retainer. Ritalassa was startled when she noticed this. While she had known he had another retainer, for some reason, she never really took notice of the retainer. They harpy retainer stood solemn faced next to Lord Attomas.

"Oh not too noticeable I would say. However, the teleporters when activating are really noticeable from the outside. So the goblins will probably figure out something is going on. I suggest you be quick before they find a way into the towers."

Megan went to the panel and pointed at the lights on the panel. "My party will take these two towers, the other two are yours Riley. When all of them are active, we will meet up again at the Main Control Area. I will take the teleporter first."

Ritalassa watched as Megan walked over to Alexia and spoke some whispered words but a few seconds later the redhead nodded and kissed Megan. They then hugged, and Megan smiled and walked onto the platform after Jack gave her two of the sticks. Telvin followed suit, and when he passed Riley, he pulled her into a deep kiss and Ritalassa heard him say "Be careful." Yukali and Maetrin stepped onto the platform as well.

Jack went to the control panel and examined it for a second before nodding. "Properly take care of yourselves. Remember if you see a General, message me, I will be there as fast as I can." 

"Cmon, enough of this sappy crap, get the show on the road!" Lord Attomas called out.

Jack flipped a button and stood back. Ritalassa felt her metal tingle as it started up. The platform separated from the platform and began to float upwards. The Rings began to spin around it, faster and faster. The Runes on the rings lit up making the platform start to glow. A ferocious hum took place, and Ritalassa felt sick from listening to it. There was a flash and the group on the platform disappeared.

The platform returned to its original position and Jack closed his eyes. He then said, "They have teleported safely and are now on the way to the tower. Riley here is the remaining two sticks."

Veronica walked up to the platform with Ritalassa and said "Be careful of Attomas, My Lord. I do not trust the actions of this mad man. He may not be playing with a full deck, but I feel he has a few cards left to play."

"I will, thank you for your concern." Jack said.

"Are you ready?" Lord Attomas said.

"Yes." Riley said.

"Be careful sister, I'm not done with you." Lord Attomas said.

Lady Niadas flipped her brother off, and the platform raised them up. As the rings began to turn about them, Ritalassa felt space around them start to twist and tear. The hum was even worse in the teleporter and Ritalassa felt herself feeling like she was being torn apart. There was a loud pop, and she found themselves in a barely lit room.

A startled goblin looked up and squawked and ran to the door, Riley dashed forward and decapitated it. Ritalassa looked around and said "I think this might be a basement."

Riley nodded and said "Ritalassa can you send Inky to take a look to make sure we are clear to leave?"

Reaching deep within herself, she summoned Inky back from the void and the black spider popped into being. "Inky I need you to go out and take a look. Remember to use stealth!"

Inky waved a leg and exited the room slowly. Ritalassa utilized one of her new skills and synchronized her senses with it and saw as it saw. Inky slowly climbed up the stairs. In the room above, she saw that there were several goblins currently sharpening weapons.

Quickly she examined them and found none of them were over level five. She cut off the senses and told Riley what she saw. "Can you ambush them with Inky? I don't want to cause too much noise fighting them."

"I can."

Ritalassa returned her attention to Inky and Made her plan. Sneaking deeper into the room, she had Inky shoot out several webs and then launched into full attack against the goblins. The goblins were shocked at the appearance of the spider and made moves to run away but were instantly caught by the web.

With a swift move inky bit each goblin with its venom and they all quickly perished. Ritalassa signaled they were good to go, and they cautiously climbed up the stairs and Inky greeted them standing on the pile of goblin bodies. Riley glanced out the window and said "We got lucky. The Tower is only a block away. We should be able to cut through that alley, and up the street to it."

"I'll scout ahead with Inky." Ritalassa said.

Inky carefully climbed stealthily out of the building then to the roof. With it's vision, Jessica saw one or two goblins wandering about doing some menial chores. It looked as if the main combat force was likely back at the tower with Jack. Inky shot a web across the street and climbed across. 

The way to the tower was clear for the most part, that is until Inky got to the plaza. In front of the purple tower were several buff looking goblins. Carefully examining them revealed.



Goblin Berserker












They could take them, but that would draw a lot of attention. Ritalassa told Riley what she found. "Should we try to sneak past them?" Veronica asked.

"No, the best way is right through them." Lady Niadas said.

"Why do you say that?" Riley asked her.

"Why are their berserkers there? They should be in the frontlines of the army."

"Are you saying it's a trap?"

"Most likely they expect us to attempt to stealth in. Which means there is something hiding nearby. If we cut through them, we should be able to get to the tower before they activate the trap."

"Could it be a general?" Ritalassa asked.

"Not likely."

Riley sank into thought and said "Very well. We will punch through. I will take the lead. Veronica, when we move, I will need you to raise a shield behind us. Alexia you need to target any goblins that get too close. I want to get through as fast as possible. Ritalassa I need Inky to find the hole in the tower as fast as possible."

"Got it."

They snuck out of the building and made their way to the plaza in front of the tower. Riley looked back at them and nodded. At that moment she stepped out of the shadows and began to charge towards the goblin berserkers. The rest of the party quickly followed. 

Veronica raised a blue shield behind them, not a moment too soon, as several loud thumps against it took place. Ritalassa glanced back and saw black cloaked goblins firing crossbows at them. Veronica unsheathed her and yelled "All who stand against My Lord will be cut down!" 

Ritalassa complained a bit in her heart as Veronica employed her to cut through goblins. With her sharpness, nothing could really stop her from slashing deep. She was just irritated at how casually Veronica used her. She wished it was Jack who was twirling her about.

While they were quickly fighting their way to the tower, Inky shot a strand of web to it and swung over to the tower and crawled around looking for the hole. Alexia shot several balls of fire into the growing crowd of goblins. A goblin berserker slipped past Alexia and was charging towards Lady Niadas. She raised her weapon and a thunderous boom sounded and the goblin's head exploded in a fountain of gore.

Inky discovered the hole as they crossed over the sigils in the ground, and Riley ran up and slammed the rod into the hole. The door opened and they quickly got in. Once inky climbed in as well, Alexia pulled a lever and the door slammed closed.

For several seconds they recovered their breath and then began the climb up the stairs. As they reached the top, Ritalassa saw one of the other towers light up. "They are ahead of us by a bit." Lady Niadas said.

"I will start this up." Riley said and went to the control panel and began to fiddle with it. 

While they were waiting, Veronica was walking around when Ritalassa heard a crunch. Veronica looked down confused and picked up something from the ground. "What is that?" Ritalassa asked.

"It's a child's toy. I broke it when I stepped on it." Veronica said and showed Ritalassa. 

It was a bird, the paint on it was long faded, but it looked like it had been green once. One of its wings had broken off when Veronica stepped on it. Lady Niadas noticed they were looking at something and walked over. "What are you looking at?"

"This was on the floor." Veronica said and showed her the figure.

Lady Niadas took a look at it and her face went white. "I recognize that toy."

"You do?" 

"That's the toy I gave my brother, Lord Attomas on his birthday, a few days before he was kidnapped. What is it doing here?"

"Could it be a similar toy?"

"Unlikely, I paid for it to be specially made."

Just then, the tower began to light up as Riley finished activating it. She turned towards them and said "He has been lying all this time. He has been inside this city before. I don't know what he is plotting, but we need to be careful." 

"Let's get going." Veronica said, "I need to get back to My Lord as fast as possible."

Thank you for reading my story