The city of love and romance, as said by history. And also the home of the Paris Race Tournament, which was the second installment of Lord Bowser's tournament. The tournament was tomorrow, meaning Rose and her friends had arrived to their hotel just in time. The group was all thinking of going to the lower level of the hotel, where the fun and games were held so to speak. It had an age limit too, which had them all relatively curious as most of the kingdoms allowed all ages to enjoy every aspect. Unfortunately this meant that Shortcake wasn't allowed, as no one could prove her age to be appropriate — not even Rose. Thankfully it wasn't an issue, as Shortcake would get in touch with Madame Flurrie for the update on the Flowerbed Kingdom's recovery.
The adults all got dressed up in their best outfits for the outing, even if it simply meant just wearing a different dress. In some cases.
Pauline would wear a black-red gradient dress with a red fluffy shawl, red heels, and a small hat.
Daisy wore a two piece dress of orange and green that came with a sash - traditional for the kingdom of Sarasaland, and white heels.
Birdo put on a new coat, this one made of puma fur instead of leopard — and she seemed to wear twice as much jewelry, practically shining at every angle the light hit her.
Waluigi wore a white pinstripe shirt, purple slacks and a vest, accompanied by a purple fedora with a rose and polished shoes.
And Rose wore a sparkly spring-green dress with matching gloves, white heels and a boa scarf.
Both princesses retained their crowns and earrings, and Birdo had her usual ribbon but in black.
Riba did not change clothes for the outing and remained in his usual brown suit.
The group had no idea what to be expecting from this age restricted place. A performance? Music? They were all a bit curious. Well, all but Riba. He seemed to know what was here — or rather, he had an idea. He wasn't from a place so sheltered as the various Kingdoms of this part of the world.
Upon opening the door, the group was shocked by the sight ! Tables of brown wood and green velveteen, strange machines with pictures on them, and Monty Moles scantily dressed similar to that of the Bowsette girls from the race. And perhaps worst of all, was all the people mindlessly partaking in these games. Coins were placed as wagers for their wins, and most seemed to lose. Those machines rarely ever got the same three pictures in a row, people played their cards wrong... at least the music was nice ; piano and a singer whom none of the group had ever heard of. The gang would enter the room in full, taking note of the strong scent of tobacco, making all but Riba and Waluigi want to hurl.
"WAH ..... WHAT A WONDERFUL SCENT," Waluigi sighed, as if he was at peace with the world. His expression was content as Daisy, who pinched her nostrils with her fingers to keep out the scent, shook her head and said, "Wonderful? This is how the badlands of Sarasaland smell. It's anything but wonderful."
"Anyways ... let's see what there is to do around here," Pauline suggested, to which Birdo nodded her head in agreement. Pauline and Birdo would go to the slot machines, and Daisy went to the bar. Waluigi would remain with Rose, not exactly sure what to do now. Riba was also with her, but he had his own reasons to remain by her side in Shortcake's place.
"SO............ WHAT NOW?" Waluigi finally asked, to which Rose shrugged her shoulders. Riba would look at the two and ask, " well how about we go play poker ? " The two nodded, heading over to the table with a man wearing a green hat. It looked like two unfamiliar faces had similar thoughts. The table itself was a standard poker table, but with a golden grail with Bowser's face engraved into it - the place for the coin bids.
They sit down at the table. The Dealer, Luigi, sees them and says, "welcome to the Texas Hold 'em table. Tell me, do you ladies and gentlemen know how to play poker?"
Waluigi rolled his eyes and said, "Obviously we all know-"
"Uhh, Boom Boom doesn't know how to play," Pom Pom, one of the two unfamiliar people, rudely cut in, "so maybe you should go over the rules anyway."
Waluigi groans in annoyance as Luigi begins explaining the rules.
"It's a very simple. I deal you two cards, those are your own cards, don't show them to anyone. I will deal three cards on the table. Then a fourth, then a fifth card. Those anyone can use to build their hand. Best hand wins."
Luigi begins dealing. Waluigi looks at his hand: Ace of clubs and 4 of clubs. "Wah" he says as he places the 10 coin bid.
Rose looks at her hand: a pair of 7s diamond and spade. She ponders for a second and places the 10 coin bid.
Riba looks at his hand: 3 heart and 9 spade. He doesn't even bother with the 10 coin bid before immediately folding.
Luigi deals the three table cards: 3 diamond, 3 club, and 9 heart.
A pang of immediate regret hits Riba in the chest hard. "God damn it" he thought to himself "I would've had an instant full house."
The rest of the players each bid in.
Luigi deals the fourth table card: Ace of heart.
Rose checks, but Waluigi raises 100 coins. Black Yoshi calls, and everyone else folds.
Luigi deals the fifth card: 3 spade.
