Chapter 34: The Chase.
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On the western edge of the Graggoremire plains forest, near the orc settlement.

The group of scouts we’re in hot pursuit of there target.

“Why is it running away from the village?” Pondered Linken.

“Is now really the time to be asking that? Just shut up and catch it!” His commanding officer ordered.

“Yes sir!” Came the uniformed whispered response from group.

They were currently gliding through the trees in pursuit of a goblin that had come across their investigation of the orc settlement.

“Shit! How the hell is it so fast?! It’s sailing through the trees like it’s an elf!”

“Who cares! It’s about to run out of forest! We’ll have it there! Its little goblin legs won’t be able to out run us in the fields.” Crepe countered.

“Cut the chatter! Does anyone have a clear shot?” Their commanding officer demanded.

“No sir!” Came a reply from the front runner on the goblins heels. “To small a target to hit. Also to small a space within these branches to shot.”

“Damn it! Don’t lose it!”

“Yes sir!” Came the affirmation from behind Amethyst.

She smirked as she heard what they were saying.

That is right big boys, keep following me!

The chase continued until all through the forest west of the orc’s village.

The pursuers had many near captures with flanking the dreaded quick goblin, but it always seemed just out of their reach.

It had at one point, ran straight at them, surprising them to the point that it slipped past back towards the way it came.

Worse still, it did it twice, basically keeping its pursuers chasing it for a long time.

“Damn it! This thing is making a fool out of us!”

“It doesn’t matter! Look!”

The saw the goblin drop down from the tree line, towards the ground.

“I got it!” Said Frank as he, in one fluid motion; pulled his bow out, nocked his arrow, pulled drew the arrow and string back, the released it. All while falling to a lower branch before catching his footing there.

Frank smiled in anticipation as his watched his arrow soar across the distance towards its target. He smiled with a satisfaction as the arrow was about to hit it.


But to his great shock and disbelief, the goblin sidestepped, then preformed a  triple-axle flip over the arrow, where it landed with a flourish.

The goblin turned to look back at him. His arrows shaft, caught in between its teeth and wide mouth. As it smiled at him.

Frank lowered his bow. All the wind in his sails vanishing as he had been out done by a goblin in one move.

How?!… Just? What?!

But before he hand time to ponder, the rest of his troop was there beside him. A fellow soldier named Ryan slapped Frank’s back as he past.

“On your feet soldier!” He told him.

This shook Frank out of his daze, jumped down to catch up this the rest of his group.

“This is the end of the line goblin scum!” Shouted Tavish as he drew his short swords. “There is no were else for you to run.”

“Oh, I was done running anyways.” The goblins told him in perfect elvish.

This stopped the group dead in their tracks.


The blinding flashes of lights lit up all around them.

“Aaahhh! My eyes!” Screamed Brooks!

“I can’t see!” Crepe shouted.

They were then assaulted with weird ropes that seemed to circle their bodies and legs before heavy object slammed into them.

“OOF!” Many had the wind knocked out of them as they lost their balance before tumbling to the ground.

 “What the hell is this! By the gods! How?!” Wondered Garret.

“Don’t feel to bad for yourself for getting caught elf.” The goblin they were pursuing spoke to him as it approached. “We’re been watching you guys for days now. We were just waiting for a good time to set an ambush.”

“But when?! How?!”

“Sshhh…” It hushed him. “Don’t worry so much. We’ll take good care of you, so…” The goblin waved a hand that was glowing green and purple. “Sleep now…”

“…”Wh… at?….” And the he was out like a light.


“You cut that pretty close there Ame…” Breeze tutted.

Amethyst raspberries with her lips in a mocking fashion.

“I had it! I had at least two other avenues of escape. Also, I knew you guys were there.” She said as she sauntered over towards breeze.

Breeze looked down at her with a stern grimace.

Amethyst looked up at her with a cheeky grin.


Breeze let a crooked grin spread on her face.

“Hi yourself.” She told Amethyst.

They reached for each other, the  locked themselves into a loving kiss.

“*ACK!* *ACK!*” Came a sound of someone being sick next to them.

They broke apart, but still held each other while looking towards the sound.

“Agh! Really Hush?! I expect it from Willow or your mate. But you too?!” Amethyst accused.

Hush just shrugged before answering.

“Sorry, just the sight of my sister making out with her mate reminded me that she didn’t brush her teeth this morning.” He signed to them.

“Hey! I did to!” Breeze defended. She looked down at her girlfriend. “Don’t believe him my sweet. He is a filthy liar.”

Amethyst smiled at her.

“I think I am the one who would know, I did just have my tongue down your throat.

“!!!!!!!!” This caused both sets of twins to start blushing.


“Why you!” The Breeze went on the attack, tickling her girlfriend.

“Ah ah! Stop! No! Aaahahhahaha!”

