A big yawn escaped Shortcake's mouth as she woke up. She wasn't a morning person, so the simple task of sitting up in bed was a challenge that she just conquered for the day. She was sleepy, but the sight out her window was enough to wake her up completely. All those ruined flowers... Shortcake knew that the princess would be more than upset if she woke up to see this, if she hadn't already.
In a rush, Shortcake scrambles about the castle, telling shy guys and koopas alike to get the best entertainers and most impressive chefs. They rarely asked, but those who did were told that today was going to be a bad day, and it was mandatory.
Shortcake exited the castle to hurry and fix any surviving plants that she could in the main town. Unfortunately, the wind currents were so strong that they picked the toad up off the ground and swept her into someone. She then fell flat on the gravel with an, "oof."
"Oh, are you alright," the person asked. It belonged to a man, his accent British and tone perfect. When Shortcake looked up, she could feel her heart pound a little bit heavier. He was so handsome, and his current gesture in helping the toad up was so polite and dear. He was like Prince Charming!
Shortcake accepted his help, and grabbed his hand. He lifted her up, and then asked, "are you one of the staff here? I was supposed to be meeting the princess here today."
"Ah, you must be Mr. Aduraice," Shortcake said, "she is in the castle. Sorry about the kingdom's mess—"
She couldn't even finish her apology before another hard gust of wind lifted her light body off the ground again. Mr. Aduraice quickly followed, and guided the short creature inside.
"That's alright, you can't do anything about natural disasters and the weather," he explained. Shortcake was relieved that another person agreed with her that this was just an unlucky change of events.
"And please, call me Riba," he then added, "the formalities aren't necessary."
Shortcake nodded, "right this way, Rose is in the castle," Then took the man into the castle.
"As you can see, something happened to our flowers. A big storm happened, and we don't know how. We've got a festival next week, annually," Shortcake began to share.
"She looks forward to this every year, and it's always a blast. We have racing, party games, amusement park rides, and even zoo animals. All to celebrate nature and flower life."
"So, why the animals, and carnival rides," Riba asked.
"Oh, so the children don't get bored. We also have wine tastings for the adults. Wine made from our flowers!"
Riba seemed to find that odd, maybe even disgusting, but he kept a calm face. The two walked in ( awkward ) silence for not more than a minute, and then they arrived at Rose's room. Shortcake opened the door a little bit, poking her face between the crack. Her highness was still in her nightgown, staring off at the storm outside. Shortcake sighed, and asked Riba to wait outside for a minute while she helped calm the princess. He nodded, and she entered the room.
"Princess Rose," Shortcake called out as she closed the door.
"Princess Rose, Mr. Aduraice is here. How about we get ready, now? I think he's interested in helping us fix our flower problem."
Rose looked over at Shortcake and nodded. She headed to her dressing room alone. Shortcake watched her until she was behind the door, and then waited. The winds outside weren't getting any weaker, the havoc they were causing could easily be seen out the Princess's window. Shortcake watched in concern, but it turned into fear once a tree was uprooted and flew out of the town... At least the rain had stopped.
Once Rose was ready, the two girls exited the chambers. Riba was right where he was left.
"Ah, Princess Rose," he said, before bowing and shaking her hand, "a pleasure to meet you."
Rose nodded, but said no words. This confused Riba, since he hadn't been told about the nature of the princess. The silence was awkward and long, until finally Shortcake piped up and said, "Oh, sorry Mr. Adu- I mean, Riba, Princess Rose does not speak much. She does communicate very well though, but anything that needs words will usually be spoken by me."
"Understood," Riba said with a nod.
The three walked along the palace, discussing the next steps for the festival, now that the wind currents were getting stronger. The three of them came to an agreement that this was not normal, and that this weather must've been artificially made. But none of them could put their finger on who could do something like that.
"I'll set up a meeting with Ms. Flurrie and her friends, I'm sure they might be able to do something about this weather," Shortcake said to Rose, as the three reached the entrance of the castle.
Riba fixed his coat and said, "thank you for having me, Princess Rose. I will look into this phenomenon and let you know what I find out within the week. I will also be staying with you until it's all sorted out, if that's alright?" Rose nodded, and then with their good-byes, Riba left. Once the door was shut, Shortcake tumbled over as though she had to use all her might to stay standing.
"He's sooo handsome, don't you think, Rose," Shortcake asked with a silly grin on her face. Rose blinked. She hadn't thought much about Riba in such a way. In fact, she was never told why he was even coming to visit her kingdom in the first place! Shortcake had only said that someone from a neighboring Kingdom would be arriving to her kingdom.
She gave her toad friend a shrug, which shocked her greatly.
"You don't know? How do you not know? You can see him, right?"
Rose nodded.
"Then how do you not--" Shortcake sighed, "Sorry, Princess Rose. I just worry about the kingdom's future. You still have no prince to call your own... not even an ordinary man to call your own. I know you're young, but I still worry about the kingdom."
--{ ? }--
The terrible weather in the Flowerbed Kingdom hadn't messed things up for just Rose and her citizens. Sarasaland's princess, Daisy, grew sickly worried for the safety of her friend and her people. The new donkers and their mayor, Pauline, were also heavily concerned, to the point where Pauline was setting up a construction crew to help them get back on their feet after this whole issue was over. Even Princess Peach from the Mushroom Kingdom was worried about the situation, whether she was in her humble castle or in the clutches of Bowser. But there was one unexpected person that this affected more than any of those girls.
A tall man in purple overalls and a purple shirt was yelling at his little CRT TV, which was displaying the news. He even went as far as to kick the side of the TV in anger.
The manhole above him suddenly screeched open, and a fat man in purple overalls and a yellow shirt and hat peered down at him.
"Waluigi! Keep it down! Everyone in my Castle can hear your griping through the vents! Please shut up!"
Waluigi rolled his eyes and plopped down on a cardboard box- his favorite chair.
"Shut it, Wario," Waluigi told the fat man above his home, slipping him the middle finger in the process. There was a loud grumble from Wario, and the manhole screeched shut.
"Finally some peace and quiet," Waluigi groaned. But his annoyance was not gone. Now, he would have to find a new place to steal roses from. And while all roses did look the same, or at least similar, Waluigi was a man of quality (or at least, he thinks so), and wouldn't accept anything less than the Flowerbed Kingdom's quality.
He made up his mind. He was going to be going to the Flowerbed Kingdom to see if he could snag any more flowers from there to keep in his currently low supply. That would be a long journey, so he got up and swam through the air into his bed, and went to sleep, ready for his journey to begin already.