Riba is now internally fuming. "Are you freaking kidding me? I would've had four of a kind if I hadn't folded."
Waluigi hides his excitement as he checks, but Black Yoshi raises 400 coins. Waluigi is surprised, but he calls the 400 coins. Luigi then says, "Alright gentlemen, showdown."
Waluigi very excitedly shows his Ace and 4 cards. Luigi takes the cards "a full house, 3s over Aces." Black Yoshi shows his pair of Aces.
Luigi takes the cards "a higher full house, Aces over 3s. Monsier Yoshi wins the round."
"Wah!!" cried out Waluigi.
"Yoshi Yoshi!" exclaimed Yoshi.
Luigi begins dealing the next game.
Waluigi looks at his hand: 4 and 6 of diamond and spade. He knows its not a good hand, but he's having so much fun that he doesn't care and does the 10 coin bid.
Rose looks at her hand: 3 and J of diamond and heart. She has a good feeling and does the 10 coin bid.
Riba looks at his hand: 3 and K of club and spade. Not wanting to make the same mistake again, he does the 10 coin bid.
Everyone else at the table bids, except for Wiggler who folds.
Luigi deals the 3 table cards: 3 heart, 5 heart, Ace club.
Everyone checks, except for Rose, who raises 50 coins.
Riba, looking at his hand, feels confident and calls.
Two New Donk humans fold, the rest call.
Luigi deals the fourth table card: J of club.
Waluigi looks at his hand and thinks "all I need is a 7 and I'll have a straight. I got this." He checks.
Rose looks at her 8 and J, sees the 8 and J on the table, and raises 400 coins.
Riba folds, Pom Pom folds, Boom Boom calls, Black Yoshi and the last human fold, and Waluigi calls.
Luigi deals the fifth card: 7 of diamond.
Waluigi's eyes lit up as he saw that 7. He had a straight. He raises 500 coins.
Rose sees her two pairs, sees its not worth it anymore, and folds.
Boom Boom sees the cards, calls the 500, and raises another 200 coins.
The table goes silent as everyone stares at Waluigi. He thinks "I have the highest play, there's literally nothing he can have that's better. He's bluffing." Then he shouts "1300 COINS, ALL IN!!"
Everyone gasps and now stare at Boom Boom.
".... BOOM BOOM."
"What? You wanna go all in too?" Pom Pom asks her brother. He nods, so she reluctantly obliges, pushing in 800 coins for him.
Riba counts the coins, does the math, and thinks "there are 4940 coins in the pot. Holy cow."
Luigi looks at them and says "Gentlemen, showdo-."
The voice of an angry princess echoed through the casino as she stormed over towards the poker table. Cowering in fear, Luigi tried to hide his face with his hat, but to no avail. His hat was far too iconic of him as a Mario Bro, making it impossible to hide from the princess.
"IT IS YOU!" Daisy continued to shout, even once at the poker table, " What are you doing WORKING AT THIS ADULT-LIKE PLACE?"
"D-D-Da-Daisy, I can explain!"
The orange princess then grabbed the ear of the man and dragged him away. "ow, ow, owie," could be heard being repeated in the distance as he was dragged away.
"............" Boom boom was silent, tears welling up in his eyes. His sister approached him and pat his back.
"Hey Boom Boom," Pom Pom said, "at least we didn't lose. I mean, sure, there's no winner, but we didn't lose either."
Waluigi speaks up, "well I know I won, look, I had a 4 and 6, a straight, the highest play this game." He shows his cards.
Boom Boom reveals his cards, he also had a 4 and 6. Waluigi says "oh, you had the same thing. I guess we tied. So I guess that means we split the winnings."
Boom Boom was about to grab his coins from the grail placed in the center of the table, as was Waluigi, but suddenly, an evil laugh emerged from a speaker of sorts from the grail. It was a low-quality Bowser laugh, and soon the coins fell through the cup and into the pipes connected to the grail.
Boom Boom was silent, still as a statue. The New Donk humans awkwardly got up and left, leaving Waluigi, Riba, and Rose to be the only ones to be with the Boom Booms. They all gave each other nervous glances before looking at Pom Pom with that same expression. She sighed as Boom Boom began trembling, and soon enough, he was pounding his fists harshly on the table.
"BOOM BOOM!!!!!!" He screamed; the start to his temper tantrum. Pom Pom sighed and said, "c'mon Boom Boom, let's go back to the hotel room..." before taking him away from the table.
The trio then got up and went to the slot machines, where Pauline and Birdo were standing.
"WAH! You ladies aren't playing?????" Waluigi asked them, confused as to why they were just standing by watching someone aimlessly pulling the machine's handle, watching as the three pictures were never the same.