Hush just threw his arms into the air before letting them slap back down. He shook his head before turning it to whistle.

The rest the rangers hidden in the grass and trees all came out of hiding.

He then instructed them to tie up and return the captives back to the city.

“Hahaha… So?… What do you think she is going to do with them?” Amethyst asks as their play comes to its natural conclusion.

Breeze shrugs.

“Beats me. Probably interrogate them first. Question why their here, see if there is anymore of them… then probably send them through the standard procedure.”

“Oooouuuuhhhh! An interrogation! Can I come?! This is going to be hilarious!”

“No Ame, you can’t come.” Breeze told her.

“Why not?!” She questioned petulantly.

“Because we’re not going. We’re off duty. As. Of. Right. Now.” Breeze told her seductively.

“Right commander?! Are you propositioning me?!” Amethyst playful accused.

“Every time.” Breeze affirmed.



She was swaying gently side-to-side in the air, as if she was hanging by her hands and feet.

But she wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable. All she felt was tired. She also heard weird words as people around her were speaking.

The need to shut the fuck up. I am trying to sleep here. She thought to herself.

As this stray thought entered her mind. She thought back on what she had been doing previously.

Wait?… Why am I sleeping? Where?… where am I?…

She blinked her eyes open.

It was still night.


That’s right! We were pursing a goblin! Wait! What?! Where am I?!

She took stock of her surroundings.

Her hands and feet were indeed tied. The were secured to a pole, while she was being carried somewhere.

She tried to look around some more. She noticed that he head was also secured to the pole. Presumingly so that she wouldn’t be able to turn her head.

Well at least it wasn’t dragging on the ground this way! Small miracles!

She could tilt her head back just far enough to get a look at the goblin captor that was carrying the pole holding her from behind.

“MMM!” She tried saying.

It then occurred to her that her mouth had piece of leather shoved in it.



It seemed that she finally got her captors attention.

She looked at it while staring at hatefully as possible. 

It wore a strange get up for a goblin. She had never seen a goblin dressed in suck a way. Most goblins just had basic tunics or loin cloths. Maybe armor if they were advanced enough.

This goblin had a hooded cowl on its head, that also served as a mask. A matching tunic, with pants just the same color.

No… not the same color. She realized.

It was a splotching mismatch of different colors that blended into the surrounding near them.

That was why it was so hard to spot them!

The goblin then reached down with a hand towards her face.

Shit! It’s going to hit me! She thought.

Its hand got closer to her, it then bent its middle finger, pressing it down by its thumb.


She blinked.

The goblin pulled its hand back. Then it brought its hand up to where its mouth should be, holding its forefinger to its non-showing lips.

D-did… did it just shush me?

Did it just forehead flick me?!


She thrashed against her bonds in-vain. Trying to desperately to, if nothing else, cause trouble to her captor for this indignity.

She bounced and thrashed. All the while screeching and swaying back-and-forth. The worst trouble this caused her captors though. Is the stuttered the steps a bit. But otherwise, it did not slow them down at all.

But there was mirth in the eyes of the goblin behind her.

It reached down towards her again.

Don’t you fucking do it-



She once again got a flick to her forehead.

She stopped thrashing after that. In favor of just staring daggers at her captor.

I have never been so humiliated in all of my life! Not even during my training as a knight! Not even when my fellow recruits haze me by hiding my clothes after a shower, making me run around naked.

I just want to die now…

She thought in pity of her current situation. That at least death was less humiliating than this.

It took awhile, but eventually, they made their way down from the trees, heading towards the orc settlement.

Her heart was beating fast.

Partially from fear.

Another partial from excitement.

With any luck, these stupid shit stains will bring me right to the Demon Lord. Then I’ll kill him! I will fucking kill him!

She couldn’t wait to see the face of the orcish Warchief and Demon Lord.

I will kill him.

I have to. She vowed.

As the drew closer to the village, she made sure to lift her head to watch as they entered the orc’s territory. But as she did, she started to see something strange.


The village is… hazy? Wait no? Is that water? Huh?!

She watched as the goblins carrying her friends were taken through that strange haze.

When the goblin close to the front started walking through it. Parts of his body started to disappear, as if being erased.


What is happening?!

She watched in horror as the pole her fellow soldier was attached to was pulled into the haze.

Bryan was absorb, disappearing piece by piece as his body was carried into it.


Those bastards! I’ll kill them!

She started thrashing again.

But all she got for her troubles was a flick to her forehead.

She looked back to glare at the goblin.

It just told her to be quiet by holding its finger to its covered lips again.

“HMPH!” She grumbled, as she watched helplessly as more and more of her men were subjugated to this weird amalgamation.

Does the Demon Lord really sacrifice his own men to kill intruders?

She realized that not a single goblin walking single file through the thing looked scared.

