Chapter 102: Group To go
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James had rested for a little while. He thought needing more defense for the Dungeon. Lefi was doing a great job however he was going to need more. He thought monster girls not only protected the Dungeon but could help them grow. He could only have female monsters as well and he can't spawn any. He thought it was time to go to another world to get some.

James thought it had only been a few hours since he was back however it was important to get them as soon as possible. He thought then he could take it slow and spend time with each one of them. He looked to see Saeko sleeping. She drooled on him. James smiled. He stroked her hair gently. Saeko muttered something and smiled.

He then got up slowly and walked over to his clothes and put them on. “See you in a bit Saeko,” James said. He thought he should be back soon for them.

James left the Shrine and saw Lefi and Rei in front of him. Rei looked flustered. She was wearing a white shirt and green skirt that went to her knees. Her hands were on her hips. Lefi looked red. “James, you were with Saeko,” Rei remarked. She added, “Saya is right you are a pervert.”

James could tell she was jealous. He smiled, she looked cute. James reached around her waist and grabbed her. He pulled her towards him. “You are not mad, you just want your time,” James remarked. As Rei was about to respond, James pulled her into a kiss. Their lips met. James felt her soft lips. Rei felt his lips. They were nice. She felt her heart beat pounding. They both kissed for a few seconds until James let go.

Rei looked at him. He was right, she was feeling a bit jealous. Saeko took advantage and got James. She wanted some private time with him. “Feeling better?” James teased. He looked at her flushed cheeks. Her dazed eyes. She looked cute.

“You are a dummy,” Rei remarked. She leaned into his chest. She could hear his heartbeat. It was strong and steady.

Lefi saw everything. “Thou can go into the room,” Lefi said.

“I have not forgotten about you Lefi,” James said.

“Lefi mentioned that you fought a large black dragon,” Rei said.

James nodded, a small smirk playing on his lips. “Yeah, that beast was trying to take our precious Lefi away, claiming her as his bride,” he replied, recalling the battle. “But I wasn’t about to let that happen. I beat him, and now Lefi is mine—my bride,” he declared with a confidence that made his chest swell.

Lefi's cheeks flushed a light pink as she glanced down, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Thou art embarrassing,” she murmured. There was a warmth in her eyes, a happiness she didn’t bother hiding.

James turned to Rei, his gaze softening but still filled with determination. “Just like Lefi, I want to make you my bride too, Rei,” he said, his voice sincere.

Rei felt her heart skip a beat at his words, but she quickly masked her reaction, keeping her usual stoic demeanor. “Cut it out,” she replied, half-serious. However a faint blush creeping up her neck betrayed her true feelings. Inwardly, her thoughts danced with images of herself in a flowing white gown, surrounded by flowers and standing beside James. The idea made her smile inside.

James chuckled. They both were cute. “Anyway, I was planning to head to get some Monster girls for the Dungeon,” James said.

Rei and Lefi looked up. “Monster girls?” Rei asked. “Like those zombies?” she asked again.

“No, not really, think more like a female centaur, a creature with a human torso and animal body,” James replied.

"That be a sound notion," Lefi said. "The monster maidens art vital to the strength of the Dungeon. Without them, not only doth it weaken, but the Dungeon itself mayst wither and fade," she warned. "James’ very life is bound to the Dungeon. Should it fail, so too shall he," she warned.

Rei gasped. “Yes, she is right when I came here first, the Dungeon bonded with me,” James replied. He added, “That's why I was planning to go there and recruit some trustworthy monster girls.”

“I want to come with you,” Rei volunteered.

“I will come as well,” a voice was heard. They saw Yuriko wearing a formal red dress. She looked refreshed. Her eyes were dazzling.

“Yuriko you should rest,” James remarked.

Yuriko shook her head. “A responsible adult should come with you as well, and it sounds dire,” Yuriko responded. She had overheard Lefi explaining everything to Rei.

"It should be fine," James said confidently. "I can go alone and recruit them,” he added.

"Thou art not going alone," Lefi declared firmly.

"She's right. Thou art not going alone," Rei echoed, crossing her arms in defiance.

Yuriko smiled softly. "We are coming," she said, her voice resolute. "Besides, I can't let my daughter's husband meet his end, " she teased.

“Your husband,” James interjected.

“You are cheeky,” Yuriko replied.

“Okay, you can all come along, there is one pit stop we will make prior to coming back,” James replied. He added, “Time works differently so we should be back in an hour or two.“

“Interesting,” Rei said as she looked at James and this magical place.

“Do we need any guns?” Yuriko asked.

“Not really, it is pretty civilized and it might bring unnecessary attention,” James replied. He thought guns were a bit too much, however he needed to get something discreet for them.

"Let's grab some money and gold to take with us, so we can purchase what we need," James suggested as he summoned the lift. Rei, Yuriko, and Lefi joined him, heading toward the Vault Door. Lefi, however, pouted, frustrated that she still couldn't use the lift herself. James smiled and put a hand over her shoulder.

"Wow," Rei muttered, her eyes still full of wonder as the magic-operated lift took them down.

The lift arrived at the Vault, and the massive door slowly creaked open, revealing the dazzling room filled with treasures. Mountains of gold coins, shimmering jewels, and ornate artifacts glittered in the soft light.

"By the gods..." Rei whispered, her breath catching in her throat. She had never seen such wealth in one place. Her amazement mirrored Yuriko's wide-eyed expression.

“This is... beyond anything I could’ve imagined," Yuriko murmured.

Lefi chuckled, watching their reactions with amusement. "Aye, James doth hoard his wealth well," she teased.

“Okay, let's take some so we can buy stuff,” James remarked.

Rei and Yuriko smiled. “Diamonds are a way to a maiden's heart,” Yuriko teased.

“Good thing, I have a lot here,” James teased back. Lefi, Rei and Yuriko gathered some bags and began filling them with gold coins and other precious metals.
“We could buy a kingdom with this,” Rei said with a laugh, the gold coins jingling as she tossed more into her bag.

“We can get more coins if we like from other places, the multiverse is very vast,” James said.

“You say some crazy things,” Rei responded.

“But he is right,” Yuriko replied.

Once their bags were filled, they looked back at the vast room still overflowing with riches. Rei tied up her bag and hoisted it over her shoulder. "Well, we're set now," Rei said.

“Yes we are,” James replied as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the The Multiverse Remote. His thumb hovered over the button. “We will be going to a universe called Monster Musume,” James stated. They all nodded once more and James pressed the button. He entered the destination and pressed the green button.

A bright light engulfed them. James saw visions of different realities. He saw a woman with an Amazonian physique, standing tall at around 6 feet. She had long, flowing dark hair.

She wore a red, form-fitting bodice with a golden eagle emblem across her chest. Her arms and wrists had gold bracers.