"All the slot machines were taken," Pauline explained, "and this guy said he'd give us the machine once he was done."
"I guess he's not though," Birdo complained, "It's been ages since we asked."
"Then let's get going," Riba said as he headed towards the bar, where Daisy had returned to with Luigi. It seemed like the two were having an important conversation, but the group just followed Riba, not wanting to get separated and spend more countless hours here. No one was really having any fun anyways.
"I'm sorry," Daisy said, still loud and bothering others a little bit. "I was just upset because we promised to tell each other everything. If you were in debt or danger, I would've been able to help you." She then began to cry.
Luigi shook his head and waved his hands in a frantic manner, trying to calm down the drama queen. " It's-a okay, Daisy! B-Bowser gave me the job, but it's-a only temporary. I'm trying to figure out the case of the mysterious metal man who looks like my-a brother."
Everyone's eyes widened at Luigi's words, and with a few more sniffles, Daisy stopped crying.
"wait, has that metal man hurt you??" Daisy asked, now furious at the thought. Luigi shook his head.
"N-No! But I think it's-a weird that someone is taking my brother's form and partaking in these races, don't you?"
"Yeah. He tried to kill me at Neo Bowser City," Daisy explained, "he shot lightning at me from his hands!" This worried Luigi, reverting him to his cowardly self.
"Don't worry, Luigi, we'll find out who's taking place as Mario and put a stop to this," Riba said, seeming pretty sure of himself about the whole thing. This gave Luigi a glimmer of hope in his eye as he said, "thank you very much."
Daisy then asked Luigi to give her all the details he knew about Metal Mario by tomorrow, and to stay safe at the casino. Again, Daisy apologized for her bad behavior, which Luigi assured her that it wasn't an issue for him, and he was sorry he didn't think to tell her when he got the job.
--{ ? }--
"The winds are just getting heavier and heavier," Madam Flurrie explained to Shortcake through a video call, "but we've managed to preserve about 70 percent of the flowers. You'll only need to grow a few replacements for the festival..." Flurrie's brows furrowed a little, giving Shortcake the impression that something was wrong, beyond the situation in Flowerbed Kingdom.
" What's wrong," Shortcake asked.
Flurrie sighed and said, "I don't know if we'll be able to get all of this fixed in time for the event. All of the damage is far too much. Even with New Donk's Construction Crew, we don't have enough people to fix the damages. It's not only the flowers that are being affected- some of the citizens' houses are being torn apart by the currents."
This would pose a problem. If the Flowerbed festival couldn't be held, it was going to be very upsetting for Princess Rose. Shortcake knew this all too well, and shook her head.
"No. Do everything you can to fix as much as possible. I'm giving you permission to use Flowerbed Kingdom's emergency funds to fix all the damages."
Shortcake then heard the sound of the door unlocking, quickly said goodbye to Flurrie, and ended the video call. The door then opened and Rose was at the doorway with Daisy and Birdo.
"Oh! H-Hello Princess Rose," Shortcake said a little nervously, having not expected her friend to return so soon. Rose simply waved, before she and the other ladies entered. They went straight to the beds, where they all sat amongst each other.
"Didn't you guys notice that Riba knew Mario and Luigi's names without either me nor Luigi actually saying either name?" Daisy asked the girls. Shortcake rolled her eyes and joined the three on the bed, saying, "obviously he knows of them- they ARE the Mario Bros after all."
Daisy shook her head, disagreeing. "No. Like, yeah they are the Mario Bros, but I don't think Riba is from around here. He didn't seem to know Waluigi, and everyone knows the Wario Bros just as much as the Mario Bros."
"Hmm..." Birdo put a hand to her chin in a thinking manner. Rose looked at her, confused. "It's possible he's from another continent. Perhaps someone should ask where he's from next time we see him? Because if he's not from around here, I'd have to admit, it's a bit suspicious."
The toad was becoming red with fury. She didn't like hearing people talk poorly of Riba- he was perfect! Charming, smart, polite, and gentlemanly. He was the PERFECT partner for Rose in Shortcake's eyes, even if Riba admitted that he wasn't really attracted to the princess. Shortcake would not allow these women to bad-talk someone she loved dearly.
"Are you alright, Shortcake?"
Shortcake shook her head to get out of her fury-fueled daze, and looked in the direction of the voice. It was Rose, with an obviously worried expression. Daisy and Birdo also had worried expressions.
"Huh? Oh. Uh..." Shortcake stammered, feeling uncomfortable, "yeah. I just need some air. I'm going for a walk." She then hopped off the bed and headed for the door. She had her key with her, but if she couldn't reach the handle she would just knock. It wasn't that late out yet, so chances were that Rose would still be awake when Shorcake returned.
As the toad left, Rose looked saddened, worried for her friend.