After her last Man Hennessy went through, she was the forth to last person.

Welp… guess I’ll die then.

As the goblin front of her stepped into the bubbly haze, that looked like floating water, disappearing bit-by-bit.

She closed her eyes and held her breath.

The pole kept swaying like normal, nothing felt off.

She peeked out with one eye open. But then they both opened wide.


She looked around her with wide eyes. Not even fully understand what it was that she was seeing.

What is all this?! What is this?! HUH?!

She saw strange lamp post that glowed with neither nor candles.

She looked at buildings with grey smooth exteriors that neither looked like sandstone nor marble.

The buildings themselves were massive mansion looking buildings that were tall enough that it made some buildings in the human lands look like peasant homes.

There were goblins and orcs milling about. Some at street corns laughing. Some stood by strange looking carts that seemed as if it was serving some sort of food.

As they were passing one such cart when the scent of the food invaded her nostrils.


Oh my… that smells good…

All of a sudden, they stopped. It was abrupt. It jerked her into place. The goblin in-front of her looked back to glare at the one behide her, which she herself did the same because of the sudden halt.

He the. Spoke to the goblin ahead of him. She looked towards the one in the front. The goblin at the front had wide excited eyes, then began to nod.

She looked back to the goblin behind her.

They’re not…

The one behind her turned to the purveyor at the cart. They exchanged some words. Then the goblin holding her pulled out of some sort of hidden pocket.

He handed him what looked like coins from her kingdom.

Why the fuck do they have that?!

The cart owner then handed over to wooden dowels with roasted marinated meat stuck on it.

The exchanged words again. Then the goblin in the back handed one dowel to the goblin in front.

The one behind her put the pole on his shoulder. He reach up with his now free hand. He pulled down his mask.

He then held up the dowel horizontally his to nose, then takes a long sniff of it.

She has to gulp at the sight of it.

The goblin smirks down at her. He then lowers the dowel with it’s succulent meat impaled onto it right up to her nose.

Having her mouth blocked off. She is left with no choice but to inhale that intoxicating scent of deliciously roasted and seasoned meat.

She lets out an involuntary whimper.

The smirk on the goblin’s face gets even wider.

He pulls it back, he then proceeds to slowly bite onto one piece of meat chunk at a time. Pulling it slowly down the rod, until it is loosed free. It’s juices dripping from his lip and down his chin before he has a chance to secure it with in his mouth.

Even just by watching, she can tell the meat is on another world of tender. The goblin shows no signs of struggling to chew, only a few bites are needed before he swallows what is in his mouth.

This makes her swallow involuntarily on just watching him do it.

He painstakingly repeats this process, until every last bit if meat is removed from the dowel.

As the last piece is dragged from the dowel, chewed, eaten and swallowed. The goblin smacks his lips while making a satisfied sound and rubs his belly.


Her rage must be evident on her face. Because after he pulls his mask up, lifting the pole once again. He turns towards the proprietor of the cart.

He lift up a solitary finger. She realizes he is clearly asking for another.

No! Please! Anything but this! Don’t do it again!

She can’t see the cart owns face very well, but she does hear him taking and saying things back to the goblin. They both start laughing. Then something is thrown towards her pole carrying food torturer.

He smirks at her. She can’t see it. But she knows there is a smirk behind his mask.

He reveals from his clenched fist, a single piece of meat.

Please!…. No!….

He secures his pole by his shoulder again. Reaches down with his free hand towards her face.

He pulls at something next to her head, then the piece in her mouth is released. He yanks it free, then holds up the piece if meat.

She looks at it wearily, not trusting he won’t yank it away from her. But  he instead, places it against her lips. She slowly opens then, allowing him to slide the meat into her mouth as he coos something to her.

She on the other hand, is to busy enjoying this rich flavor of delicious artisan craft of a meat dish. The meat fibers basically melt in her mouth. Just by pressing the cube of meat against the roof of her mouth with her tongue. The meat falls apart into ribbons of muscle fiber. 

The rich sauce of whatever the meat was cooked with is simply exquisite. Spicy, yet rich in its own meaty flavor. It also has a earthy flavor to it, along with garlic and onions.

She moans the whole time while slowly chewing it.

Once she finishes. She opens her eyes. To see that all eyes are own her. Wide with shock.

Her goblin captor is the first to return to a normal expression. He just smirks at her.

OH MY GOD! He fucking got me again!

She can practically feel her face melting from the heat of how red it has become.

But before she has a chance to yell. Her captor is already securing the mouth piece back over her.

He looks at her before he returns to holding his pole properly.

He holds up one finger back to his lips in a shushing manner again.

She goes back to stares dagger at him once more.


He just lets out a back of a laugh. Says something to the other goblin, then they’re moving again.

Okay… he dies second instead for that…